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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Pope Francis to Join Pentecostal and Evangelical Leaders in Praying for America
terça, 14 de junho de 2016
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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terça, 14 de junho de 2016 at 20:44When will the sda church wakeup and give the world the warning come out of her my people!! Our people are to silent and in love with the world and its almost to late to Wakeup!!! We are definitely on enchanted ground and also infiltrated by the jesuits!! Lord help us!!! Its time for a deep repentance !!! Wake up people!!!
terça, 14 de junho de 2016 at 22:28We are in so much country. We are literally watching the US grasp hands with Rome. It literally makes me sick. Millions will be lost, and the SDA church is asleep. For shame!
Samuel Perez
quarta, 15 de junho de 2016 at 17:11You are the church Mike, do you job, not all the church is sleeping, just part of them. Wich one you are??????? that is the question. God bless you and give you the power of the holly spirit to do your part and win the eternity, i’ll wil pray for you and for all the member of jesus body, who can be sleeping. Time will come….time will come
quarta, 15 de junho de 2016 at 09:08PULSE is this name of the “Christian”movement, the same name as the PULSE nightclub in Florida, the same name as the United Nations GLOBAL PULSE (real time surveillance), the same name as the movie PULSE, about a gay nightclub and murderer. The man (alledged shooter) worked for G4S formerly Wachenhut-(run by ex FBI and CIA), a contractor for the government, who is a client and associate of Crisis Cast (crisis actors).
All roads lead to rome. The Jesuits ( linked to the United Nations as a non government organization of the United Nations)lead the CIA operations and run the United Nations, and run false flag operations or psy ops.
“I will tell you that here in the united states every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI” –CIA Veteran Robert David Steele, live on RT News
And Hillary is calling for more surveillance:
“In a speech in Cleveland, she articulated plans for expanded online surveillance of potential extremist attackers. ” “We already know we need more resources for this fight. The professionals who keep us safe would be the first to say we need better intelligence to discover and disrupt terrorist plots before they can be carried out,” Clinton said. source: the (technology article)
“That’s why I’ve proposed an ‘intelligence surge’ to bolster our capabilities across the board, with appropriate safeguards here at home.” Clinton
All this PULSE on the people? The Modern Day Inquisition. The United Nations Global Pulse is the initiative for real time surveillance.
The Beast- RoME wants to know everything. They used to get their info from the confessional, but they have way more advanced means today!
Samuel Perez
quarta, 15 de junho de 2016 at 17:19when you see this thinks, remember …….is the beginning of pain, be happy or redemption is coming, Jesus Christ is coming a soon we think…………………..this events are the prophecy in self. Protestantism apostate, they’ll make alliance whit the beast, and when the say, peace and safety in the world…………..Destruction will come on them. Jesus Will appear on the sky, like king of kings. Aleluya, Glory to God. Amen. SO don’t be scare we are not on dark, we know this think since very very long time ago. stand up, be ready our redemption is commming. amen.
Jason W
segunda, 20 de junho de 2016 at 00:09There is much evil in the world today. Satan is well aware that his time is short. “Together 2016” wants Christians to pray to change the hearts of a divided America. Pray for WHAT? That we embrace, accept and love SIN? Ecumenism is not what GOD had in mind. Then again on the other hand GOD knew how mankind would sink into this pit of SIN and EVIL. SO it is written in HIS “WORD”!
Kit Cave
quinta, 23 de junho de 2016 at 17:34Sabbath laws are next.
segunda, 4 de julho de 2016 at check it out. God’s faithful few will not keep silent, they will be there and support in anyway they can. Will you?