Sylvia Allen, senadora Republicana para el Estado de Arizona, hizo un comentario sobre la necesidad de permitir la portación de armas a sus titulares en edificios públicos. Aparentemente, ella piensa que esta nueva ley sería necesaria dado el fracaso de lograr que todos los estadounidenses asistan a la iglesia los domingos.
Mencionando la existencia de una «horrible erosión en el alma de Estados Unidos», Allen agregó: «Lentamente, estamos erosionando la religión en cada oportunidad que tenemos… Probablemente deberíamos estar debatiendo un proyecto de ley que obligue a todos los estadounidenses a que asistan a una iglesia de su elección el domingo a ver si podemos volver a tener un renacimiento moral».
Allen reconoció haber hecho un «comentario sin pensar». Dijo que deseaba que el país pudiera volver a la década de 1950 cuando las «personas oraban; iban a la iglesia… Recuerdo que las tiendas estaban cerradas los domingos… Lo más terrible es que hemos expulsado la religión de nuestros lugares públicos, fuera de nuestras escuelas».
Aunque Allen, practicante de la religión mormona, afirma que el debate sobre una ley dominical «nunca sería permitido e incluso ni siquiera deberíamos estar hablando sobre eso», sus comentarios ponen de relieve un deseo latente, y tal vez el anhelo de algunos, de establecer leyes que obliguen a participar de la adoración religiosa.
En parte, Allen tiene razón al expresar que la fibra moral de los Estados Unidos está relacionada con el compromiso espiritual de su gente y que mucho de ella se ha perdido desde los años 1950. Sin embargo, hacer una ley para garantizar la asistencia a la iglesia no va a corregir ese problema. Las leyes que imponen la adoración religiosa hacen que la religión sea legal pero no espiritual. Las «palabrerías» de ideales religiosos para cumplir con una ley coercitiva nunca traerá una reforma moral. En cambio, dichas leyes resucitarán las persecuciones de la Edad Media.
Noten que los comentarios de Allen no sugirieron una ley de adoración aplicable solo para su estado de Arizona, sino para todos los estadounidenses.
Aunque actualmente, la idea de crear una ley para que la gente asista a la iglesia pareciera bastante impopular en los Estados Unidos, sin mencionar que sería inconstitucional, luego que sucedan algunos graves desastres y otras crisis, ésta podría colocarse rápidamente a la vanguardia. Y cuando se dé…
«Sin embargo, esa misma clase de gente (maestros religiosos) asegura que la corrupción que se va generalizando más y más, debe achacarse en gran parte a la violación del así llamado ‘día del Señor’ (domingo), y que si se hiciese obligatoria la observancia de este día, mejoraría en gran manera la moralidad social. Esto se sostiene especialmente en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, donde la doctrina del verdadero día de reposo, o sea el sábado, se ha predicado con más amplitud que en ninguna otra parte”. El Conflicto de los Siglos, página 644.
«Para obtener popularidad y apoyo, los legisladores cederán a la demanda de una ley dominical». Testimonios para la Iglesia, Vol. 5, página 426.
Source Reference
Warrine Harden
31 de marzo de 2015 at 11:10 11Tue, 31 Mar 2015 11:10:10 +000010.Sounds like what we expect to happen to our religious liberty.
Sean Taylor
31 de marzo de 2015 at 18:59 06Tue, 31 Mar 2015 18:59:12 +000012.Sooner or later, the Sunday Laws will come!
Larry Paquette
01 de abril de 2015 at 13:18 01Wed, 01 Apr 2015 13:18:55 +000055.Sure,Sunday law will happen. The Antichrist will see to this, as he has the same sex marriage abomination acceptance. How have you children just sat there and grown over weight and permitted the capture of your mind, heart and Soul; loss of ability to govern this gift of your most loving Creator, your God. Remember, please, Jesus and what He did for you. By the way, only He has the power and right to change Sabbath from Saturday too Sunday and He did No such thing. Be ready,
pastor w. jean-louis
02 de abril de 2015 at 10:51 10Thu, 02 Apr 2015 10:51:16 +000016.I’m not surprise. because God is always will happen, if is not today it will be………..
Sister Michellealeta
02 de abril de 2015 at 12:58 12Thu, 02 Apr 2015 12:58:30 +000030.Amen, amen.
Kevin H. Patterson
03 de abril de 2015 at 20:27 08Fri, 03 Apr 2015 20:27:58 +000058.The title of this article is blatantly misleading. She was not «calling» for Sunday laws. Although this is made reasonably clear in your article, the title (which is what people will invariably see in search results) remains deceptive. Is this supposed to be an example of «[click] bait-and-switch»?
Siosaia Manakofua
03 de abril de 2015 at 23:00 11Fri, 03 Apr 2015 23:00:50 +000050.Enforcing of the sunday law is a sign that we’re at the very edge to the end of this world’s history and Jesus comes again to take us home.amen. SO WE’RE TO BE ALWAYS READY FOR HIS COMING.
05 de abril de 2015 at 04:44 04Sun, 05 Apr 2015 04:44:06 +000006.Do we seriously think our Jewish neighbours and friends would just roll over and allow a Sunday Law to come in unopposed? I don’t think it will happen any time soon, and if/when it does, it will be ugly.
11 de septiembre de 2015 at 05:19 05Fri, 11 Sep 2015 05:19:28 +000028.Jesus was hated by his own people n crucified by them and they are the masterminder of this.
06 de abril de 2015 at 19:44 07Mon, 06 Apr 2015 19:44:17 +000017.The Jews and Seventh Day Worshipers worship on Saturdays, the Muslims on Fridays, some on Wednesdays. Isn’t establishing a certain day Unconstitutional? You know the First Amendment of the Bill of RIGHTS! There is no lack for fools and tyrants in government is there?!
Kevin H. Patterson
14 de abril de 2015 at 16:53 04Tue, 14 Apr 2015 16:53:07 +000007.«Suggests Sunday Law» is somewhat more accurate than «Calls for Sunday Law». Thank you for changing the title.
Donna Baardsen
29 de abril de 2015 at 08:37 08Wed, 29 Apr 2015 08:37:59 +000059.While Sunday laws will one day come to pass, my Bible study tells me that the time of trouble/time of the end actually began the moment Adam and Eve sinned, escalates from that time forward, then culminates with cataclysmic events at the very end. Note that our Bible times brothers and sisters were not persecuted regarding the Sabbath only, and died well before the very end of time prophetic events. If the mark of the beast was only about the Sabbath and Sunday laws, then those who’ve died before us had to have received or not received it regardless of Sunday laws. The Bible makes no mention of persecution tied only to the Sabbath, but does regarding other numerous Bible Truths. My belief is that the mark of the beast involves far, far more than just Sabbath testing, and that this testing is not always of an obvious religious beliefs nature. Satan is subtle (as said in Genesis), and such persecution is far tougher than the religious to endure, since religious freedom is still permitted. It’s also more lethal to the individual. Again, persecution has to involve a lot more than the Sabbath, otherwise one cannot explain those who’ve died before us and will after us if Jesus does not come in the near future. Satan has one by the spiritual neck once he knows they have a narrow focus on this issue; and is quite content that many are shoving persecution into the Sunday law’s future. His fierce focus is on those who don’t and know better.
29 de abril de 2015 at 19:45 07Wed, 29 Apr 2015 19:45:02 +000002.«When Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, then whoever shall transgress the command of God, to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above God. He is paying homage to Rome and to the power which enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshiping the beast and his image. As men then reject the institution which God has declared to be the sign of His authority, and honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept the sign of allegiance to Rome–«the mark of the beast.» And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, that those who continue in transgression will receive «the mark of the beast…” Maranatha, page 169
Pr. Mayer
Donna Baardsen
30 de abril de 2015 at 13:16 01Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:16:29 +000029.I agree that the Sabbath issue factors into the mark of the beast, that the end will culminate with this ultimate issue. However, my belief is also that this teaching does not cover nor include, again, all who’ve died before us in history, and those (including ourselves) who will die before Jesus comes if it isn’t soon. If one focuses only on the Sunday laws to explain the mark, then this means only those who are alive at the time they’re passed receive or don’t receive that mark and leaves out millions upon millions throughout history including our Bible brothers and sisters, who never spoke of such a test and were martyred for any and all devotion to Christ, not the Sabbath alone. In so saying, my belief is not that the church is wrong; rather, that there is a prophetic gap. Job states that «Man is born unto trouble.» Since the fall of Eve, I dare say. Trouble, Persecution and martyrdom for Christ is not a one-time, cataclysmic event is my Biblical opinion. At the end it will be for some regarding the mark, but all who’ve ever lived and died throughout history are testimonies to God’s testing in all areas as being what ultimately determines the salvation of all. In other words, if it was only one choice at the end, how does one then explain those who never faced the choice as it is taught by the church since Adam and Eve fell and the great controversy began.
03 de mayo de 2015 at 20:14 08Sun, 03 May 2015 20:14:29 +000029.The mark of the beast is tied to the Sunday Law at the end of time. But there are other prophecies that those who follow Jesus will be hated (i.e. Matt 24:9) Persecution and Martyrdom for following Christ is not only related to the mark of the beast in the last days, but applies to many throughout history. The Sunday Law and the Mark of the Beast is the key issue in the last days that will be the final test for God’s people. Pr. Mayer
12 de noviembre de 2016 at 20:47 08Sat, 12 Nov 2016 20:47:19 +000019.Si me amais, Guardad mis mandamientos,,,,,,,,,,,incluye el sabado
12 de noviembre de 2016 at 21:20 09Sat, 12 Nov 2016 21:20:47 +000047.Si me amáis, Guardad mis mandamientos………Los Judíos no estaban en el principio de la Creación cuando Dios formo todo lo que vemos y ellos vieron, por lo tanto la palabra de Dios se tiene que cumplir y las profesias sobre Estados Unidos se están cumpliendo