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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Religious Right Consolidating Power
18 de octubre de 2017
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Prophetically Speaking…
«The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.» more…
Entradas recientes
- A mystery illness in Congo has killed more than 50 people hours after they felt sick
- Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
- Prophetically Speaking…
- El Papa Francisco, sintiendo que está cerca de la muerte, se mueve para proteger su legado
- Prophetically Speaking…
Comentarios recientes
- William Stroud en Miembros progresistas del Parlamento británico piden poner fin a la oración
- William Stroud en Una pastora blasfema de Jesús como «drag queen» y un activista trans profiere amenazas durante una reunión del ayuntamiento
- William Stroud en Artista de Drag amenaza con ‘matar’ a partidario de Trump, ‘a puñetazos’ al gobernador de Texas.
- Kiki en Más de 10 millones de dólares de los contribuyentes estadounidenses financiaron experimentos para crear ratones, ratas y monos transgénero.
- Meshack Midida en Prophetically Speaking…
Juanita Rebara
18 de octubre de 2017 at 23:04 11Wed, 18 Oct 2017 23:04:36 +000036.I like Trump for what he has tried to do inspite of
the obstructionists Democrats and whomever else. He has a Dutch mouth..strait forward and
his use of a couple of bad words, nothing to be
so against him for some of them. I have been watching him and his accomplishments and his constant trying to get the obstructionists to work in our governing body in Congress and Senate.
They are not right to do such. awful stuff and then what is very bad is the media who is working for communism and lying and trying hard to get Americans to disbelieve in Trump and trying so hard to control thought in the Hegelian method. Communism was the way the Roman church did things with elites and very poor (surfdom) and so many people just do not have the time or the knowlege to get to a computer or to read and become able to see
what is needed to be done and how hard President Trump is really working to get this nation back with jobs and get our 90 some million back to work. He has to stop illegals from storming constantly over our borders and a wall is good. They have our jobs, so it just is not for those who know nothing to decide what is right. Demos are the KKK people who are trying to make people think the republicans were. That was never true. It was the demos who did the slaving after the war to stop it. Woodrow Wilson did that and he was a Jesuit. I think it was Andrew Jackson did slaving also and badly. Illegals escaping into our country to get our jobs, bring guns with them and pilfer properties in the process. Not all of them, of course, do that, and during the depression we worked in our fields, when I was in Junior high, when the strawberry crop came in early, school kids were allowed to go help pick them so they were not spoiled and economy was helped. I am from Oregon where the big strawberry festival is every year and the biggest shortcake is cut up for lines of people.
We can also work in the fields. I am not from spanish people over the border either.
Stand for Pres. Trump and hold up the Constitution Bill of Rights and freedom. Do not believe the lies of those who are trying to split our country with their lies about police and racism. God has allowed hopefully allowed who is getting into leadership. Pray
and read the Bible people. We are under judgement it appears to me with God giving us some last chance to keep our Freedom.
Islam is not a religion according to those who know. It is a conquest. I am so glad Muslim Obama is no longer in office and that Clinton’s are not in the leadership.
20 de octubre de 2017 at 12:14 12Fri, 20 Oct 2017 12:14:32 +000032.Mr. Trump is attempting to do a lot of good things. He is opposed by the democrats and even some republican establishment types. However, our post is not about politics, it is about prophecy. Some people are so passionate about the political situation that they cannot see very easily that they are being set up to support the new world order religion which, in America, will be promoted by evangelicals in political power. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has both good and evil. That’s the Hegelian dialectic operating in a way not often thought about by those who don’t understand bible prophecy. We can all be glad for the good things, but at the same time, let us not be blind to the dangerous things. Admin.