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KTF News Video – Would a Trump Presidency Threaten the Rule of Law?
07 de septiembre de 2016
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Prophetically Speaking…
«The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.» more…
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09 de septiembre de 2016 at 21:18 09Fri, 09 Sep 2016 21:18:28 +000028.Wow,… could it be that this video (article) foretells who will be our next President? Which Candidate is most likely to repudiate our Constitution? Which has the most contempt for sanity?
While it must be true that when «Sunday Blue Laws», a.k.a. «Common Rest Day» acts are enforced (they are already «on the books»), whoever is in office will not be able to prevent it,… but one Candidate might encourage, support, and do the establishing!