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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Barbados Advocate Editor Promotes Union of Church and State
07 de febrero de 2018
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Prophetically Speaking…
«The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.» more…
Entradas recientes
- A mystery illness in Congo has killed more than 50 people hours after they felt sick
- Prophetically Speaking…
- Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
- Prophetically Speaking…
- El Papa Francisco, sintiendo que está cerca de la muerte, se mueve para proteger su legado
Comentarios recientes
- William Stroud en Miembros progresistas del Parlamento británico piden poner fin a la oración
- William Stroud en Una pastora blasfema de Jesús como «drag queen» y un activista trans profiere amenazas durante una reunión del ayuntamiento
- William Stroud en Artista de Drag amenaza con ‘matar’ a partidario de Trump, ‘a puñetazos’ al gobernador de Texas.
- Kiki en Más de 10 millones de dólares de los contribuyentes estadounidenses financiaron experimentos para crear ratones, ratas y monos transgénero.
- Meshack Midida en Prophetically Speaking…
Vanessa Cunningham
08 de febrero de 2018 at 08:40 08Thu, 08 Feb 2018 08:40:30 +000030.If going back to Church means getting back to GOD, then why not HONOR HIM through HIS TRUE WORD ON HIS TRUE DAY …. SATURDAY.. Yes Every body that knows the WORD of THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. Knows that SATURDAY is the SABBATH DAY…. IF the people would tell THE TRUTH then LIFE WOULD BE SOOOOO MUCH BETTER even for those that dont believe would have more of chance to become believers of the TRUTH…. but isn’t that what the devil and his minions want to send as many to hell with satan and them, with lie’s and falsities, and lack of true KNOWLEDGE….. MY PEOPLE PARRISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE….YOU MUST FIND GOD FOR YOUR SELF and compare SCRIPTURE start with the KING JAMES VERSION…. PLEASE JESUS IS WAITING FOR ALL WHO WILL COME …… FREELY not by FORCE like they will try by creating the sunday law or rather enforcing it …. YOU FIGURE IT OUT that is NOT HOW GOD DOES THINGS NEVER BY FORCE ONLY BY CHOICE….. YOURS