El ex vicepresidente Al Gore pidió castigar a quienes nieguen que hay un cambio climático. Él expresó que los políticos deben pagar un precio por rechazar «la ciencia aceptada».
En referencia al sistema federal de límites máximos y comercio federal, dijo Gore, «Tenemos que poner un precio al carbono para acelerar estas tendencias en el mercado», de modo que se penalice a las empresas que superen sus límites de emisiones de carbono. «Y para hacer eso, tenemos que poner un precio a la negación en la política.»
Gore hizo estas declaraciones en el masivo festival interactivo SXSW que reúne a diseñadores, desarrolladores, inversionistas, empresarios, productores de cine y políticos para hablar acerca de la tecnología, la innovación y el futuro.
«Tenemos una fábrica de negaciones que se desencadena constantemente», dijo Gore en respuesta a una pregunta. Pero «no solo tenemos un 99 por ciento de los científicos y de todas las organizaciones científicas profesionales, sino que también ahora la madre naturaleza se está involucrando».
En una presentación, Gore mostró una diapositiva del Papa Francisco y dijo que espera con interés la encíclica del Papa sobre el medio ambiente. «Yo no soy católico», dijo Gore, «pero podría ser persuadido para convertirme en uno».
Independientemente de que el cambio climático sea real o no, con la excusa de la preocupación por el medio ambiente, la libertad de expresión está siendo atacada. En la Edad Media, la iglesia persiguió a los que se opusieron a las definiciones científicas que la iglesia aprobaba. ¿Estaremos dirigiéndonos nuevamente hacia los días medievales de Galileo?
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Craig Swift
02 de abril de 2015 at 15:29 03Thu, 02 Apr 2015 15:29:34 +000034.You do understand the penalties he’s talking about is political as in we the voters should vote these deniers out of office. Climate change real or not? It’s real and man is destroying this planet just as the Bible predicted…Why can’t Christians see the Climate Change is a part of end time prophesy as much as rampant moral decay? The Pope should not be allowed to speak before Congress…while I agree that Climate Change is a real issue the Pope nor any other religious leader representing any faith should be addressing the nation from Congress… .My liberals friends including Gore wouldn’t be so excited if the Pope were addressing abortions from Congress…
03 de abril de 2015 at 16:02 04Fri, 03 Apr 2015 16:02:51 +000051.A political price is only the beginning. Pr. Mayer
03 de abril de 2015 at 16:06 04Fri, 03 Apr 2015 16:06:18 +000018.Freedom of speech is a principle of the US Constitution. One can make all kinds of stupid claims that he wants. Some may even believe him. He still has the right to make his point even if he’s wrong, or irrational. If he is a politician, he could lose an election and pay a political price, just for being wrong. Gore is suggesting a penalty (and I’m not sure it would be limited to political) on those who are unwilling to yield to the climate change juggernaut, whether right or wrong. One of the points of the article was to show the connection to Rome, and the support climate change gets from Rome. Whether human induced climate change is true or false, it is being used to bring on global controls over sovereign nations, which was another point of the article. This inevitably assists with globalization, which is destined for global worship according to Revelation 13:8 You cannot have globalization of worship, if you don’t have globalization of government, economy, society, etc. That is the prophetic link. Pr. Mayer
Craig Swift
02 de abril de 2015 at 15:34 03Thu, 02 Apr 2015 15:34:20 +000020.You do know the every so called scientist that is a Climate Changer denier is paid for by the fossil fuel industry…everyone of them…LOL You have James Inhoufe R OK and Ted Curz R Texas making a completely fool of themselves and outright lying and misleading and confusing the public on Climate change although they are not the only ones and Gore as well as many other feel like there should be a political price… as in getting voted out of office. In no way did he suggest a fine or monetary price….
Kevin H. Patterson
03 de abril de 2015 at 20:40 08Fri, 03 Apr 2015 20:40:13 +000013.Al Gore has just as much right to «freedom of speech» as climate-change deniers. I see no evidence whatsoever, in this article or elsewhere, that he is suggesting any restriction of that basic freedom. Politicians do have a responsibility to back up their views with solid evidence, scientific or otherwise; the public deserves and should expect it.
Galileo is actually an example of the Church opposing scientific discovery, not the other way around…
Alix Romanov
03 de abril de 2015 at 21:31 09Fri, 03 Apr 2015 21:31:00 +000000.We knew this was coming. Watch the money…the money is all they want. It’s not about global warming, it’s all about global socialism. So many scientists have come forward and confessed they skewed the numbers on global warming to make it sound like the planet is warming. And it is Al that often profits from these phony “man-made” global warming scams by selling carbon credits. God is in control of the climate of His world. God & God alone is in charge of the cycles of His creation. God doesn’t ask us to worship nature and waste money on the things that will eventually pass away. We should spend money Biblical literature, go on speaking tours, etc. for the salvation of souls. Global warming only lines the pockets of souls who care nothing but worshiping the earth.