Donald Trump, el principal candidato republicano, en uno de sus actos de campaña en Wisconsin, dijo a su audiencia que la fe cristiana debe ser defendida en los Estados Unidos y por ello, los principales movimientos religiosos del país tienen que unirse con él.
«Vamos a unir al movimiento evangélico bajo nuestra bandera…», dijo Trump. «Cuando todo el sector evangélico esté unido, nadie les podrá ganar».
Jerry Falwell, Jr., director de la Universidad Liberty, ha anunciado públicamente su respaldo a Trump. Falwell es uno de los líderes protestantes evangélicos más influyentes en los Estados Unidos.
Trump también ha atraído a un gran número de cristianos evangélicos dentro del Partido Republicano. Su éxito con los conservadores religiosos ha sido un elemento clave para ganar en los Estados del Sur y algunos del medio Oeste, arrebatándoselos al senador Ted Cruz, quien había tratado de presentarse como el defensor de esos grupos.
Al apelar a los conservadores sociales y religiosos, Trump ha logrado reforzar su apoyo. Si Trump se convirtiera en Presidente, él les debería mucho a ellos. También ellos podrían usar su nuevo poder para empujar el conservatismo religioso demasiado lejos. Siempre que los cristianos ganan poder político, tienden a utilizarlo para restringir la libertad religiosa.
«Y ejerce toda la autoridad de la primera bestia en presencia de ella, y hace que la tierra y los moradores de ella adoren a la primera bestia, cuya herida mortal fue sanada.» Apocalipsis 13:12
Source Reference
Sean Taylor
04 de abril de 2016 at 04:14 04Mon, 04 Apr 2016 04:14:35 +000035.Donald Trump is making some very interesting statements. We can only wait and observe how the next President of the United States will act out his or her role in prophecy. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions because we have a sure word of prophecy and every word will be fulfilled.
Sooner or later the Sunday laws will come.
Maud Doloughan Seeley
06 de abril de 2016 at 13:08 01Wed, 06 Apr 2016 13:08:07 +000007.If you want a captivating read get THE GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN CHRIST AND SATAN by E. G. White – check for accuracy with your bible. To hear the truth on your computer, if you do not get them on TV go to AMAZING DISCOVERIES.TV and listen to Professor Walter Veith, or AMAZING FACTS.TV where you can hear Pastor Doug Batchelor
06 de abril de 2016 at 14:49 02Wed, 06 Apr 2016 14:49:01 +000001.Or you can stay tuned to and get the latest, most unique and compelling prophetic insights there is. They’re all great speakers however. And the book Great Controversy is very important foundational material to understand what we are up against today. But no one is putting out daily material as relevant and up-to-date as
Maud Doloughan Seeley
06 de abril de 2016 at 13:08 01Wed, 06 Apr 2016 13:08:07 +000007.If you want a captivating read get THE GREAT CONTROVERSY BETWEEN CHRIST AND SATAN by E. G. White – check for accuracy with your bible. To hear the truth on your computer, if you do not get them on TV go to AMAZING DISCOVERIES.TV and listen to Professor Walter Veith, or AMAZING FACTS.TV where you can hear Pastor Doug Batchelor
06 de abril de 2016 at 14:48 02Wed, 06 Apr 2016 14:48:43 +000043.Or you can stay tuned to and get the latest, most unique and compelling prophetic insights there is. They’re all great speakers however. And the book Great Controversy is very important foundational material to understand what we are up against today. But no one is putting out daily material as relevant and up-to-date as KTFNews. com
11 de abril de 2016 at 06:54 06Mon, 11 Apr 2016 06:54:15 +000015.I second that
18 de diciembre de 2016 at 03:12 03Sun, 18 Dec 2016 03:12:57 +000057.I agree with all the comments great speakers and very insightful to what’s happening but I take great comfort that the great I Am sits on the throne and he is in total control.