Debanking and the Rise of the Image to the Beast
By Pastor Hal Mayer
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Keep the Faith Ministry. Today, we’re going to look at the way in which the no-buy, no-sell law will be enforced upon God’s people and upon all those who believe and practice the truth. It’s not being implemented against them right now. But the infrastructure and the practice of censoring for some people so that they cannot trade or do business or be involved in the banking sector at all is being constructed. In an amazing fulfillment of Bible prophecy, God’s people need to take heed to the warnings of God’s word and pay attention to the things that are taking place in these last days. I don’t claim to understand everything, but I’ve been studying this issue for years. And I can see the outlines of the crisis for God’s people more clearly than ever. The end is very frighteningly near. I say frighteningly because so many, even of God’s people, are going to be lost.
Let us pray. Dear Father, we are astonished at the rapidity at which the world is being made ready for the final conflict between good and evil, between Christ and Satan, between truth and righteousness, and falsehood and unrighteousness. Please make us ready for the end of time. Please help us to understand the times in which we live. And please use us to awaken our friends and relatives to the realities in which we find ourselves today. Please lead us as we study in Jesus name, amen.
Turn with me in your Bibles to Revelation 13:11-17.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon…
“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
The United States of America is depicted as this second beast of Revelation 13. And the image to the beast is being constructed very rapidly right now. All the mechanisms to enforce the Sunday law are being put in place right in front of our eyes. And there’s nothing we can do about it but pray that souls will wake up to their condition.
The counsel in the 9th volume of the Testimonies for the Church, page 11 is very much applicable to the times in which we live.
“The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.”
Are there great changes taking place at this time right now? Heretofore we have been watching developments take place that mostly affect other people, not God’s remnant people. But the agencies of evil are now pervasive in our ruling elites, in our society, and even in trade and commerce. And now we can see how it will affect us directly. And it is sobering. If ever we needed to learn dependence on God, it is now! If ever we needed to follow the counsel of the Lord, it is now!
I have long predicted that the time will come when, if you are faithful to God, you will be reduced to the barter system. You will not be able to use the banks or other financial modalities, like your credit cards, debit cards, PayPal or other methods of buying or selling. That prediction was based on Bible prophecy. But now it doesn’t really take a deep student of Bible prophecy to understand this. It is plain as the nose on your face. God is revealing it to us so that we can get ready, but also, so that no one has an excuse for not taking action to secure their everlasting life.
Now as we see the image to the beast being constructed, which is another subject for another time, we can also see clearly how they plan to restrict the buying and selling of God’s people. Of course, it’s not taking public aim at them right now. But Satan is determined to restrict them from access to anything having to do with the world and its systems.
Imagine going into a grocery store to buy groceries. You load up your cart and go over to the checkout. The check-out rings up your purchase and you produce your credit card to pay the bill. But it is declined. Now that has happened to all of us on occasion for various reasons. So, when you reach into your wallet to pull out another card to pay for your purchase. It too is declined. A third card doesn’t work either. You wonder what is going on. You cannot buy your groceries or anything else.
So, deeply concerned, you leave the store and call your bank. The agent that answers the phone is pleasant, but she informs you that your bank accounts are closed, and your credit cards have been cancelled. You call another bank where you have some other credit card accounts. They also inform you that your accounts have been closed. You call your broker, where you have your retirement accounts, only to find out that your 401K and your IRA has also been cancelled. Not only have they cancelled the accounts, but access to the money that was in them is restricted.
You ask all of them the one question that is bothering you. Why? You have good credit and have never done anything to damage your credit rating. But they politely say it is company policy and no information other than that is available.
Then you get messages from your utility provider. They claim they haven’t received payment for their services and are threatening to cut off your electricity, Internet, water and gas.
In just a few hours, your entire life has been turned upside down. You have been reduced to the barter system. You panic and attempt to open another bank account at a new bank. But your application is refused. You try another bank. But that is rejected too. You are hit with rejection after rejection after rejection. It begins to dawn on you that you have been blacklisted from the entire banking system and you will never be able to access your money through a bank or any of the services the bank offers. You realize that you will not be able to buy or sell anything. Since cash has been outlawed for some years you have no recourse, nowhere to turn. Your life has been essentially shut down and cancelled.
You begin speculating as to the cause. Could it be that donation you made to the political campaign last year, or that donation to the anti-abortion charity a few months ago? Could it be that pro-freedom speech that you made to the education board recently? Could it be because you engage in debates about conspiracy theories? Or maybe it’s because you went to a political rally, or because you have advocated not taking a medical jab. Maybe you have certain religious beliefs or attend a church that actually follows the Bible. All of these and more could trigger social and financial censorship.
This terrifying scenario might sound far-fetched. It used to be something you will find only in a dystopian sci-fi novel or movie, but it is already a reality in some countries and some places. For example, in June 2023 Nigel Farage had all of his accounts closed. He is a former member of the EU parliament, who was very “politically incorrect” and is strongly against the new world order. He described his debanking as nothing short of “political persecution.” He has subsequently been to at least seven banks asking for a personal and commercial account. But the answer has always been no.
Friends, persecution always starts in the political realm. That gets the public used to the process. And as religion becomes more and more connected to the political world by the uniting of church and state, the persecution of religious enemies and demonized citizens for religious opinions will become normalized.
Farage said that the debanking made him feel like a non-person. What does that feel like? Have you ever experienced that feeling? How does a non-person survive? He was thrown on his own resources and cannot connect in to the real world. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to be debanked? That terrifying scenario is coming to God’s people very soon. Are they ready for it? I doubt most people are . Only those who are fortifying their minds with scripture will understand how to depend on God.
Listen to this statement from Great Controversy, page 593, “Those who endeavor to obey all the commandments of God will be opposed and derided. They can stand only in God. In order to endure the trial before them, they must understand the will of God as revealed in His word; they can honor Him only as they have a right conception of His character, government, and purposes, and act in accordance with them. None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test: Shall I obey God rather than men? The decisive hour is even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of God’s immutable word? Are we prepared to stand firm in defense of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?”
That’s pretty serious. Did you notice the part that says that they have to have a right conception of God’s character, his government, his purposes, and act in accordance with them? It’s not good enough to know the truth and God’s will. When you act in accordance with God’s will, in the coming conflict you will be exposed as being against everything the world and its systems stand for. This will place you at odds with society, potentially with your family, with the commerce system and the economy, and you will be a standing testimony against the corruption and evil that is prevalent everywhere. Can you imagine not buying anything on Amazon anymore? Can you imagine not being able to buy gasoline or groceries anymore? What about pharmaceuticals or have access to hospitals and the medical system? How will you survive? We have become very dependent on all these things.
Here is another statement from Great Controversy, page 598, “It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the Scriptures what is truth, and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow his example. We should day by day study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought and comparing scripture with scripture. With divine help we are to form our opinions for ourselves as we are to answer for ourselves before God.”
Mr. Farage has three theories as to why the banking establishment is distancing themselves from him. One of his theories is his role in championing Britain’s exit from the European Union has made him persona non grata in the banking circles. He speculated that his political standing may also have been a factor. He said a banking policy that requires extra scrutiny of a “politically-exposed person” that applies to politicians and their families may have also caused his debanking. His third theory relates to allegations made by a fellow lawmaker that he received over half a million pounds from a media company that is tied to the Russian government, an accusation that he denies.
So, the take home lesson for God’s people is that they will be debanked for at least one of three reasons. First, on their promotion of views and values that are not aligned with the “common good.” Second, they will be debanked on their “politically incorrect” religious views. And third, they will be debanked on false accusations.
In his investigation Farage discovered that the bank closed his accounts and debanked him for reasons that are not related to his financial standing, but closed his accounts because, they said, his views “do not align with our values.” The bank made the decision after a reputational risk committee read a report containing several reasons why Farage did not align with the bank’s values.
That report sighted Farage’s failure to align with the bank’s ESG and diversity stance, his opposition to carbon net zero, his support of tennis star Djokovic, his support of former U.S. President Donald Trump, his criticism of Prince Charles (who is now King Charles the 3rd), and adverse press reports about Farage. Additionally, the report mentioned Brexit, which is a nominalization for Britain’s exit from the European Union. The report also said that Farage is racist and xenophobic, which Farage described as an “appalling slur.” That is a catch-all phrase for anyone that the establishment wants to demonize.
Not only does this report provide a chilling peek behind the measures that the UK banks are using to justify the deplatforming and debanking of customers who don’t fall in line with their views and the views of the establishment, but it also reveals that they are using pro-censorship activist groups when making these decisions. The activist groups were cited in the report.
Do you think that your values will align with your bank’s values when your views become demonized and blacklisted? I think not. Do you think there will be activist groups who will work to censor your life?
Debanking is a practice that is just getting started but has broad application. And when the time is right, when all the infrastructure of the levers of control are in place and refined to eliminate the bugs in the system, it will be turned against God’s people who preach the three angels messages and the second coming of Jesus. They keep the Sabbath which will be opposed to Rome’s Sunday, and their values will be entirely different than Rome’s, and for that matter, the rest of the world.
Friends, Satan is preparing the world for a final war with God’s people over Sabbath observance. And it is war.
Listen to what he says. It’s from Prophets and Kings, page 183, 184, “During the Christian dispensation, the great enemy of man’s happiness has made the Sabbath of the fourth commandment an object of special attack. Satan says, ‘I will work at cross purposes with God. I will empower my followers to set aside God’s memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath. Thus I will show the world that the day sanctified and blessed by God has been changed. That day shall not live in the minds of the people. I will obliterate the memory of it. I will place in its stead a day that does not bear the credentials of God, a day that cannot be a sign between God and His people. I will lead those who accept this day to place upon it the sanctity that God placed upon the seventh day.’”
Satan has always worked across purposes with God. That has been his purpose since he was cast out of heaven. And it is his purpose since he caused man to sin in the Garden of Eden. The great controversy has been going on ever since. It has been over the control of the human mind and whether it will receive the word of God and love the truth of God, or love deception and Satan’s lies.
Let’s read on from the passage in Prophets and Kings, “‘Through my vicegerent, I will exalt myself. The first day will be extolled, and the Protestant world will receive this spurious sabbath as genuine. Through the nonobservance of the Sabbath that God instituted, I will bring His law into contempt. The words, “A sign between Me and you throughout your generations,” I will make to serve on the side of my sabbath.’”
Satan has turned everything about God’s truth upside down. He has worked very diligently to build a global coalition that will enforce his Sunday worship. Every sector of society is becoming a tool of Satan to oppress and restrict God’s people. That includes the banking system. In fact, full control of the banking system is essential to the enforcement of the Sunday law. No law can really be enforced if it does not have economic consequences. That’s why there are fines to economically impact those who break the law. That’s why you have some penalties that involve imprisonment, because that separates the person from society and from involvement in the economic advantages of society. The contempt heaped upon the 10 Commandments and especially the Sabbath is supported by money. If you get to the root of any political problem, you will find money. The enemy is bringing everything under his control. Let’s read on.
“‘Thus the world will become mine. I will be the ruler of the earth, the prince of the world. I will so control the minds under my power that God’s Sabbath shall be a special object of contempt. A sign? I will make the observance of the seventh day a sign of disloyalty to the authorities of earth. Human laws will be made so stringent that men and women will not dare to observe the seventh-day Sabbath. For fear of wanting food and clothing, they will join with the world in transgressing God’s law. The earth will be wholly under my dominion.’”
The enemy is working every angle he can in order to stage the enforcement of the Sunday law universally. But he has to get America under control. Once America is under control, it will be easy to bring the other nations of the world into alignment with his agenda. It is a very hard task to get Americans to give up their freedom, and it’s taken a long time, but it’s happening. The enemy has almost achieved his goal. It’s been through deception and money.
Reverend Fothergill, a retired Anglican vicar, protested the LGBTQ ideology of The Yorkshire Building Society, which is a bank. The bank debanked him saying, they had ‘zero tolerance approach to discrimination’ and that their relationship with the vicar had ‘irrevocably broken down.’
Henrik Overgaard Neilsen, a former member of the European Parliament (MEP) revealed that his MetroBank account had been closed while he was a member of the parliament in 2020. Nielsen said he received no explanation for the closure even after making a formal complaint.
Professor Leslie Sawers, the Equalities and Human Rights Commissioner for Scotland, said the Royal Bank of Scotland, which she had been banking with for over 32 years, closed her account without any explanation.
Even the current UK chancellor Jeremy Hunt has been affected by the wave of debanking that has plagued the country. Before he was elected chancellor, he reportedly told colleagues that the online bank Monzo had refused to provide him an account.
Do you get the picture that there is something or someone behind the scenes that is systematically debanking these individuals who are politically involved with opposition to the elites? These are just some of the examples of the chilling turn that the UK banking system has taken to deplatform people that they see as opponents to their ideology.
But debanking is not limited to the UK. Doctor Mercola, a Florida osteopath, best-selling author and natural remedies proponent, who is the one of the most influential opponents of the COVID jab, has been debanked, presumably for his politically incorrect medical views which he has publicly stated.
He wrote on X (formerly Twitter), “In mid-July 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank canceled all my business bank accounts, along with the personal accounts of our CEO, CFO and their respective spouses and children. As it turns out, Chase Bank has been working with a key government agency involved in the unconstitutional censorship of Americans for nearly two years… In the end, I believe we will find our debanking was politically motivated… Since debanking over political and religious views is illegal in Florida, I suspect this incident will eventually be added to Chase Bank’s growing list of crimes.”
PayPal started this deplatforming about a year ago when several prominent UK groups and individuals were financially deplatformed by the U.S. tech giant.
PayPal wrote a statement which said the following, “Achieving the balance between protecting the ideals of tolerance, diversity and respect for people of all backgrounds and upholding the values of free expression and open dialogue can be difficult, but we do our best to achieve it.”
Why does PayPal conduct social engineering instead of concentrating on its core financial business and the payments that it processes? Friends, you know the reason. The whole world is creating a system whereby they can eliminate those that are true followers of Jesus and keep His holy Sabbath from accessing the financial markets and from buying and selling. Well, that’s not in the press publicly at the moment, but it is in Bible prophecy. Unless the financial sector can be controlled to the point of excluding those that somehow fall amok of the authorities or the institutions, they cannot enforce a universal Sunday law. But these days with huge multi-national companies it’s not as difficult as it once was.
Revelation 13:17 says, that those who do not accept the mark of the beast will not be able to buy or sell. It says, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
PayPal shuttered the account of The UK parents group Us for Them without prior warning and without any explanation. Their founder Molly Kingsley said, “It is extremely hard not to draw the conclusion that this is a politically motivated cancellation of an organization that in some way offends PayPal.”
The UK government has reportedly been concerned about the financial deplatforming practiced by the banks. And the treasury is expected to tell banks that they must protect free speech. Yet while UK government expresses concern about financial blacklisting, it has been pushing for technology that can make this practice of financial deplatforming more prevalent for almost a decade. It has been working on a CBDC digital currency since 2014. CBDC ‘s are a nightmarish financial censorship tool that allows governments and central bankers to control what you purchase and what you own. This control is achieved by programming the currency, and the Bank of England is a big fan of this programmability. This programmability can restrict people’s freedoms to buy or sell anything, right down to a candy bar. This digital dystopia is coming to reality whether you like it or not. And it will affect your life dramatically, especially if you are faithful and loyal to God.
But the whole issue of financial blacklisting became prominent when Canada froze the bank accounts of the truckers, who protested against COVID restrictions. While the weeks long protest nearly shut down Canada’s markets, the financial censorship of the truckers and their supporters was nothing short of persecution for political views.
Recently, text messages from Trudeau’s office revealed that they were putting pressure on the banks to freeze the accounts of the truckers even before the emergencies act came into force. They showed that there was warrantless pressure on banks to take these measures even before the authoritarian and dictatorial act was imposed.
One text said, “But we are talking with banks and insurance companies about how they can act on their own and what helpful signals we might be able to send,” and “One thing I should add-from what we hear most of the big banks are actually doing a lot of work already within the terms and conditions of existing account agreements to manage flow of funds if they suspect someone or something. That’s an angle we are looking at”
The weaponizing of banks against their own clients, or debanking them is a phenomenon that will gain momentum. It makes plans to introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) even more suspect, since CBDCs would make this sort of activity by financial institutions much easier.
The rude awakening of the “Freedom Convoy” by having access to their money in the bank temporarily denied by the government for daring to criticize the Canadian government’s COVID policies, has led to a global interest in the use of financial censorship or blacklisting as a means of controlling speech and political activity, but it could easily be used to censor religious activities and speech as well. This is a form of punishment for these people’s political views – critical of COVID restrictions, migration policy, the NHS, etc., will eventually become the model for punishment of religious views as well.
While those on the wrong side of these deplatforming experiences say that there was really no reason for it, there is actually a reason. The banks and the global elites are preparing for a much more serious engagement. They plan to impose the “mark of the beast.” They may not even realize what they’re working towards. But refusing to accept the official narrative about Sunday observance and the pressure to comply, will result in the debanking and exclusion from the marketplace of any individual who refuses to go along with the Sunday law.
That means that God’s people will be thrown on their own resources to survive. This is freighting to many people, especially to those who are living in the cities and can’t grow their own food or survive without government assistance. If you are dependent on the government you will be unable to live if you want to be faithful to God, unless God intervenes. It also suggests that we should be in very good health, and not be much overweight and eating a plant based diet or getting regular exercise in the fresh air, etc.
I don’t know about you, but I have noticed that there is a much greater tolerance for hatred against certain people who are misaligned with the dominant narrative, even as there are calls for reducing hatred against those who take a lifestyle that is against scripture. Those who are demonized as hateful are those who stand for biblical principles. Those who defy God’s plans and His work are not accused of hatred but are extolled as victims of those who uphold the Bible.
The Bible says in Matthew 24:9, 10, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”
And Jesus says in Matthew 10:21, 22, “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”
And Luke 6:22 says, “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.”
Hatred is very much a part of the end-time scenarios. Nobody likes to have tension, let alone outright hostilities between colleagues or even friends and family. But it’s coming, and we must be ready to accept that God has ordained this to happen so that we will be ready for the society of angels and heavenly beings. Why? We have to be so alienated from this world that we want nothing but the peace, the absolute peace, of heaven. The last generation on earth will have a special experience with Jesus Christ, and will have peace in their hearts amid the turmoil and conflicts and hatred of this world. It will be so singular that everyone will be convinced that they have been with Jesus. And the great multitudes of the world will be enraged against the faithful.
Listen to this statement from Great Controversy, page 582, “Many ministers are teaching their people, and many professors and teachers are instructing their students, that the law of God has been changed or abrogated; and those who regard its requirements as still valid, to be literally obeyed, are thought to be deserving only of ridicule or contempt.”
COVID-19 was a test to see if and how the world would tolerate lockdowns and control. It was a mild test, though it was a strong overreaction to the virus. But it was, nonetheless, a test to see how the nations would react on a global scale.
And now we have additional ways through technology to prevent individuals from having access to money in order to survive. This will guarantee the compliance of multitudes for fear of losing their ability to survive.
Many banking customers who have been deplatformed and debanked believe their experience was revenge for some social attitudes and views that were not shared by the banks or the political powers that be. And already they include biblical views such as these homosexuality and transgenderism.
Cash has been under attack for a while and that war is only getting worse. In fact, for years people have been willingly giving up physical currency for various reasons that don’t really matter now. What the bureaucrats fail to mention is that CBDCs are also a form of centralization, surveillance, and control that can be more easily manipulated and weaponized to enforce conformity and stifle dissent. And we can already see that happening.
The same pattern happens everywhere, one declaration being slipped in here and there to prepare the public’s opinion and test the waters. Then one day, CBDCs are here.
The USA, Brazil, Australia and many other countries have instant payment systems already. Some of them cut out the middleman (i.e. the retail banks and other institutions), enabling free, instant, 24-7 direct payments and transactions between people and also businesses.
Thanks to its convenience, instant payment systems were quickly and widely embraced by commerce, companies, and the public. On the other hand, all transaction data gets centralized on an official data collection center, in practice putting users one step closer to total control. The ease and speed of instant payment systems however also drew the attention of criminals, and all sorts of imaginable hits and scams related to the system soared almost immediately. Some people even keep a second smartphone with their primary banking apps at home, in fear of being robbed or hijacked and having their accounts wiped clean in minutes. Sometimes we forget technology is great but can also be used for (and by) bad actors.
A lot has been said and discussed about the possible consequences and potential risks of giving up personal information in exchange for convenience. Now imagine what a powerful central bank can do with the support of an evil government. Money can actually be weaponized, which is what the no buy and no sell law is all about. Do you really think your expenditures will be private, particularly if your expenditures go against the people in power?
These are but a few examples involving the use of personal financial information and property to persecute individuals and entities seen as threatening to “the system.” Individuals are being persecuted, debanked and deplatformed because they transact and donate to others deemed subversive or a threat to those in power. The Bible explains all this. No one should be left in darkness. A time of trouble is coming upon the world that will be an overwhelming surprise, especially to those who are not paying attention to Bible prophecy, or who have a reason to be in alignment with the system for survival.
Listen to this statement from Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, and page 28,“Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.”
In the coming financial environment where you have only CBDC’s in order to access your money, if you are not capable of being independent of the system, you will see no escape, no hiding, and no options but to comply with the Sunday law. Only God’s protection with complete dependence on Him, will be possible then. And I think it’s going to be much sooner than we realize. All the systems of the world are being organized to control. It is almost complete. When it is complete the Sunday law will be imposed.
Set your affections on heaven. Hide the word of God in your heart. Give heed to the lessons that you learn from the events taking place around us. And yield your life to Jesus. Become one with him. And get ready for the time of trouble.
Let us pray. Our Father in heaven, as we see the day approaching, we have mixed feelings. On one hand we are deeply troubled and on the other, we look up as our redemption draweth nigh. As the infrastructure for persecution is being developed, we see that we will have no escape except that we hide in God. Please be our God. Please help us to understand these things but also to prepare for the ultimate dystopian scenario that is coming upon the world. Help us to unite ourselves with you completely so that when these things happen, we will have your protection until Jesus comes. Please send Your Holy Spirit that we may be victorious over the enemy, in Jesus name, amen.
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