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The underground church represents a virtual reversal of the thinking and many of God's people about the church in general. And to a large extent it is a strange and foreign concept. We who live in free countries don't normally think about what we'll do in a time of persecution.
Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Poll: Only 16% of Americans Support the Government Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency
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Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds: ‘Highly troubling’
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AP News, by Sylvie Corbet: Pope Francis expressed “shame” for himself and the Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday for the scale of child sexual abuse within the church in France and acknowledged failures in putting the needs of victims first….
“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.” Richard Bach, Source: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. Source Reference Richard Bach Quote
Make a Gift Now Is the vaccine staging for the Sunday law? Answer: the methods being used to promote and reinforce the vaccine are similar to the way in which the Sunday law will be managed. Join us for…
CNN, by Pedram Javaheri: Extreme, climate-fueled rainfall broke records this week in a part of Italy known for its rain and an area in Oman not known for rain at all. On Monday, a series of storms put on the…
Image: Lukas Souza from Transcript of this video Source References Proposed bill would require COVID vaccine, negative test for domestic air travel ahead of holidays
The Blaze, by Carlos Garcia: Three parents filed a lawsuit accusing the California state school curriculum of violating the U.S. Constitution over an Ethnic Studies lesson that asks kids to pray and chant to Aztec gods. “Our clients are not…
“I shall have liberty to think for myself without molesting others or being molested myself.” John Adams, (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President. Source: letter to his brother-in-law, Richard Cranch, August 29, 1756, explaining how his independent opinions would create much…
CNN, by Tami Luhby: Food stamp recipients will see their monthly payments go up in October thanks to a major update to the program, even though a special pandemic boost has now expired. Benefits will jump 27% above pre-pandemic levels,…
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at…
Image: Kon Zografos from Transcript of this video Source References TikTok Under Fire Over ‘Devious Licks’ Viral Challenge Inspiring Students To Vandalize School Bathrooms
Vatican News, by Lydia O’Kane: When the Pope arrived for this Apostolic Visit to Slovakia on Sunday, the banners to greet him read “Viva Papa Francesco” or “Long Live Pope Francis.” As he departed on Wednesday, following the celebration of…
KEEP the FAITH brings you timely messages with in-depth spiritual analysis of current events in light of Bible prophecy so you can prepare for the coming of Jesus. Listen to what the news won't tell you. Important messages for our times.