El 31 de octubre habrá un día de celebración ecuménica en Lund, Suecia con motivo del inicio de la Reforma Protestante. Y el Papa Francisco llevará a cabo un servicio de adoración con el fin de conmemorar el 500° aniversario de la publicación de las famosas 95 tesis de Lutero en la puerta de la capilla de Wittenberg.
La reunión ecuménica contará con la presencia de líderes de la Federación Luterana Mundial, así como representantes de otras iglesias cristianas.
La reunión pondrá de relieve los acontecimientos ecuménicos importantes que han tenido lugar durante los últimos 50 años de diálogo entre católicos y luteranos. La programación contará con un servicio de adoración basado en la guía católico-luterana «Oración Común» publicada conjuntamente por el Consejo Pontificio para la Promoción de la Unidad Cristiana y la Federación Luterana Mundial.
Y las iglesias luteranas se maravillaron en pos… Ver Apocalipsis 13: 3.
Source Reference
05 de febrero de 2016 at 15:40 03Fri, 05 Feb 2016 15:40:50 +000050.Why beg people to accept you. People are very needy for any acceptance even if it means Turing a definite ear.
06 de febrero de 2016 at 16:54 04Sat, 06 Feb 2016 16:54:42 +000042.It will used for good as well: http://www.empowermissions.org/empowerlund2016/
Doreen Gordon
08 de febrero de 2016 at 16:31 04Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:31:02 +000002.I have heard about these things since I joined the remnant church of God. They are blatantly here and wonderings are now of the past. Prayer to remain faithful must immediately be in motion as the sifting process goe on.
Pastor Justis
23 de marzo de 2016 at 13:24 01Wed, 23 Mar 2016 13:24:35 +000035.The Lutheran church leaders have turned their backs on their founding father and reformer. WoW!!! Talk about a slap in the face to those who stood for truth and the persecutions that followed at the hand of this corrupt system. The Catholic church has not changed its stance regarding their teachings. It is still a system that is based on works. Not only that, it the system that is empowered by the Dragon, Satan, Rev 12:7-9. This apostasy by the Lutherans is indicative of a leadership that has turned its back on history and the Bible. How sad. I use to respect the Lutheran church by not any more. «We have nothing to fear for the future lest we forget how God has led us in the past.» Lutherans have obviously forgotten.