Right Wing Watch, por Kyle Mantala: El miércoles por la noche, en el episodio de su programa «TruNews», durante el cual elogió la nueva ley radical contra el aborto de Alabama y advirtió que aquellos que apoyan los derechos reproductivos pasarán la eternidad siendo «abortados por siempre» por los demonios en el infierno, el comentador del End Times Rick Wiles también encontró tiempo para culpar a los judíos por la legalización del aborto en esta nación en primer lugar, declarando que «no tendríamos un aborto en los Estados Unidos si no fuera por los judíos ricos e influyentes de los Estados Unidos.»
Wiles volvió a ese tema en el programa de la noche anterior, donde leyó un artículo de opinión en el periódico israelí Haaretz escrito por Debra Nussbaum Cohen, en el que argumentaba que la ley de Alabama es «una amenaza para mi libertad religiosa como judía. . . porque de acuerdo con el texto judío clásico y la mayoría de los intérpretes rabínicos, un embrión o feto en desarrollo no es «un niño no nacido» o «persona», sino que tiene el estatus legal de un apéndice de la mujer embarazada. Es parte de su cuerpo, no una persona separada hasta el momento en que nace la mayoría de un bebé viable capaz de vida independiente.»
Wiles, que es profundamente antisemita y dedica muchos de sus programas de TruNews a criticar a Israel y a los judíos, pero todavía recibe regularmente credenciales de prensa de la Casa Blanca, criticó el artículo de opinión de Cohen y declaró audazmente que los cristianos van a retirar a Estados Unidos de América de los judíos «y vamos a imponer el dominio cristiano.»
«Nosotros los cristianos estamos de pie y empujando el sionismo», dijo Wiles. «Eso es lo que estamos haciendo. El sionismo trajo la masacre de 65 millones de bebés a Estados Unidos y vamos a acabar con ella y vamos a imponer el gobierno cristiano en este país.»
«¿Por qué me impones el judaísmo?», preguntó. «Porque eso es exactamente lo que se ha hecho en Estados Unidos desde 1973 con Roe v. Wade. El judaísmo me fue impuesto, a mi nación cristiana y nos convertimos en una nación judía que mata bebés. Eso va en contra de mis creencias cristianas. . . . El judaísmo se convirtió en la ley de la tierra en América. Eso es precisamente lo que los tribunales han dictaminado. Han basado sus decisiones en el Zohar, en el Talmud, y ahora tenemos la ley talmúdica sionista que gobierna este país y que resulta en la muerte de millones de bebés. Y Sra. Cohen, nosotros los cristianos estamos de pie y le estamos diciendo que hemos terminado con el sionismo, que hemos terminado con sus valores. Volveremos a imponer los valores cristianos en América, nos guste o no.»
Nuestro Comentario:
A medida que aumenta el mal, en respuesta la derecha conservadora está empezando a reaccionar. Eventualmente, este grupo presionará para que las leyes dominicales «mejoren la moral de la sociedad.»
Conexión Profética:
“Sin embargo, esa misma clase de gente asegura que la corrupción que se va generalizando más y más, debe achacarse en gran parte a la violación del así llamado «día del Señor» (domingo), y que si se hiciese obligatoria la observancia de este día, mejoraría en gran manera la moralidad social. Esto se sostiene especialmente en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, donde la doctrina del verdadero día de reposo, o sea el sábado, se ha predicado con más amplitud que en ninguna otra parte.” El Conflicto de los Siglos, pág. 644.
Gina Perez
20 de julio de 2019 at 13:11 01Sat, 20 Jul 2019 13:11:06 +000006.Everyone needs to know that a Child is a Creation of God, even if the seed and egg were planted during an inconvenient, traumatic time in someone’s Life. God always brings Good out of Bad Situations. The Life of a child was started before the seed and egg were united . It may have been a mistake for the man and the woman but not for God ,God has big plans for that little egg and seed; now a seedling. The first step in the development of a cluster that will form a child. To terminate the cluster of cells would be to terminate the Work of God. God has Big plans for this child. also, He has been knowing you and I since we were in Our mother’s womb,.
Nic Samojluk
20 de julio de 2019 at 21:38 09Sat, 20 Jul 2019 21:38:24 +000024.Like Joseph of old we need to obey God regardless of the consequences. Abortion is a violation of the Sixth Commandment that forbids murder.
Claudia Thompson
21 de julio de 2019 at 04:50 04Sun, 21 Jul 2019 04:50:42 +000042.Remember Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority? This is part of the American Catholic Bishops Plan from the Moral Majority.
It was started by a Roman Catholic. In 1979 at the urging of a Catholic Activist named Paul Warwick, Jerry Falwell had initiated that Coalition of the Moral Majority.
The initial objective of the Moral Majority was to gather together various Protestant Groups to carry out the Ammerican Catholic Bishops Plan. And more specifically, their Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
The aim was to use the Abortion issue to as the means of uniting the various Christian Organisations, so that they would take alot more of an active part in U.S. Politics.
And so, the Catholic Church was really the one behind the Moral Majority, and Jerry Falwell, and they wanted to be able to get Protestant Groups together and use them to carry out the American Catholic Bishop’s Plan, so they could use the Protestants to help them to be able to eventually enact a National Sunday Law. And in order to be able to do that, they wanted to get the Protestants all involved in Politics. You see, if they can get Christians thinking that they should get involved in things like using Politics to fight against Abortion and Homosexual Marriages, then the Catholic Church can be able to turn around and use these Protestants to Vote for the things that the Catholic Church wants them to Vote for. Basically, they were trying to take advantage of Christians, using this Abortion issue to try to get them all involved in Politics.
Now, speaking about how the Catholic Bishops planned to use the Moral Majority as their means of accomplishing their objectives, Dr. Steven Mumford wrote this, in ‘Life and Death of NSSM 200’, page 137:
«This plan is a superbly detailed blueprint of the (Catholic) bishop’s strategy for infiltrating and manipulating the American democratic process at the national state and local levels. It creates a political machine controlled by the bishops.»
Mumford also said on page 166:
«The pastoral plan specically directed the creation of grassroots organizations for the purposes of advancing the papal agenda.»
…and finally on page 176 Mumford said:
«Vital to the sucess of the Bishop’s Plan has been the creation of, first, the Moral Majority.»
Nic Samojluk
22 de julio de 2019 at 14:30 02Mon, 22 Jul 2019 14:30:11 +000011.Pastor Hal Mayer,
I read your article about abortion several times and I am surprised about you silence about the merciless slaughter of millions of innocent unborn children.
You seems to be deeply concerned about the Sunday Laws that will bring persecution to God’s Remnant and the Time of Trouble.
I hope you realize that for the unborn the Time of Trouble is here already. Is it right tor us to worry regarding our future Time of Trouble but remain unconcerned about the Time of
Trouble of millions of innocent human beings?
Alfonso Orellana
23 de julio de 2019 at 22:05 10Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:05:51 +000051.Mr. Samojluk,
I think Pr Mayer addresses it in his brief commentary where he says “As evil increases, …”. I don’t believe the intent of presenting this piece from what’s happenning in the mainline Christian world is to make a commentary on a particular stance, in this case, abortion. To be clear, I oppose abortion myself. But I have to say that picking on Pr Mayer to try to get at where he stands is irrelevant and intrusive. I’m wondering though if you are as concerned about the time of trouble that is being brought on all the innocent children that have been separated from their parents at the US/Mexico border? What about all the innocent living children in Syria, Iraq, Afganistan, etc.? Like the millions of unborn children that have no voice, these children also have no voice or anyone to help them. Yet many in christian conservative circles remain silent or excuse/support policies that impact these children because they fit a bigger political agenda. I respect your beliefs but I worry that we focus on one cause and latch on to it and show no care for other ones. That may not be your case. I just want to bring some balance here.