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The underground church represents a virtual reversal of the thinking and many of God's people about the church in general. And to a large extent it is a strange and foreign concept. We who live in free countries don't normally think about what we'll do in a time of persecution.
Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Ukraine attacks Moscow in one of largest ever drone strikes on Russian capital
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Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds: ‘Highly troubling’
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Daily Star, Benjamin Lynch: Thousands of cases of monkeypox have been recorded in one city in South America. Local reports say 1,266 people have had the disease in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro since 2022, according to the…
“Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even…
Forbes, by Alex Ledsom: Europe plans to introduce a new biometric passport system in November 2024, followed six months later by a new travel authorization for many of its visitors—here’s what travelers need to know. Europe’s New Entry And Exit…
“There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.”Friedrich August von Hayek, (1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974. Source Reference Friedrich August von Hayek Quote .
The US Sun, by Brandon Cruz: An American has died from eastern equine encephalitis, a rare and deadly disease spread by mosquitoes. The disease has been ripping through parts of the Northeast, placing 10 counties in Massachusetts on high alert before…
ABC News, by Kiara Alfonseca: When Florida parent Rose Taylor discovered that her son’s new teacher would not use his preferred pronouns, it shattered Taylor’s perception of safety in her local North Florida school. Taylor, who asked to be named…
“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”Bernhard Haisch, (1949- ) German-born American astrophysicist, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientific Exploration. Source Reference Bernhard Haisch Quote .
USA Today, by Eduardo Cuevas and Dinah Voyles Pulver: As the planet warms, heat-related deaths are increasing in the U.S., according to a new study that looked at federally reported data since 1999. More Americans died from heat in 2023…
“If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.”Anatole France, [François-Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924) French poet, journalist, novelist, 1921 Nobel Prize in Literature. Source Reference Anatole France Quote .
Reuters, by Guy Faulconbridge and Lidia Kelly: Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday with at least 11 drones that were shot down by air defences in what Russian officials called one of the biggest drone strikes on the capital since the…
“A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt dangerous.”Alfred Adler, (1870-1937) Austrian medical doctor, psychologist and founder of the school of Individual Psychology. Source Reference Alfred Adler Quote .
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