“Probably we should be debating a bill requiring every American to attend a church of their choice on Sunday to see if we can get back to having a moral rebirth.” Sylvia Allen, Arizona State Senator during a Senate subcommittee meeting.
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Kent Pitman
Tuesday May 26th, 2015 at 09:37 AMSounds good on the surface but it doesn’t work. Constantine tried that back in the 4th century and it was one of the worst things to ever happen to the church. You can’t legislate Christianity. Christ calls us, convicts our heart and we make the decision to follow him or not.
paul Brown
Sunday May 31st, 2015 at 05:33 PMAnd when ever church and state unite an innocent victim is sacrifice. Sylvia Allen needs to go back and do some studies on how the Roman Catholic Church wage war against the citizens of Europe. All hell will soon break loose in America and the world. Many believe that we are to abandon our beliefs and join with Rome, but such will not save us from the wrath of God.