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«The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.» more…
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07 de abril de 2017 at 20:53 08Fri, 07 Apr 2017 20:53:52 +000052.And with a President who has promised to give these «Religious» institutions «whatever they want», what is to stop Sunday Observance Legislation? Not one of our Branches of Government, they are all predominately Republican.
What more clear sign can we be given, that Revelation 13 is true and accurate? That the book, The Great Controversy, by E.G. White is true and accurate?
By the time the term «Common Rest Day Act» or «National Sunday Law» is commonly mentioned in the news outlets, it will be too late to stop it, if not already passed.
In addition to now KNOWING how close we are to Christ 2nd coming, true Christians will be able to show that the same Religious Leaders that promoted Mr. Trump, are now promoting Satan’s spurious Sabbath. How wrong can anyone be?
In my humble opinion, this is WHY God, in His ultimate wisdom, allowed Mr. Trump to become President. He and the mistaken Religious Leaders MUST be fully discredited so that people will see God did NOT change the Sabbath to Sunday; and God did not want anyone, Mr. Trump or anyone to «destroy» the wall of separation between Church and State. He always gives us a choice.
This is the true beauty of our 1st Amendment. The Johnson Amendment is just a modern day «application» or «extension» of it.
This is a very strange yet very merciful act on the part of a loving God. A «Time of Trouble» such as never was is right upon us. Let us NOT be deceived and lose our souls by believing this is «good» or «right» for America.