Pastor Mayer
Unstoppable Firestorm, North LA in Ashes
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The Illegal Trial and Crucifixion of Christ, Part 1
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The Underground Church – Is there Hope for the public Church, Part 8
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Attacked by a Perfect Storm
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Establishing the Underground Church, Part 7
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Establishing the Underground Church, Part 6
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Establishing the Underground Church, Part 5
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Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Principles in Planting an Underground Church
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Preparing for the Underground Church, Part 2
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Preparing for the Underground Church, Part 1
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Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen, Part 2
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Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen in Type and Anti-type, Part 1
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Truth Decoupled
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War in the Middle East!
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Debanking and the Rise of the Image to the Beast, Part 2
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The Resurrection of Religious Tyranny
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Debanking and the Rise of the Image to the Beast
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Parallels from the Sinking of the Titanic for the Church Today
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The Manna
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Shaking out the Mixed Multitude
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Death and Deliverance
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Weapons Against the Truth
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Locusts and Darkness: The Plagues Destroy Egypt, Shock and Awe
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The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
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COP27, the Pope and Mount Sinai
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The Consequences of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Part 2
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The Consequences of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
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The Consequences of Standing for Right in Upside Down World
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Watch out for Christian Nationalists!
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The G7, the Pope, and the Climate Club
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No Buy No Sell, the Collapse of Religious Freedom
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The Collapse of Civilization
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Famine in the Land
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Putin’s Holy War
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The Exodus: Boils and Hail – Egypt Groans under the Plagues (Part 8)
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The Exodus: Lice, Flies, and Death – The Plagues of Egypt Get Worse (Part 7)
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The Great Deception
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The Vaccine and the Sunday Law, Part 4
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Vaccine Parallels, Part 3 – What should a Christian Do?
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The Vaccine and the Sunday Law, Part 2
The Vaccine and the Sunday Law, Part 1
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America, Place Ordained for Freedom
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The Exodus: Egypt, part 6
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What to Make of Climate Change
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The Exodus: The First Plague of Egypt, Part 5
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Crumbling Society
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The Exodus: Type of Modern Israel, Part 4 (Israel’s Time of Trouble)
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The Exodus: Type of Modern Israel, Part 3 (Rulers Oppose God’s Will)
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The Exodus: Type of Modern Israel, Part 2 (Satan’s Hidden Purpose in the Welfare State)
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America’s Unsavory Destiny
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The Exodus: Types of Modern Israel, Part 1 (Prefiguring the Advent Movement)
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Truth in the Age of Deception
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The Coming Collapse of Western Societies
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Mobs, Troublous Times, and the Voice of God
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Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the French Revolution
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“For Such a Time as This” – Part 3
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The Virus Sets the Stage
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Coronavirus: Global Pandemic on Steroids, Part 2
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Coronavirus: Global Pandemic on Steroids
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“For Such a Time as This” – Part 2
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“Para Um Tempo Como Este” – parte 1
O Homem que Eu Poderia Ter Sido
Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 5
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Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 4
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Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 3
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Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 2
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Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 1
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The Smoke of Her Burning
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In an Hour Ye Think Not
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“Held by them in Common”: Is the Deadly Wound Healed?
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Mr. Trump’s National Emergency Declaration
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Deceptive Moves
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Hellfire in Paradise
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How the Greeks Destroyed the Jewish Church
Attack on the Last Generation
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Samson’s Deadly Folly: The Gates of Gaza
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Free Speech Censored!
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The Secret Hand behind the Nomination of Justice Kavanaugh
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Samson’s Deadly Folly: The Three Angels’ Messages in Type
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Samson’s Deadly Folly: The Ecumenical Woman of Timnath
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Samson’s Deadly Folly: The Secret Meeting
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The Marriage Advantage
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Evangelicals and the Trump Administration
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The Immorality of Modernism
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The Bounds of their Habitation
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Accumulated and Bound Up Together
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How Conservative Christians Elected Donald Trump
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Luther, Man of the Bible
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Elisha and the Syrian Problem
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How Close is America to a Civil War?
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God’s Final Appeal to Man
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Religious Liberty in the Age of President Trump
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Shadows of War
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The Holy Spirit: A Personality or Merely an Influence?
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The Relentless War on Cash
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“Arise, Shine,” Blazing Glory, Compelling Times
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Trump’s Dangerous Advisors
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Trump’s Dangerous Victory
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What is Jesus Doing Now?
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Elisha and the Floating Ax
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Body Count. Death in the Streets!
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The Brexit Shakes the Global Order
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Wash And Be Clean
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The Prophet of Peace and the Poisoned Pot
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Secret Havens and Hidden Merchants
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Elisha and the Shunammite
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The Pope and the Patriarch
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Climate Summit
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Is there Not a Prophet of the Lord?
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Lessons from the Terror in Paris
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The New Papal Empire
What Jesus Does When You are Taken in Sin
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A Little Visit to the Vale of Sodom
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Pope Francis Calls for World Authority to Address Climate Change
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Headship in the Bible
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Religious Liberty in the Crosshairs
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Miriam’s Folly
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The Chariot of Israel and the Horsemen Thereof
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Charlie Hebdo: Attack on Free Speech
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Mudança no jogo: A diplomacia secreta do vaticano
Amigos da Guerra, Inimigos da Paz
Vivendo no lugar secreto
O Estado Islâmico e a União Global
O surto do ebola: o micróbio assassino do inferno
O Movimento Dominical Ganha Impulso
Teatro de Guerra, Teatro de Paz
A Voz Mansa e Suave
Quaresma, o Movimento Ecumênico e o Verdadeiro Arrependiment
Quando o fogo caiu do céu
O Ponto Crítico Ecumênico
A Força Irrefreável
O Retorno do Profeta
Vivendo em um Mundo com Vigilância Total
“Calhou de Acontecer Assim”
Elias Ressuscita o Morto
Elias, O Profeta do Evangelho
Edward Snowden e o Terceiro Elias
Um Amigo de Deus
A Reforma Latina e os Trabalhadores da Hora Undécima
Cidade Confinada: Liberdade Sitiada
Chipre: Restaurando a Economia Medieval
Habemus Iesuita
A Bíblia e a Revolução Francesa
Guerra Épica do Universo
A Mão Oculta da Europa
Tempestade Monstruosa
Caminho de Emaús
As Trevas Estão Aumentando
Os Pecados de Babilônia
Convocados para as Bodas
Batalha Pela Alma da Europa
Noé e a Segunda Vinda de Cristo
Perigo! Decretada Lei Marcial nos Estados Unidos (Parte 2)
Não Ficará Aqui Pedra Sobre Pedra
Ataques Sutis da Formação Espiritual
Perigo! Decretada Lei Marcial nos Estados Unidos
Furtiva e Imperceptivelmente
A Mega Tempestade!
Sinais Proféticos de 2011
O Apelo de Noé aos Ímpios
Noé Constrói uma Arca
Aumenta a Pressão para Leis Dominicais na Europa
O Iminente Colapso do Dólar Americano
A Guerra das Versões Bíblicas
O Homem que Eu Poderia Ter Sido
As Catástrofes Aumentam Rapidamente – Parte 2 – Planeta Violento
A Igreja Emergente e a Formação Espiritual
As Catástrofes Aumentan Rapidamente
A Guerra Secreta por Terra
Como Enoque Venceu
Babel e a Globalização Moderna
Ataque Surpresa Contra a Igreja da Inglaterra
Como Nos dias de Ló…
A Conspiração Secreta Contra a Grécia
O Adorno e o Caráter Cristão
Bispos Manipulam o Congresso
Roma Exige Descanso Dominical
“Fica lá” e “Aquieta-te”
Lessons from Haiti’s Staggering Catastrophe
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O Sábado do Senhor Guardar o Sábado é Legalismo?
The Secret History of Europe
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No Fear
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They Could Have, But Didn’t
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A Place Prepared
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Babylon is Back!
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Como Os Gregos Destruíram A Igreja Judaica
Five Smooth Stones
The New Holy Roman Empire
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Economic Turmoil to Economic Takeover
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Black Saturday: Warnings from Australia’s Savage Fires
Obama Teams up with Rome
Hus the Bohemian Heretic
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The Man of Little Stature
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Obama: President of the World
Perfect Storm, Part 2
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Rome’s Global Ambitions
Into the Fire!
Perfect Storm
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When God Speaks Seven Times
Benedict Visits America and the World
Sunday Law by Stealth! – Update
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Preparing for the Latter Rain & the Sunday Law
When Babylon Rules Again: Dreams & Visions
Sunday Law by Stealth!
When Babylon Rules Again: Daniel’s Band
They Own the Night: Satan’s Banquet
Secret Forces of the Church: Rome and the Church Growth Movement
Secret Forces of the Church: Ecumenical Arrogance
Satan’s Banquet: Like the Idols of the Nations
Secret Forces of the Church: Germany Infuriates the Pope
Secret Forces of the Church: Rome’s Foot Soldiers
Take Ye Away the Stone
Matthew 24: Minutes to Midnight
Return to Purity
Calling for Sunday Rest
Benedict Lights A Fuse
O Problemática Manto De José, parte 5
Our Collapsing Constitution, Part 3 – Without Mercy or Justice
Our Collapsing Constitution, Part 2 – Architects of a New America
Our Collapsing Constitution, Part 1 – The Rise of the Surveillance State
O Problemática Manto De José, parte 4
Enemy at the Gate
O Problemática Manto De José, parte 3
The Questions No One is Asking
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What’s Behind the Ten Commandments Day Movement?
Imminent Sunday Law Agitation
Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 2
Joseph’s Troublesome Coat, Part 1
The Revenge of the Birds
The Flood of New Orleans
Wars and Rumors of Wars – Part 2
Wars and Rumors of Wars – Part 1
Jesus and the Blind Man
Torture and the Constitution
Religious Liberty Special Update
The Vatican and Benedict XVI
John Paul II and Prophecy
“For Such a Time As This” – Part 3
“For Such a Time As This” – Part 2
“Para Um Tempo Como Este” – parte 1
Tsunami – Death from the Sea
The Forerunner
The “One Sentence” Principle
How the Greeks Destroyed the Jewish Church
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America’s Power Unleashed
September 11 and the Demise of Religious Liberty
The History and Transfer of the Sacred Oracles