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The underground church represents a virtual reversal of the thinking and many of God's people about the church in general. And to a large extent it is a strange and foreign concept. We who live in free countries don't normally think about what we'll do in a time of persecution.
Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Poll: Only 16% of Americans Support the Government Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency
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Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds: ‘Highly troubling’
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The most senior Catholic Bishops in Australia have intervened in the federal election. They warned Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten not to undermine traditional marriage in a statement that threatens to reignite tensions inside the Coalition government. The statement says,…
Boris Johnson, former mayor of London says that the European Union is trying to create a powerful superstate, similar to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, but using “different methods,” but they share the aim of unifying Europe under one “authority.” He…
“The danger of a terrorist group obtaining and using a nuclear weapon is one of the greatest threats to global security.” U.S. President Barack Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit of more than 50 world leaders in Washington. Source Reference…
In the wake of the Obama Administration’s effort to make U.S. toilets available to all those whose gender identity is different from their biological identity, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister is planning to push through legislation to give “full protection,”…
Liberal Harvard Law Professor Mark Tushnet claimed in a recent blog post that Christians and other conservatives have lost the “culture war” and that those with such religious and political views should be treated like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germans were…
“Well you could say that once upon a time it served a useful purpose, in confining Germany. You could make that case – and I really bought into this in the 50s. But it’s passed its sell-by date; it’s served…
While Europe and the British Isles known for its lack of “revival” activity, there is a charismatic movement in Portsmouth England that is having an enormous impact. Run by Steven Halford who is pastor of the Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican…
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