According to a postal plebiscite vote (non-binding), 60 percent of Australian citizens support a change in the law to permit same-sex marriage with all the rights and benefits that heterosexual couples have. Weeks of arguments before the vote didn’t really change anyone from one side to the other.
The majority of Australians also believe that business owners should not have conscience rights to refuse service to gays and homosexuals.
The “yes” argument was that it promoted same-sex marriage and so-called “equality.” The “no” argument was that it was a threat to religious freedom, for example bakers being forced to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples or schools being required to teach about same-sex relationships.
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Including arguments about religious freedom, made no significant difference to the results, the center’s analysis found, indicating that “both arguments carry equal force, cancelling each other out,” and that therefore “these common arguments for and against [same-sex marriage] appear to have very little impact on respondents’ expressed support for same-sex marriage.”
Parliament is the only entity that can change the law. It remains to be seen what parliament will do.
“Likewise also, as it was in the days of Lot…” Luke 17:28.