Amrad, una compañía australiana, registró en la Oficina Europea de Patentes su patente para cruzar genes humanos y animales. El registro hecho desde noviembre del 2000, puede ser utilizado para hacer quimeras humano-animales fabricando criaturas a través de la utilización de células embrionarias de ratones, pájaros, ovejas, cerdos, vacas, cabras e incluso peces para combinarlas con células de embriones humanos.
Científicos de los Estados Unidos están trabajando con «embriones parte humana y parte animal en un intento de salvar la vida de personas que sufren de diversas enfermedades».
«No estamos tratando de hacer una quimera porque solo nos interese ver una especie de criatura monstruosa» expresó Pablo Ross, biólogo reproductivo de la Universidad Davis de California, a la Radio Pública Nacional (RPN). «Estamos haciendo esto con un propósito biomédico».
Otros médicos que trabajan junto con Ross en las quimeras forman parte del Instituto Salk para Estudios Biológicos de La Jolla, California y la Universidad de Stanford. También científicos de la Universidad de Minnesota están llevando a cabo un trabajo similar. La investigación es financiada en parte por el Departamento de Defensa y el Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa de California.
«Ustedes se están metiendo en un terreno complicado, el cual creo que puede ser perjudicial para nuestro sentido de humanidad», dijo Stuart Newman, profesor de biología celular y anatomía del New York Medical College. «Si usted tiene cerdos con cerebros parcialmente humanos, podría llegar a tener animales con la conciencia de un ser humano», dice Newman. «Podrían tener necesidades de tipo humano. No lo sabemos con certeza».
«Si un cerdo quimérico macho se une a un cerdo quimérico hembra, el resultado podría ser un feto humano desarrollándose en el útero de esa quimera hembra», sostuvo Newman.
«Los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud han impuesto una prórroga para la financiación de los científicos que están trabajando en la creación de embriones semi humano y semi animal. Según la RPN, las autoridades están analizando los problemas éticos que pueden plantearse».
Jason Robert, un especialista en bioética de la Universidad del Estado de Arizona, añade: «Una de las preocupaciones que muchas personas tienen es sobre ese componente sagrado que nos hace humanos y que está expresado en nuestro ADN. Al insertar esto en los animales, podría potencialmente otorgarles algunas de las capacidades propias de los seres humanos incurriendo quizás en un tipo de violación, incluso una forma de estar jugando a ser Dios».
«Todas las especies de animales que Dios había creado fueron preservadas en el arca. Las especies mezcladas que Dios no creó, fruto de la amalgamación, fueron destruidas por el diluvio. Desde el diluvio, ha habido amalgamación de hombres y animales, como puede verse en la casi infinita variedad de especies de animales, y en ciertas razas de hombres. Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 3, página 75.
«Tal como ocurrió en los días de Noé…» Lucas 17:26
Podemos saber lo que vendrá en los últimos días por el testimonio de las Escrituras en relación con el tiempo de Noé. Pero también lo que vemos ahora nos permite saber algo más sobre aquella época.
stephen conner
07 de julio de 2016 at 08:49 08Thu, 07 Jul 2016 08:49:13 +000013.He promised no future flood. So come Lord Jesus. Cleanse Your church so we may finish the work preparing the way of the Lord.
Ms. Patience Barnes
26 de julio de 2016 at 22:33 10Tue, 26 Jul 2016 22:33:45 +000045.This is frightening! The television programs that deal with «Monsters» are probably talking about creatures that have been genetically created in the laboratory. As I recall, Sis. White wrote that when we hear of man creating life in the laboratory, Christ will soon come!!
Kenol Elysee JeanBaptiste
28 de agosto de 2016 at 22:59 10Sun, 28 Aug 2016 22:59:15 +000015.In the quote above Sister White is speaking about the amalgamation between animals with other ANIMALS, and HUMAN WITH HUAMNS (Which I believe she is talking about in the human case, the multiple mixtures that are taking place in the labotories between multiple human beings, against the natural dna or embryo combination cell which is supposed to be from one male and one female (husband and wife) like for example if there were a couple of three that all wanted the child they had to have all their DNA, which is impossible naturally but now possible through corrupt science(theres good science) ). Making a half human half animal species is not allowed by God. Scientist or humans can only go so far, until God says this far and no more, like a sea.
If you read the quote carefully you will see what I mean particularly the last sentence which gives further evidence of what Im trying to explain above about the quote and what it meant, which says «as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.”
Now if she was talking about the mixture between animals and humans than we would see this in races of man today, and species of animals (Mind you she was talking about races of men in her day also) but the fact is that we dont see half animal, half man walking around because thats not what she was speaking about when she mentioned the amalgamation of man and beast.
The amalgamation she is referring to again is the amalgamation between animals with other ANIMALS and Humans with a MULTITUDE OF HUMANS.
Though she uses and, she is not speaking about an amalgamation between human and animals but humans with a multitude of humans and animals with animals. I hope it’s clear. Please read the quote again with prayer and youll see it
The two articles in this case men and animals seems to be in direct connection but when looked at more carefully you would see the only connection (and) they have is that they were both being amalgamated, not together but within their own groups. Men with a MULTITUDE of Men, and animals with other animals. Not HUMANS with ANIMALS.
07 de septiembre de 2016 at 21:43 09Wed, 07 Sep 2016 21:43:24 +000024.You may be right, but I don’t think the statement is all that clear. If corrupt science today can mix human and animal, what would the vastly intellectually superior human beings back in the days of Noah be able to do? When Jesus said “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the son of man,” he was saying two things, what was then, will certainly be now, but He was also saying that what is now, was also back then. So, if they can amalgamate humans and animals now, why not back then? I think we’ll be surprised when we finally learn the truth. But you may be right. Pr. Mayer
Kenol Elysee JeanBaptiste
19 de septiembre de 2016 at 01:13 01Mon, 19 Sep 2016 01:13:52 +000052.They didnt during Noahs days and they still cannot amalgamate humans with animals. Again if she was referring to a amalgamation between human beings with animals..we would see half human, half animals today..And not just one or two (She said since the flood, which would give ample amount of time for many of these halfmen halfbeast to exist) but because we do not see this in any races of men today, we can conclude that she was not referring to human beings being amalgamated with animals. But humans being amalgamated with other humans or multitude of humans, and animals being amalgamated with other animals. The quote above by sister White does not support these claims, when we look closely to what it is saying. And because this quote does not support these claims we should be careful to believe all that men are claiming they are doing.
We can’t believe everything they put out on the media, I honestly believe that this is a false claim that they are doing such to create propaganda which is used ultimately to distract us. Much Love.