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«The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.» more…
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James Leibenperger
17 de septiembre de 2022 at 07:18 07Sat, 17 Sep 2022 07:18:40 +000040.Dear Hal, and Betsy, May God bless you as He uses you in great ways . It has been quite awhile, since the early 1980s, and my Hartland days, but it has been a special blessing of our Heavenly Father that our pathways crossed! Our God in love has warned us of what lies ahead , and we do not have to be ignorant! Something better is coming for those who have the Saviour in their hearts, and eternity is only a short time away! I will pray for your outreach with Keep the Faith, and Last Generation , especially for those searching for hope in prison! I ask for your prayers that by God’s grace for me to stay true to the Saviour! Thanks for your time , James Leibensperger