El reciente acuerdo dirigido por los EE.UU entre Irán y seis naciones occidentales sobre el tema de las armas nucleares, no disminuirá la tensión y los conflictos en el Medio Oriente sino más bien la aumentará. Y Turquía puede levantarse para obtener el mayor beneficio.
Turquía es la economía más grande del Medio Oriente y está situada estratégicamente en la confluencia del Mar Negro y el Mediterráneo. Desde el año 330 DC, por más de 1.500 años, Turquía ha sido el centro de poderosos imperios.
Aunque Turquía tiene algunos intereses convergentes con Irán, incluyendo su dependencia del petróleo iraní y el control y/o la manipulación de los kurdos, son rivales en lucha por el poder. Ambos utilizan a los kurdos para socavar al otro. Tanto Turquía como Irán desean dominar la región árabe. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los árabes no desean ser gobernados por ninguno de los dos.
El Estado Islámico le causa a Turquía un número de problemas. Aunque, los kurdos parecen ser la fuerza más eficaz en la lucha contra el EI, éste ha surgido dentro de la propia Turquía, incluyendo células operativas y otras actividades.
Asimismo, Turquía no ve con buenos ojos la expansión iraní en el Levante, zona que considera parte de su propia esfera de influencia.
Siria es otro desafío. Turquía quiere deshacerse del gobierno de Assad y ha suministrado y entrenado militantes para luchar contra Damasco.
Mientras tanto, Arabia Saudita está alarmada por la potencial expansión de la influencia iraní en la región. Irán es predominantemente chiita y debido a que Irak ya no es un baluarte contra las ambiciones de Irán, la Casa Saudita está preocupada que los chiitas iraníes despierten a la gran población chiita que vive cerca de sus propios y enormes campos petroleros.
Si Assad cae, sería un golpe demoledor para la influencia iraní en la región. Por lo tanto, Turquía considera importante contar con Arabia Saudita para apoyar a los militantes suníes en Siria y proveerles armas para luchar contra Assad.
El intento de Estados Unidos, junto con otras cinco potencias, para rehabilitar la imagen internacional de Irán, junto con los deseos de Teherán para ampliar su dominio, dará lugar a más conflictos.
El acuerdo de Irán con las potencias occidentales significa más guerras debido a las circunstancias y los complejos y contradictorios intereses de la región. Turquía, por su posición geográfica, su fortaleza económica, y sus intereses militares, hace que sea el punto de apoyo de las luchas de poder de Oriente Medio, ya que se ocupa de sus intereses competitivos con Irán, Arabia Saudita e incluso Egipto.
Turquía también ha jugado una parte importante del cumplimiento de la profecía. En 1838, el millerita Josías Litch calculó a partir de Apocalipsis 9, que el 11 de agosto de 1840, el Imperio otomano llegaría a su fin. El exacto cumplimiento de esta profecía, dio una influencia importante a William Miller y al Movimiento Adventista. Ahora Turquía está creciendo nuevamente y convirtiéndose en una potencia regional. Siga atento el desarrollo con una precisión asombrosa de esta profecía.
«Y él será hombre fiero; su mano será contra todos, y la mano de todos contra él, y delante de todos sus hermanos habitará”. Génesis 16:12.
Source Reference
dean,looking for jesus.
05 de septiembre de 2015 at 09:33 09Sat, 05 Sep 2015 09:33:48 +000048.hello pastor and friends of jesus, inpart rev.9 is the ottoman empire, and the sixth angel is now imminent, rev,9;12. an hour, a day, a month, and a year to slay thhe third part of men. god did open this prophecy to me, last week,as all things now, are revealed. the gaza war against israel, ceased on the 26/8/2014, i was watching the news, and this is what was reported, that today 26/09/2015, is one year since the ceasefire, then it was revealed to me, that one hour, oneday, one month, one year, exactly ends the day , 27/09/2015. this is the time[peace] prepared for the kings of the east.now, the next day , 28/9/2015, this day is yom kippur, also the day of the last of the bloodmoons,no coincidence i believe. is turkey and iran about to make war with arabia and the whole middle east ?. for arabia does worship idols, even the black rock from the sky,for which they have a temple, and the fact that iran, calls the arabs ,a whore, because they sell there oil to the west, the infidels. and will they attack egypt, and take from her the spoils of gold and treasures?. we are at the time just before the sixth angel and the beginning of the last plagues,are you ready, have you confessed all to jesus, if not then you will not survive the last plagues, which are to fall on those who accept the mark of the beast. i believe that sunday law will occur at the same time as the sixth trrumpet is sounded, around the time of 28/09/2015, not neccessarily on that day, but very near it. why do i say this, because the pope is in america , just a few days before the 28/09/2015, and he is talking with the un and other law making institutions. god help us all.
11th our worker
06 de septiembre de 2015 at 04:39 04Sun, 06 Sep 2015 04:39:46 +000046.Dear Pastor Hal Mayer
Thank you for your informative articles. It`s hard finding correct information these days.
The media worldwide seems to be controlled, and my only “information guideline” in my life is The Holy Bible. As a supplement It`s very inspiring to read your articles. Information that can even save lives and inspire others to seek God for His grace and mercy. Please keep up the good work that you are doing, and praise the Lord for all people that will stand on His side in these last days, and fulfill His great work.
Keep the faith!
Leonard R Phillips
06 de septiembre de 2015 at 08:10 08Sun, 06 Sep 2015 08:10:03 +000003.Pastor Mayer I am a little curious to find out how deeply influenced you are by the WASP Republican conservative political agenda. The US and its allies are largely responsible for destabilizing the Muslim world especially Libya. Military strikes against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will not produce peace in that region. The Iranian deal is a welcomed departure from the paternalist and openly racist notion that only white nations and their closest allies should be a part of the nuclear club.
06 de septiembre de 2015 at 21:25 09Sun, 06 Sep 2015 21:25:01 +000001.Well, that’s hard to say actually. After all, I grew up in white Republican America (more or less). The bible, however, strips away all that partyism and racism – if it is permitted to do its work on the soul. We hope we are not reflecting the agenda of any party. At KTF we are more interested in prophecy than politics or race or anything else. Neither side (nor any side) can claim the high ground, politically speaking. We read both the liberal press and the conservative press, because often the conservatives tattle on the liberals and the liberals tattle on the conservatives. We are interested in both from a prophetic perspective only. Under Bush, a conservative, for example we reported on his abuse of the constitution incessantly (especially from the liberal press), because he was incessantly undermining the constitution. Under Obama we report his incessant abuse of the constitution… The same thing (often from the conservative press), though it involves a different set of issues. But aways from a prophetic point of view.
What does the bible and the SOP say about the end times? This is the key question. If you weren’t reading or listening to our material during the time of President Bush, you probably don’t have the larger picture of KTF. When the next president comes along, we’ll continue reporting on the abuse of our constitution, as well as global political issues, just as we are now, even if the president is white and Republican. The future, according to the Bible, belongs to socialism – global socialism (not merely national). And Republicans are actually moving that way as well. All of them will end up pushing for the worship of the Beast – a socialist global worship. Our Prophetic Intelligent Briefings are only little news items and the space and time does not permit expansion and application to the larger picture. Please read or listen to our sermons to get the full picture. I would recommend our sermons during the time of President Bush. They are all online, or you can request them from our office. They will help you understand the balance of our perspective. Blessings, Pr. Mayer