In what is a surprise to many Seventh-day Adventists, a General Conference Representative was involved in an ecumenical audience with the pope on Wednesday, October 12, 2016. Seventh-day Adventists are not supposed to be engaged in ecumenical affairs.
“Each year, the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions (CS/CWC) brings together the Secretaries/General Secretaries of world communions (including Baptist, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Reformed, Anglican and Orthodox) and ecumenical organizations such as the World Council of Churches, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Global Christian Forum,” wrote Bishop Dr. Harald Rein, Secretary of the International Bishops’ Conference, who represents the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht.
While this is not an official meeting (it never passes resolutions or holds a press conference), nevertheless this ecumenical gathering has been conducted annually for the last 20 years. How long Seventh-day Adventists have been involved is unknown. But they are certainly spending money, presumably tithe, to do this sort of thing. The secretary of the group is Ganoune Diop, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The conference is hosted at the “headquarters” of one of the member churches each year, and this year the group was invited to the Vatican, the seat of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Members stayed at the convent of the Sisters of Holy Child Mary in Vatican City.
The primary aim of the conference is to “enable the members to inform each other about important events and current developments in their churches,” wrote Rein. “Each meeting also has an overarching theme of current interest. This year, as in 2015, the conference focused on the compatibility of bilateral dialogues between two churches with respect to a third church… The discussion centered on… the right methods… the different aims, strategies and definitions of “unity” and “full communion.”
The ecumenical meeting included an audience with Pope Francis before his Wednesday general audience. He made a few off-the-cuff remarks.
In his brief address, the pope referred to two phrases used by Dr. Martin Junge, General Secretary of the World Lutheran Federation: “Jesus is with us,” and “Jesus is journeying with us.” “These phrases made me reflect, and they pose two questions: am I capable of believing that Jesus is with us? Am I capable of journeying with all, together, and also with Jesus? Often we think that ecumenical work is only that of theologians. It is therefore important that theologians study, they agree, and they express their disagreement: this is very important. But in the meantime ecumenism journeys on. It journeys with Jesus, not ‘my Jesus against your Jesus’, but with our Jesus. The journey is simple: it consists of prayer, with the help of others. Praying together: the ecumenism of prayer, for each other and all for unity. And then, the ecumenism of work for the many who are in need, for many men and women who today suffer as a result of injustice, wars, these terrible things… All together, we must help. Love for our neighbor. This is ecumenism. This is already unity. Unity in journeying with Jesus.”
The pope went on to add that there is another form of ecumenism that typifies our age: that of blood. “When terrorists or world powers persecute Christian minorities or Christians,” he observed, “they do not ask: ‘Are you Lutheran? Are you Orthodox? Are you Catholic? Are you Reformed? Are you Pentecostal?’ No. ‘You are Christian.’ They recognize one only: the Christian. The enemy is not wrong: he recognizes where to find Jesus. And this is the ecumenism of blood. Nowadays we are witnesses to this, and I think of the Orthodox brethren beheaded on the beaches of Libya, for example: they are our brothers. They gave witness to Jesus and they died saying, ‘Jesus, help me!’ With His name: they confessed the name of Jesus”.
“Therefore, ecumenism in prayer, ecumenism in our journey, and the enemy teaches us the ecumenism of blood. Thank you, many thanks for this visit.”
Obviously, ecumenical gatherings like this are designed to lead the churches closer to each other and particularly to Rome. God’s word forbids this. There is only one place where it leads – Sunday laws.
“The wide diversity of belief in the Protestant churches is regarded by many as decisive proof that no effort to secure a forced uniformity can ever be made [see Revelation 13]. But there has been for years, in churches of the Protestant faith, a strong and growing sentiment in favor of a union based upon common points of doctrine. To secure such a union, the discussion of subjects upon which all were not agreed–however important they might be from a Bible standpoint–must necessarily be waived.” The Great Controversy, page 444.
“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood.” Psalm 94: 20, 21.
Source References
Photo Credit: L’Osservatore Romano
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:47 AM…..and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev 13:3
Marie Francois
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 03:45 PMWe must trust only God and the Bible in matters of faith. And the Bible says “Come out of Babylon my people”
Sunday November 20th, 2016 at 06:21 AMIt seems to me there is a coming together of “the same” all over. There are single individuals comming together with Jesus in a live relationship with the Father Son & Holy Spirit. And there is a comming together of people, looking towards individuals, organizations, churches, etc., to show the way towards what those individuals, organizations, churches, etc., percieve as the truth & way to selvation.
Personally, I hold on to the Word & its roots from hence it came, & the Holy Spirit to guide me in Truth & Life, as paid for by Jesus in order to have relationship with my Father in heaven
Thompson Ericho
Tuesday June 6th, 2017 at 10:34 PMCan the SDA GC president clarify on the church’s standing in this issue? If a GC delegate was sent to attend this meeting, please explain the reason. There are counter Adventist organisations that a hyper sensitive in reporting Adventist’s involvement in such gatherings.
Sunday June 11th, 2017 at 06:23 PMUh, this man Diop was not merely an attendee. He is the Secretary General of this ecumenical group. He is therefore the leader. That means he had a lot to do with organizing the meeting with the pope in the first place. It is far more offensive than merely an attendee. Please go back and carefully read the article and the supporting documentation. You missed something very important there.
Linda Beldin-Korter
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 03:25 AMSince this conference met from 10-11-16 through 10-13-16; there is no evidence to support that the SDA conference was only there for one day. Reading all 3 of the links posted leads more to the thinking that the SDA conference was likely there all 3 days, as that is what the invite was for.
Conncern SDA
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 03:49 AMThis make me feel very sad that our church attends this type of papacy audience .. But we must remember that our salvation does not depend on man nor a religion but on Jesus .. We know that satan will try to fool us but keep looking to Jesus and what he says in his Word…
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 01:52 PMAmen to that. I totally agree with you with everything you said…. it is very sad and surprising. Blessings.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 09:29 PMGod has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Where Christ is even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, for the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church. – {Ellen G. White, Upward Look, 315.5}
BJ Giauque
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 at 11:14 AMIf you want to use Ellen G White for a reason to stay in this wicket church you can also use her to get out. Read about her vision in Early Writings pages 54 – 56 and then get out of the SDA church as fast as you can. I did. I personally think Jesus left the SDA church after she adopted the Catholic Trinity and became Catholic herself.
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 02:11 AMAmen to that the BIBLE say for many are called but few are chosen. Salvation is individual our leaders can go astray but let’s hold fast till he comes.
Daneen Dustin
Wednesday December 7th, 2016 at 12:33 PMThe enemy has been inside the holy mountain for a long time now…the people just didn’t pay attention and keep watch like they were supposed to do. The people became to comfortable and allowed confusion to enter in unannounced yet obvious, and they allowed people to come into the church to teach Rome’s lies. And sadly, now that the attention is greatly needed, the congregations don’t remember, or even know truth.
We are coming into a time where our FAITH MUST be strong! We must know what the Word of God says for ourselves, for it is through His words that the enemy is defeated. We must put on the whole armor of God right now and pray for God to send HIS Holy Spirit to guide and teach us. “IT IS WRITTEN “! We do not know for how long we will have these two witnesses with us, so we must have His Word within us. Internalized. He is our strength. Rome cannot take what you will not give!
I’m not a legal member of the SDA church but, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is the remnant. So…instead of worrying…pray and speak out ! Say NO to Rome!! Become the Martin Luther of today and Speak with the power God gives you to speak out against what is happening within the church! If the general counsel is not acting in the capacity it should, as Seventh Day Adventist’s were told to act… Biblically speaking and prophetically speaking, why isn’t anyone standing up to tell them that THEY MUST COME OUT OF HER!? When you allow the enemy into your churches to teach your children, knowing they are teaching false doctrine, you can expect your next generation to join the enemy. We are the watchmen on the walls of Zion! Why are we watching and not screaming to the highest hills ?!!
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 06:46 AMThis is serious. As far as I can see the conference and it leadership has firm an alliance with Rome and the devil. How can we trust the Ted Wilson. ?
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:09 PMBrothers and Sisters, let us contemplate on what God said in Revelations 14 (Three Angels’ Messages). “Come OUT of her (church) my people,” God said.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:27 PMThe SDA Church is not Babylon until God’s sacred oracles have been transferred elsewhere. That has not happened yet, as far as I can tell. There is no church that has taken its place as the depository of sacred oracles, which is one of the key indicators that God has switched churches in history. Plus, when He has done that in the past, He has always added to the sacred oracles. However, that does not mean that there will not be abominations going on in the church. Satan must manifest himself in the church as well as in the world. That’s part of the end-time scenario. Don’t be too quick to judge the mind of God. Pastor Mayer
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 06:26 AMthat apostle Paul wrote..Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.Philippians 2:12
Angela Kurtz
Tuesday March 21st, 2017 at 05:10 PMIsn’t that Revelation 18:4?!
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 07:43 AMI read this article a few minutes ago on Facebook. I was in such shock and disbelief. I posted it to a private Facebook group which I belong to called SDA Last Day Events. Several people left comments such as “This isn’t news, it’s been going on for years,” and that “there’s been corruption in the GC for longer than we know. My heart is saddened; however EGW predicted this type of thing would happen within the SDA movement. Very sad…and BTW Pastor Hal, I look forward each month to receiving your CD’s!
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 01:21 PMPapal involvement in world affairs is not new. The push for a Sunday Law is not new. And though ecumenical engagement is not new, this was new event, and a reminder that we are living in the last days. We report on it today because the events signal the coming of Christ. How can your friends be so complacent and self-righteous?
Tuesday November 22nd, 2016 at 12:32 AMI agree to “admin” comment, it is based on Revelation chapters 1 to 2, the passing of the gospel commission ( sacred oracles) throughout christian dispensation involves the removing of candles stick and passing it to the next generation church of the same. It is clearly explained in the writtings of Ellen White. But it is no doubt that such move signals a serious prophetic fullfilment. Lets be watchfull and earnest in prayer.
Sunday December 25th, 2016 at 07:33 PMAdmin:
How about the #2 fundamental belief that completely changes our SDA religion?
“Q. What is Sunday, or the Lord’s Day in general?
A. It is a day dedicated by the Apostles to the honour of the most holy Trinity, and in memory that Christ our Lord arose from the dead upon Sunday, sent down the holy Ghost on a Sunday, &c. and therefore is called the Lord’s Day. It is also called Sunday from the old Roman denomination of Dies Solis, the day of the sun, to which it was sacred.” — (The Douay Catechism of 1649, p. 143)
“Our opponents [Protestants] sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in Scripture (ignoring that it is only on the authority of the Church we recognize certain Gospels and not others as true). But the Protestant churches have themselves accepted such dogmas as the Trinity for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels…” (Life Magazine, October 30, 1950)
Pastor Richard P Mendoza
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 08:06 AMIts better to be informed about what their plans are first hand, then guessing and gossiping about what they might have said.
If one of you family members died, like your wife’s mother who was a Roman Catholic nun, would you think it evidence that your Adventist pastor was in cahoots with the Catholic church because he attended?
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 01:35 PMPastor, this man is not just attending. He is the secretary of this ecumenical organization. He’s in deep. Admin
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 01:59 PMYoh now that’s deep
odette boily
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 11:14 AMTrue it is good to be well informed as this ministry is doing. And it is good to gather people of different faiths to discuss these matters. But to meet at the Vatican and having the Pope as the host is not understand our true calling.
Did this man tell the Pope about his stand against the Papacy? I surely hope he brought some Great Controversy books with him and gave all the attendants a copy as we did when we distributed the Great Controversy inside the Vatican in the 1990’s to as many people as possible then we left.
Some even wrote to let us know how much they appreciated the book.
It is too late to parley with the enemy as we see the very words of the Spirit of Prophecy come to pass.
Monday November 28th, 2016 at 08:39 PMWe can’t be sure that those who do such things are truly Adventist. The Bible tells us grevious wolves will come into our fold not sparing the flock. Spirit of prophecy tells us the church will look like it is about to fall, but it will go thru to the end. Also, she tells us the church is NOT Babylon, period. Remember, the remnant are those who remain, the remnant do not separate from the church, they are the ones who REMAIN steadfast to the end. Our only safety is in study and prayer with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Faith is what we need, faith is what we need! Claim the promises of God and be encouraged!
odette boily
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 11:14 AMTrue it is good to be well informed as this ministry is doing. And it is good to gather people of different faiths to discuss these matters. But to meet at the Vatican and having the Pope as the host is not understand our true calling.
Did this man tell the Pope about his stand against the Papacy? I surely hope he brought some Great Controversy books with him and gave all the attendants a copy as we did when we distributed the Great Controversy inside the Vatican in the 1990’s to as many people as possible then we left.
Some even wrote to let us know how much they appreciated the book.
It is too late to parley with the enemy as we see the very words of the Spirit of Prophecy come to pass.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 09:02 AM“But they are certainly spending money, presumably tithe,”
Me and my family faithful give our tithes every sabbath, I’ve always been concerned about the subject only because I personally don’t agree with a conference receiving the tithes and just this statement in the arrival above makes me question it even more! Lord have mercy.
Everold Bharath
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 09:41 AMWe need to have the conference that we are governed by held responsible for any of these actions they may engage in.
They are playing games with our tithe and firings need to take place and that policy needs to be removed from the us.
Stand for something or blend in and fall.
Roy A Laues Jr
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 09:48 AMIn the Great Controversy it says that there will come a time when Brother will turn against brother and sister against sister and so on…. Please keep in mind that this does not only mean blood relatives. The Adventist faith will be drawn and split in this coming last folding of the pages of time and many of our own leaders will be fooled….and even the very elect will be deceived….. The point is, salvation is an individual thing not an Adventist thing, Adventism is a path not the way…..Jesus is the truth the light and the way………keep praying and hold on….Elder RL
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:10 PMI give my tithe directly to a missionary volunteer.
Monday June 12th, 2017 at 02:20 AMMe too. Here in kenya must is happening. Let’s pray for one another.
Maureen Monteith
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 07:11 PMThe Apostles would rejoice to see our day…Or Saviour is coming soon….am not’s day to weep between the porch and the alter…let’s seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May we begin to spend time at the mercy seat that we may find grace and favor…..brethren let’s pray that God will keep us faithful…..that we may not sell our Saviour for 30 pieses of silver. Didn’t Jesus told us if these things…let’s get our houses in order. Thanks for the info…MARANATHA!!!
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 10:44 AMI am glad to see that you are reporting on this. This certainly lets us know that Christ’s return is nearer than we may know.
sepsi margit
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 10:48 AMIt is very sad. I think our leaders are Jesuit puppets. Hope next year in Colombia,Ted Wilson will go himself and will kiss the pope`s hands. God have mercy on us. Sure,Jesus is coming back very soon.In a little while we are going home. I want to see Jesus. What about you? Keep the Faith,spread the Gospel !!!
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 11:17 AMthis is old news we adventist have had a man there since early 60s as advisor
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 01:44 PMWe report on current events in the light of Bible prophecy. There may have been a man involved in the ecumenical movement since the 60s, but when something like this happens it is important that God’s people are reminded that we are truly near the end of time and that we should not lean on the arm flesh, but on Christ. While you appear disinterested, others are not. Our mission is to help people get ready for the coming of Christ by sharing the evidence that He is coming soon. Pastor Mayer would not be a faithful watchman if he did not report on these things. Admin.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 12:45 PM“I was pointed to those who claim to be Adventists, but who REJECT the PRESENT truth, and saw that they were crumbling and that the hand of the Lord was in their midst to divide and scatter them now in the gathering time, so that the precious jewels among them, who have formerly been deceived, may have their eyes opened to see their true state. And now when the truth is presented to them by the Lord’s messengers, they are prepared to listen, and see its beauty and harmony, and to LEAVE their former associates and errors, embrace the precious truth and stand where they can define their position. {EW 69.2}
“The voice from Battle Creek, which has been regarded as authority in counselling how the work should be done, is no longer the voice of God.”–17MR 185 (1896).
“It has been some years since I have considered the General Conference as the voice of God.”–17MR 216 (1898).
“That these men should stand in a sacred place, to be as the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the General Conference to be–that is past.”–GCB April 3, 1901, p. 25.
Joseph E. Nwachukwu
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:04 PMThank you so much Pastor Mayer for this straight testimony and prophetic insights. It is such a wonder how our so called GC leadership under Elder Ted Wilson and the likes of Mr.Diop would not see what you see, or nurse the same concerns that you and our readers here share.
Moreso, they have ignored the clear prophetic utterances as verbatum laid out through the wonderful ministry of our last day prophet and Messenger- Mrs. E.G. White. Either they do not believe in the SOP anymore or they are straight laced ignorant and non challant of its efficacy.
The most painful is that these meetings are conducted in secrecy and without consultation with the general sentiments of the general world churches of SDAs. His father, Elder Neal Wilson, in a later revealed court deposition and during his tenure as the GC president, made a similar statement under oath that would be seen to have perjured the official position of our movement with Rome. These bold actions, of his father’s court statements and Ted Wilson’s stealthy but insidiously cooperating with Rome behind the scenes, leaves a fair minded person to surmise that they are Jesuit implants within the church.
How long shall we keep silent and allow these fakes to hijack the leadership of the church to our spiritual ruin. Didn’t Mrs. White caution that we should not remain silent in the face of such apostasy? Though I do sincerely believe that God is in control all the time, but is He not expecting us to do something in the face of such denials of Him and His servant’s prophetic utterances?
Please Pastor Mayer, I need guidance in the best route of action to take in other to confront this malady evident within the hierarchy of the church? God bless.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:25 PMSigh and Cry… Speak to those in responsible positions. Follow the counsel of the Lord in your life. And get ready for the crisis.
Joseph E. Nwachukwu
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:11 PMNOT TO SIT IN QUIETUDE, DOING NOTHING.
It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger…. A vast responsibility is devolving upon men and women of prayer throughout the land to petition that God may sweep back this cloud of evil, and give a few more years of grace to work for the Master. – The Review and Herald Extra, December 11, 1888. LDE 126.3
Those who are now keeping the commandments of God need to bestir themselves that they may obtain the special help which God alone can give them. They should work more earnestly to delay as long as possible the threatened calamity. – The Review and Herald, December 18, 1888. LDE 126.4
Let not the commandment – keeping people of God be silent at this time as though we gracefully accepted the situation. – The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:975 (1889). LDE 127.1
We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual prayer should be ascending to heaven that this calamity may be deferred until we can accomplish the work which has so long been neglected. Let there be most earnest prayer and then let us work in harmony with our prayers. – Testimonies for the Church 5:714 (1889). LDE 127.2
There are many who are at ease, who are, as it were, asleep. They say, “If prophecy has foretold the enforcement of Sunday observance the law will surely be enacted,” and having come to this conclusion they sit down in a calm expectation of the event, comforting themselves with the thought that God will protect His people in the day of trouble. But God will not save us if we make no effort to do the work He has committed to our charge…. LDE 127.3
As faithful watchmen you should see the sword coming and give the warning, that men and women may not pursue a course through ignorance that they would avoid if they knew the truth. – The Review and Herald Extra, December 24, 1889. LDE 127.4
Oppose Sunday Laws by Pen and Vote
We cannot labor to please men who will use their influence to repress religious liberty and to set in operation oppressive measures to lead or compel their fellow men to keep Sunday as the Sabbath. The first day of the week is not a day to be reverenced. It is a spurious sabbath, and the members of the Lord’s family cannot participate with the men who exalt this day and violate the law of God by trampling upon His Sabbath. The people of God are not to vote to place such men in office, for when they do this they are partakers with them of the sins which they commit while in office. – Fundamentals of Christian Education, 475 (1899). LDE 127.5
I do hope that the trumpet will give a certain sound in regard to this Sunday – law movement. I think that it would be best if in our papers the subject of the perpetuity of the law of God were made a specialty…. We should now be doing our very best to defeat this Sunday law. – Counsels to Writers and Editors, 97, 98 (1906). LDE 128.1
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 02:52 PM11% of our church members are reading E.G. White the rest is against Ellen White especially in Germany, SDA in Germany joined years ago the ecumenical movement and they think this is good, I did have a discussion with our previous Pastor he said it is important for us to have conection with other denominations, I thought the only conection should be with God, when we read Ellen White we know exactly that we shouldn’t be in ecumenical but when not read you will be open for unity with others, we have to love them but we can’t be one with them.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 03:32 PMOur church was sold long time remember Jesuits are in side SDA Church
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 04:30 PMWe recommend that you not say things you cannot document from credible sources. Admin.
Daniel C Welker
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 05:43 PMAdmin sounds complicate with the ecumenical movement now. Go watch Dr. Walter Veith’s videos. Jesuits HAVE infiltrated EVERY church including ours. don’t lull yourself to sleep. wake up and be aware of the danger and get back to the pillars of our faith. Study present truth and be aware of exactly what is going on. The proof is out there. Go find it. Telling people not to say things they can’t document from credible sources is another way of saying “I am too lazy to find it myself” or “I am part of the problem”
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 06:05 PMPastor Mayer has documented many things about the Jesuits, as you would know if you are a long time listener or reader. He is not part of the problem. Neither is he lazy. If he had credible evidence he would report on it as he has faithfully done many times in the past, Daniel. What may be true, is not always documentable. What one believes is not always verifiable. He did not faithfully report on this rather politically incorrect item to provide a platform for undocumented claims and railings against church leaders or anyone else for that matter. He documented it to encourage crying and sighing among God’s people. Stay credible. Blessings, Admin.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 03:45 PMThis happen very sad, olso they change our símbolos of tree Angels, what time we living?.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 04:51 PMDear Brethren,
There is a remnant. See Isaiah 8:20; Revelation 14:12;18:1.
It can be found in the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement.
God’s blessings,
Craig Cunningham.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 06:04 PMI have a lot of good friends in the SDA Reform Movement. They are more faithful to the message. I’m not convinced they are the remnant of the remnant however. That goes beyond inspiration to say that.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 07:46 PMPolynésie Française, je suis surpris que l’un de nos dirigeants participent à ce genre de réunion Oeucuménique. Avons-nous notre place au milieu d’eux ? Or, que pour toute chose, seul “CHRIST” nous guide. Pour se rendre jusqu’à Rome, non plus nous n’avons pas notre place la-bàs, L’Esprit de “DIEU” nous guide et nous oriente dans tout ce qu’il y a de meilleure pour chacun de nous à la fin des temps, efforçons-nous de ne pas tomber dans ce piège, qui est le rassemblement des démons. Quoi qu’en dise sur ce rassemblement oeucuménique, je ne suis pas du tout convaincu de son bien-fondé.
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 07:53 PMNous avons “CHRIST” et lui-seul comme Guide de tout ce qui se passera à la fin des temps, le “SAINT-ESPRIT” nous guide durant et nous affermis, “DIEU” lui-même à les yeux river sur ses enfants, il n’y a pas d’autre issus de sortie, que de nous remettre entre les mains de “DIEU”. Alors, pourquoi perdre notre temps, de nous réunir avec eux, jusqu’à Rome. Nous n’avons pas notre place parmi ses clergés de Satan. Lisez les écrits de E.H.WHITE;
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 07:54 PMThere’s nothing to fear of the future, only when we forgot His leading and our past History, SDA is not Babylon, A church raised in the right time in fullfillment of 1260 days prophesy, there is no other church has taken its place, the Bible says, if you know these thing, lift up your eyes, your salvation is near,
Pr Uriah St Juste
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 10:10 PMHere are a few quotes from Ellen White on what she has to say on the topic. Emphasis supplied.
Considering Pastors of Other Denominations—It should ever be manifest that we are reformers, but not bigots. When our laborers enter a new field, they should seek to become acquainted with the pastors of the several churches in the place. Much has been lost by neglecting to do this. If our ministers show themselves friendly and sociable, and do not act as if they were ashamed of the message they bear, IT WILL HAVE AN EXCELLENT EFFECT, AND MAY GIVE THESE PASTORS AND THEIR CONGREGATIONS FAVOURABLE IMPRESSIONS OF THE TRUTH. AT ANY RATE, IT IS RIGHT TO GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO BE KIND AND FAVOURABLE IF THEY WILL.
Our laborers should be very careful not to give the impression that they are wolves stealing in to get the sheep, but should let the ministers understand their position and the object of their mission—to call the attention of the people to the truths of God’s Word. There are many of these which are dear to all Christians. Here is COMMON GROUND, UPON WHICH WE CAN MEET PEOPLE OF OTHER DENOMINATIONS; and in becoming acquainted with them we should DWELL MOSTLY UPON TOPICS IN WHICH ALL FEEL AN INTEREST, AND WHICH WILL NOT LEAD DIRECTLY AND POINTEDLY TO THE SUBJECTS OF DISAGREEMENT.—The Review and Herald, June 13, 1912
Draw Near to Ministers of Other Faiths—OUR MINISTERS SHOULD SEEK TO COME NEAR TO THE MINISTERS OF OTHER DENOMINATIONS. Pray for and with these men, for whom Christ is interceding. A solemn responsibility is theirs. As Christ’s messengers, we should manifest a deep, earnest interest in THESE SHEPHERDS OF THE FLOCK.—Testimonies For The Church 6:78 (1900).
Speaking in Other Churches—You may have opportunity to speak in other churches. In improving these opportunities, remember the words of the Saviour, “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Do not arouse the malignity of the enemy by making denunciatory speeches. Thus you will close doors against the entrance of truth. Clear-cut messages are to be borne. But guard against arousing antagonism. There are many souls to be saved. Restrain all harsh expressions. In word and deed be wise unto salvation, representing Christ to all with whom you come in contact. Let all see that your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and good will to men. Wonderful are the results we shall see if we enter into the work imbued with the Spirit of Christ. Help will come in our necessity if we carry the work forward in righteousness, mercy, and love. Truth will triumph, and bear away the victory.—Manuscript 6, 1902.
Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God.
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 09:02 AMThanks for these excellent quotes. None of them, however, justify engaging in the ecumenical movement. Yes it is possible to have close relationships with other pastors without being involved in things that will lead down the tract to Rome. In fact, that would be the balance needed. Pr. Mayer
John Hersom
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 11:16 PMThe church has allow the Jesuit doctrine of spiritual formation that has evolved into the emerging church via the One Project. We see this world-wide now.
So maybe the Lord will need to take control of His church very soon. I do pray for Ted Wilson as he stands up against WO and the One Project as much as he can. Lets us not forget that the Lord knows exactly what is going on in our church and at every level. Pray, pray and pray. Thank you
Walter Leinberger
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 11:16 PMGreetings my dear brethren, after 44 years of being SDA I have become disappointed and heart broken with the direction our GC and local conferences are leading nowadays. I have gone to several SDA churches in 4 different conferences and the local pastors preach a messages that are not different from other Protestant churches moreover, EGW’s writings and books are ignored and her message/counsel completely abandoned. Our SDA denomination is not better than those Pharises of old Israel; They knew the WORD but failed to recognized their Saviour. Finally, Remember- We are saved when our eyes, hearts and faith are upon Our Lord JESUS.
Are we going to be judge according to our church affiliation or our faithfulness to our Lord Jesus and the commandments?
Michael W. Taylor
Tuesday November 15th, 2016 at 11:52 PMPastor Mayer and KTF are to be commended on their carefully worded Prophetic Briefings [PB], ever seeking to remain “in the middle” of the great controversy, avoiding the frigid waters of formalism to the left and likewise the fires of fanaticism to the right. With that being said, in paragraph 3 of this PB he states, “But they are certainly spending money, presumably tithe, to do this sort of thing.” Would you please cite a credible reference source to back this presumption Sir? God bless…
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 09:04 AMPastors are paid by the tithe including those working at the GC, which would also include Pastor Diop. Their travel lodging and other expenses are funded by tithe. That is standard policy and is understood by all. Using the word “presumably” implies this.
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 12:50 AMchurch cannot save, but to trust & obey to our master Jesus Christ,…..pls help to spread the gospel coz our pastor now is not doing their duty, as in eze.34:4…lazy pastors,. we need man move by the Holy Spirit egw.said. Support your own local ministry…as a good servant doing the duty…
Kennedy Tom
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 04:33 AMMy dear brothers and sisters, all these which is taking place in SDA church is not surprising for she had lost the hold on her leader Christ.
By laying aside one principle of the truth leads to another. This what has been going on for quite a long time. Ellen White had foreseen all these changes that would take place among our ranks.
All must wake up! The Jewish nation bragged of been the favoured of God even if they had divorced God through their rejection of TRUTH and SINS. and as a result it was brought down from from the exalted position. Can this be the fate of our church SDA???? Can another people be chosen to carry the message????
“The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work. When a church proves unfaithful to the work of the Lord, whatever their position may be, however high and sacred their calling, the Lord can no longer work with them. Others are then chosen to bear important responsibilities…”
Manuscript 33, April 27, 1903, Upward Look, p 131.
As a matter of fact danger of our church becoming sisters to BABYLON hand been foreseen by the spirit of God back in 1886: “We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird…. Manuscript Releases, Vol21,p 380,385.
When The Church rejected Christ in 1888, they did what the JEWISH nation did to Christ- Crucifying Him. But the Jewish did not reach the end of the probation in AD 31 but until they killed the first followers of Christ in AD 34 by killing Stephen. Can this case apply to our Church too??????
True God could not wait until the Jewish people could accept Christ is when His message could carried to people. When of the other Angel of Rev 18:- Christ Our Righteousness was presented at the CG session at Maneopollis 1888, the leaders present there were used by the devil to block God’s work claiming that it would weaken the 10 commandments thus only a few individual stood with the Truth (Ellen White was among them).
As a result of this rejection, we weaken the principles and when the test came of the 10 commandments in 1914 world war I, they could not stand. Thus there roses a great separation in our Church, while the greater number accepted to go to war few individuals defended the truth even by their on blood. Some were betrayed by their on brethren and the leadership of SDA took a strong stand to support war.
This was the fulfilment of the prophecy of Ellen White given 7 years before the war:
“Here are plainly represented two distinct parties, formed from a company that was once united. The members of one of these parties are in resistance to the will of God. They have taken themselves from the side of the loyal and true, and are now resisting the warnings of the Spirit of God….The ruin of this class is certain.”
Review and Herald, vol 5, p. 341 (July 18, 1907). She also said that those who shall have joined the warfare by taking weapons would have shown clearly that they took themselves from the faith.
It is time to know that God alway have a people in all generations. These two classes are existing from 1914; as SDA joined war, those from among us stood against it and were disfellowshipped by the church leadership and this sins are in the records of heaven. There result of this is The World Church SDA and The International Missionary Society SDA Reform Movement Church.
We are to warn people and the reformation starts from within the church but as it has been in all history of reformers from Christ to our time, it will always lead to separation!!!!
“We shall be called to meet those who, notwithstanding definite reproof and warning through the Testimonies have gone on in an evil course. We are bidden of God to hold ourselves separate and distinct from these men who have not given heed to His warnings….For they will deceive, if possible, the very elect.” Letter 330, November 11, 1908, Manuscript Releases, vol 7, p 196.
garissa central
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 04:34 AMlet every one carry his cross for me i care about my saviour who died for me my leaders do what u like with our tithes you will answer our creator breathren cool down let pray for them.
Emanuel Amato
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 05:23 AMThe day that I see our church got to close for comfort with this church that will be the end of me calling myself adventist.
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 07:02 AMInteresting that there are comments such as “The SDA is not Babilon”. I do not think anyone is claiming or implying that the SDA is Babilon.
What we may say without a shadow of doubt, is that the SDA is/is part of Laodicea, since Revelation speaks of only one Laodicea, not of a remnant Laodicea and an apostate Laodicea,Events such as this should be seen in that light.
We should should however rejoice that even Laodiceans may be saved and join our Saviour in the air on the day of his return. Instead of bemoaning and reviling those we deem to betray our beloved church, let we rather spend our energies on maximizing the number of Laodiceans who will joins us on that glorious day.
Samwel shija
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 09:05 AMA’m happy to see these comments that the people of God they are aware with what is going in the universe. But am sad that because few people knew this….
zadok mkono
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 01:58 PMGod bless you who have contributed every contribution was a blessing to me
paul G
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 07:06 PMDoes anyone remember GC meeting year 2000 Toronto, when the UN secretary general’s letter was read from the desk, how it stated that they, the UN, were the only institution on earth capable of fighting for the freedom. And that the UN was the SDA’s UN?
Should I be vigilant in what my church does on the world stage, can I trust the ministers that come to our churches anymore, how did the Emerging church doctrine invade and nigh overcame the SDA church when our leaders were so vigilant against those who held up the end time prophecies, how are these things happening, should it concern me? No wonder laymen will finish the work.
Bob Nakamura
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 07:28 PMIts one thing to go to a general religious meeting and mingle with other Christians. It is a totally different matter to go to the Vatican to greet the Pope. It is a sad day if TED WILSON authorized this visit.
Bob Nakamura
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 at 07:31 PMIt is one thing for SDA church leaders to go to a religious meeting with other christians in general. Totally different for TED WILSON to authorize a visit to the Vatican to represent the Seventh-day Adventists. Sad day.
samuel mangena
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 03:41 AMThe most important thing for us to do is to spend time praying.Our church delegates prayer to a few chosen and its not quite a tool for every one to use to over come.If one looks at queen Ester and queen Vashit ,Ester ordered prayer to take place in all Israel and Vashit ordered Haman to plan to kill the Jews .The fast in all Israel brought God to their side and won the battle and Haman died on the gallows he for the people of God.what I love is they did not spend time blaming any body neither did they blame Ester for getting married to a non Jewish king they only looked up and fasted and prayed and worship God when there was crisis.Its not time to blame any body we knew this is coming the time we have now is to celebrate victory in Christ and through Christ.Many will focus on leadership and forget to pray and I want to remind us that what leadership decide will never make us Christians weather bad or Good,what makes Christians is what Chrust does in us not what a leader does in his office.we need to look up order a fast for all the remnant of the lord and sincerely pray and fast and humble ourselves before the lord .That is victory for us .The pope is human that why man chose him to become what he is and he will not change human condition in sin.No leader has such powers so we never look up to our leaders when it come to our salvation .The only man is the man of Calvary.
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 08:42 AMThis is true but not related to our post directly. Our focus at KTF is to document fulfilling prophecy.
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 05:24 AMEach person has to stand individually in the judgment. The church
of God will triumph. Sda church made a mistake when they didn’t join the black churches in the civil rights movement,but we reaped the benefits of religious liberty laws that issued. We have a chance to voice our concern at the highest level, why miss the opportunity to put our concern of religious liberty especially the Sabbath to the leaders of the church’s.
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 09:02 AMapproved with the following. Please voice your concern to the appropriate leaders. But being involved in the organizations of the ecumenical movement (such as being the secretary of such an organization is forbidden). The ecumenical movement is all about de-emphasizing distinctive doctrine, not about upholding it. It is about merging churches, not about proclaiming our message. Yes we should come close to other church leaders, but not in their ecumenical gatherings. How is it that so many of God’s people are so shallow in their understanding of truth, that they would support support engaging in ecumenical affairs.
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 05:38 AMJesus socialized with people of all backgrounds and faiths. How can one witness to others without making contact? It’s not our place to judge but to share our faith and be a friend, like Jesus was.
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 08:43 AMapprove with the following. KTF does not judge anyone. Our issue is the connections of current events to prophecy. Some of our listeners or readers may be judgmental. But we have a responsibility to uphold the truth. That’s what Jesus did. Jesus was very public about the church leaders. He spent His whole ministry attempting to disconnect the people from the false teachings of the church leaders. Think about what he did twice in the temple to overturn the money changers. Think about all the woes he expressed against the church leaders for their hypocrisy and sin. Yes, Jesus was a friend to sinners, but he did not hold back his voice from opposing those that were disobedient to God. He openly condemned the wrong behavior of the church leaders in His day. How can we be so shallow as to think that Jesus never condemned the false doctrines and practices of the church leaders in His day. He is our example. How can we avoid the same duty today. While that was not the point of our post, it is amazing to see how many people actually think nothing should be said when church leaders do something that is forbidden in the word of God. No wonder there is so much lack of spiritual accountability in God’s church today.
William A Ramirez
Thursday November 17th, 2016 at 10:03 AMQue tristeza que un miembro de la iglesia depositaria de las verdades eternas esta cayendo en semajante situacion y mas en el tiempo en que estamos viviendo causa gran dolor de corazon esto….pero enn el zarandeo solo quedaran los que mantienen los hitos de los antiguois pilares que fundaron la iglesia…Dios nunca cambia por ninguna circunstancia.
Friday November 18th, 2016 at 12:11 PM…and the fact that many “adventists” got so totally wrapped up in the last political fiasco shows that the devil has confidently entered into the SDA church. Y’all need to beware. It will be trump or his successor that will help the right wing usher in the mandatory sunday laws, thereby instituting the “mark of the beast”…
Akello Jenifer
Saturday November 19th, 2016 at 11:46 PMthis is serious apostasy from the faith. How is the faithful city become an harlot? mean while many are still hold the form of religion while the presence of God has departed. Ellen white warned ,” we are in danger of becoming a sister to Babylon. ” the church has turned back from following Christ her leader and is steadily retreating towards Egypt.. Christ has already departed from SDA church. come out of her.Revelation 18:4
Sunday November 20th, 2016 at 06:37 PMSee also this link
Doug Tasi
Monday November 21st, 2016 at 03:04 AMThe SDA has been systematically been taking apart by wolves in Samoa & The Pacific -The GC has given its blessing to SDA Members keeping Sabbath on Sunday & not Saturday since Dec 2011. Pres Ted Wilson was in Samoa earlier this year .
Dan Serns
Tuesday November 29th, 2016 at 01:55 PMI think this article in the Adventist Review is helpful to this discussion.
Wednesday November 30th, 2016 at 12:25 PMThat article is deceptive. The meeting was an ecumenical connection from the highest levels of our beloved church. How can shaking the hands of the pope be considered anything else? How is it that we have reached across the abyss to literally clasp hands with the leader of the apostate church described in Revelation 17 as the whore with all her filthiness and abominations and spiritual fornication with the kings of the earth, and in Revelation 13 as the “first beast.” What depth of blindness is required for the leader of the religious liberty department of the General Conference to lead this group into this ecumenical gathering in such a public way to have an audience the very one who is at the head of the church that persecuted the saints of the Most High God during the darkest of ages, and whom God’s prophet in these last days declares has not changed but the color of its symbolic chameleon-like skin. She also said it will resurrect its ancient persecutions when she has the opportunity, and that all her efforts are aiming for the one object to enforce Sunday worship on the whole world. How can we, as a church, fall so low, that we would humbly come into the presence of this evil ruler in white garments who is shrewdly and deceitfully gathering the churches under her papal wing so that there will be none that will stand up against her Sunday worship. If Seventh-day Adventists fall for this, who is left?
Based on the published evidence that is out on the internet concerning this group and the event (including pictures) there is no denying that this is an ecumenical meeting – notwithstanding SDA and Pastor Diop’s protestations to the contrary. The pope himself saw the meetings as ecumenical, and addressed it as an ecumenical gathering. Pastor Diop’s work has many good aspects. There are many things he addresses that are worthy. But he downplays his role rather amazingly in the attached article. Obviously there must be enough protest, thank God, that some compromised leaders apparently felt they needed to defend it. Shame on them. The article is obviously defending this philandering with the biblical whore. They should be repenting in dust and ashes, not shielding and protecting it from being exposed for what it really is. Elder Wilson should be as concerned about this gather as he is about women’s ordination.
It happens that for 46 years, SDA GCRL leaders have been the Secretary-General of “the group,” which is described by other churches and individuals as ecumenical in nature, though it does not meet “officially,” nor “take minutes.” Ecumenical meetings don’t need to “take minutes” or meet “officially” to be an ecumenical meeting. Does the unofficial annual meeting justify the compromise with the pope and the ecumenical spirit of the age? What if they took minutes, would we find a few more surprises hidden in them that are not presently in the light of the 3 angel’s messages.
The first Secretary-General of this group was Bert Beach, who was “kind enough” to give a medal of honor to the pope at that time. He was Secretary-General until 2003. During those years he did many things that were rather ecumenical in nature, which are well documented. The second Secretary-General was John Graz until 2014. He too has been involved in well-documented public ecumenical events. And now the third and current Secretary-General is Pastor Diop. Why should this be left alone, when a meeting with the pope led by an SDA GC leader should be seen as a symbolic and substantial repudiation of our faith in the 3rd angels message in particular, but also the second angels message. This will certainly come back to haunt us one day. Not only that, it will come back to bite God’s faithful remnant of the remnant.
Here is the problem. The Secretary-General is not merely an “observer” or attendee. He is the leader of it. He happens to have a lot to do with organizing the meeting and developing ecumenical contacts, including the meeting with the pope. Uniting on this sort of platform, puts pressure on him to engage in things that would not be considered outside of the ecumenical movement, even if he does not want to arrange or organize them. Leading this meeting such as he does, puts it in a whole different context. Why some SDAs defend this, when it is clear that he was and is the leader of the group that arranged an ecumenical meeting with the pope is beyond me? Why is it that some Adventists agree with me when I write articles about the dangers of Lutherans and Anglicans having ecumenical meetings with the pope, but they take a completely opposite tack when I write an article along the same lines concerning Adventist engagement in such events? If it isn’t good for one, why is it good for the other. If I was silent, and did not raise my voice, even as mildly as I have done, I would certainly be culpable before the Lord of heaven and earth for dereliction of duty.
I believe that SDA pastors should come close to other pastors in personal contact. Visit them, pray with them, pray for them, etc. They can certainly do so individually. Encourage them personally, etc, but we cannot unite with them in high-profile meetings that are perceived by most reasonable people as ecumenical in nature. It sends the wrong message! Any serious and faithful Adventist would have a problem with this annual meeting no matter how it is spun in the Adventist Review.
That article is all about damage control. It is not concerned with the truth and the three angels messages. It reveals a rather shallow understanding of the issue at hand. The event gives reason for faithful people to distrust them. Would it not have been better for SDAs to decline to engage in this event – precisely because of the meeting with the pope and the ecumenical perceptions? Did they not think that there would be objections from faithful SDAs who would certainly view this event as a compromise with the enemy. Why create more division and misunderstanding, unless they somehow believe that ecumenical gatherings will be beneficial to our church. In reality, they undermine our credibility in the message we have been given to preach to the world. Publishing this article will only give some reason to call people out of the SDA church. Pr. Mayer
Thursday December 1st, 2016 at 08:54 AM“Blatant Ecumenism”
Chris Joseph
Thursday December 29th, 2016 at 01:48 PMI am fully confident that the LORD will guide His church through the murky waters and mud, unto a final rest in the port of heaven. Until we get there, it is expected that some may contemplate mutiny if they are unsure of the competence of the steward steering the ship. It’s ok to express our concerns about the things our leaders do. Unfortunately, we are not always privy to why they do certain things. I want to believe that the GC has a strategy in mind when they attend these ecumenical meetings. So I give them some slack.
kate scot
Thursday March 16th, 2017 at 12:16 PMFor me it is not a matter of my jumping ship or mutiny; my question is what do we do with those who choose to go back to “Egypt”? Are we not on the border of the Promised Land? Do we go with the 10 tribes or with Joshua and Caleb? As for me and my house I will follow the Lord and turn away from Rome.
Monday March 13th, 2017 at 03:45 AM“Dear brothers & Sisters, “The effect of every vision” is at hand. Elijiah the prophet, the last, is already here giving the last warning for God’s people beginning at the arrival of time of the END for the last generation, 1989 (Dan 11:40b). Every seventh Day Adventists are required to know where and who is the Eljiah the prophet for his/her own selves! This is startling!
Philip Kai Morre
Tuesday March 14th, 2017 at 11:20 PMwhy some churches are for ever waiting for last days that never comes. 1844 never comes, and other promised dates as well. Christ will return but no one knows the day or hour.
Lynn MacDonald
Saturday April 15th, 2017 at 11:51 AMThanks to KTF for this expose…..and I’d love to add, that to take these serious apostacy’s to it’s logical conclusion, we all must separate from the SDA denomination, based on much weight of evidence from Bible and SOP!! Isaiah 8 warns we’ll be “broken in pieces” for these associations. And by the Achan principle, all members of the SDA church are corporately responsible for the apostacy’s, of which, ecumenism is just one, sadly!! To “cry aloud and spare not” is to tell the full truth of these horrible apostacy’s!! If we really love someone, we will try to warn them of their impending doom!! Ez. 9!! Do we love the SDA members enough to sound the alarm of the midnight cry, which now apply’s to them, because they are joined to the world via ecumenism and the WCC!?~~In sincere love of Truth, Lynn
Arlenice Carbajal
Saturday August 26th, 2017 at 05:05 PMDear Lynn MacDonald:
It would be a disservice to yourself if you left the AS A church; the only One that would win, is the enemy of God. Remember that we have been foretold of the enemies of God, we have been told that many complete SDA churches will be lost. Please leave the justice yo God and remember that Jesus died for Hid bride. According to Bible prophecy, The SDA church started at that time exactly (1844). Remember that the Bible informs us that the wheat would grow along with the weeds until the time of harvest.
We are devastated Lynn, rightly so, yet we must not help the enemy of God by giving up in His plans for us!
Remember and hold strong yo His promises: Jesus is coming again very soon! Bless you richly. Your sister, in Jesus’ name.
Arlenice Carbajal
Saturday August 26th, 2017 at 04:53 PMWe are atAugust 26, 2017.
This happened October 2016;
I’ve hear of a meeting again on October 2016 and hope it’s not true.. One time was horrible enough; hoping that another scheduled for
October 2017 is a rumor without basis.,,, the enemy of God sleeps not and knowledge of such encounter is a betrayal no matter how lightly they are making it out to be! It is the greatest betrayal against the Bride of Jesus Christ.
OurJesus is coming soon, the sooner, the better!
Samuel D
Thursday November 2nd, 2017 at 12:59 AMPastor Half Mayer, When I red this I much worried about our denomination especially our Conferences and GC…..
What is going in our denomination….
Please update all.thing pastor….
Let we know and thanks for your news.