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The underground church represents a virtual reversal of the thinking and many of God's people about the church in general. And to a large extent it is a strange and foreign concept. We who live in free countries don't normally think about what we'll do in a time of persecution.
Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Poll: Only 16% of Americans Support the Government Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency
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Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds: ‘Highly troubling’
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The Epoch Times, by Kevin Stocklin: Large money-center banks appear to be in the vanguard of a movement to build a system of personal social credit scores. This week, British bank Barclays became the latest to be accused of shutting…
“The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” John Ruskin, (1819-1900) British author, artist, social critic. Source Reference John Ruskin Quote
The Washington Post, by Mike De Socio: Amid the hundreds of tents erected for the Boy Scouts of America’s National Jamboree, one especially stands out — decorated with a canopy of LGBTQ Pride flags and a string of multicolored lights,…
“Any time we deny any citizen the full exercise of his constitutional rights, we are weakening our own claim to them.” Dwight D. Eisenhower, (1890-1969), 34th US President, WWII General. Source: Reader’s Digest, December 1963. Source Reference Dwight D. Eisenhower Quote
The Christian Post, by Leonardo Blair: The shares of Americans who believe in God, angels, Heaven, Hell and the devil have all tumbled to the lowest levels ever recorded over the last two decades and belief in God and Heaven…
“Tolerance implies a respect for another person, not because he is wrong or even because he is right, but because he is human.” John Cogley, Source: Commonwealth, 24 April 1959. Source Reference John Cogley Quote
Image: Mstyslav Chernov from Wikimedia Commons Transcript of this video Source References Over 1,000 buildings have been burnt and 5,600 cars destroyed in first week of riots in France
Harbingers Daily, by Alex Newman: It sounds like bad science fiction, but it is rapidly becoming reality. Some of the most powerful people on the planet think they are going to “upgrade” human beings — or at least some human…
“Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, (1803-1882) American essayist, lecturer, and poet. Source: Essays, 1841. Source Reference Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
CNN, by Ramishah Maruf: Heartland Tri-State Bank of Elkhart, Kansas, failed on Friday, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation taking control. The FDIC agreed to assume all the deposits of Heartland Tri-State Bank to protect customers, entering a purchase and…
“It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” Noel Coward, (1899-1973) British playwright Source Reference Noel Coward Quote
Politico, by Ben Schreckinger: In January, this newsletter took a look at emerging ideas for state-backed digital money — speculating that a new breed of e-money was poised to take the center of the global stage. As we cross the…
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