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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Gender Identity has Become Absurd
quinta, 22 de setembro de 2016
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Tony K
quinta, 22 de setembro de 2016 at 08:43Do you think Sodom had such a list in Lot’s day?
I think even Sodom would have been appalled.
G. Elias
quinta, 22 de setembro de 2016 at 17:42God have mercy
domingo, 26 de abril de 2020 at 22:00Yessir
segunda, 26 de setembro de 2016 at 22:37I got dizzy after reading the first 5…
Ella Belle
terça, 27 de setembro de 2016 at 00:02Good grief! Sodom & Gomorrah revisited and intensified! Yikes!
Joe Wilson
terça, 27 de setembro de 2016 at 20:34How could a messily 8%-10% of our population have so much power to change laws and dictate there agenda to the rest of the 90% heteralsexuals in this country how is that possible? This is truly satanic it almost seems like we’re just handing them the power with no resistance or out of fear!
Nikki Ahrens
segunda, 6 de fevereiro de 2017 at 20:43You are all hypocritical Christians. The bible says to love all yet you call something that involves only making people comfortable in their own skin “satanic”. I am bisexual and transgender woman and God loves me because I love others and spread love. There’s a song lyric that says, “If you spread hate at the sermon those words aren’t anointed, that holy water you soak your hands in has been poisoned”.
segunda, 6 de fevereiro de 2017 at 21:58Jesus still loves the sinner, but hated the sin, just as he did when he was here on earth. We do our best to follow his example, something that most alternative lifestyle advocates fail to distinguish. No holy water here. Just plain bible teaching. If the bible is true, then the lives of Christian people have to be reconciled with it regardless of feelings and emotions. If it is not true, then of course, one would not have to follow it. You decide. Its that way with any sin, not just get comfortable with it. We are called by scripture to turn our backs on all of our sins, even the most “comfortable” of them. God be with you Nikki.
segunda, 26 de março de 2018 at 19:49I bet God’s really regretting putting u on the planet
terça, 17 de setembro de 2019 at 08:54Lol!! this makes me laugh all this gender rubbish is for attention its a joke!! Niki your trans who cares! So your either a boy or a girl that how you should identify yourself. My best friend was a boy she is now a girl and we refer to her as a girl not as “transgender” as the whole reason for having a sex change is because you believe you were born of the wrong sex.
Know one here cares that you one was a boy now your a girl its old news its boring its the norm now what I care about is idiots saying oh im not a boy or a girl im gender neutral and them others saying im a tree etc etc where does it stop!!!!
GENETICALLY you are a boy or a girl that is scientific fact so all these attention seeking morons that for some reason the world panders to because they are scared its “discrimination” if they don’t.
Gay – Lesbians – transgenders etc etc I thought the hole Idea was they wanted to be treated as equals? so why are they all so hell bent on segregating themselves!!! LGBT pretty much means everyone apart from straight people!!!
Whats next groups that include everyone but black people? we are all supposed to live together as equals yet so many races and genders want preferential treatment and attention and it makes me feel physically sick.
Get a grip and get on with your lives!!!
ALSO!!!! how do you know everyone here is a Christian!!! you bang on about stereotyping this that and the other and you make that comment makes you look thick!!!
quarta, 15 de abril de 2020 at 11:15Wait, you have a point, the only belief that I agree with here is that there does not need to be 112 genders, for some of them don’t make sense, the greatest amount of genders that there should be is 15, attractions should be as many as there is.
sexta, 10 de novembro de 2017 at 15:57A lot of these are joke-fake-genders. Don’t read into it too much. The way people like the guy who made this page make it seem like the joke-genders are real and make people hate the LGBT+ community even more, makes me sick.
It’s hateful. God said to treat thy neighbor kindly.
So if you don’t, you are sinning.
God loves and forgives all.
And always remember that just because you believe one religion that doesn’t like LGBT+, doesn’t mean that someone can be in another religion that accepts LGBT+. If you do act like that. Just know it’s the same as this;
You:You can’t eat a cookie because I’M. On a diet!
I deeply apologize if this comes off as agressive or anything, it was not my intent.
segunda, 13 de novembro de 2017 at 11:38Christ loved the sinner and hated the sin. When a sinner came to him repentant, he said to “go and sin no more.” True christians who follow Jesus will do the same. Gender Identity issues are a result the enemy’s attack on the human person. Christ was always kind, loving and appreciative of the human person, even with all its sins, attitudes and pain. He worked to heal them of their pain. God bless you.
sábado, 12 de novembro de 2016 at 21:29im cease-gender irl
Nikki Ahrens
segunda, 6 de fevereiro de 2017 at 20:42You are all hypocritical Christians. The bible says to love all yet you call something that involves only making people comfortable in their own skin “satanic”. I am bisexual and transgender woman and God loves me because I love others and spread love. There’s a song lyric that says, “If you spread hate at the sermon those words aren’t anointed, that holy water you soak your hands in has been poisoned”.
sábado, 11 de abril de 2020 at 21:04Yes, finally, somebody with sense here! I’m bigender, Agender Demiboy. I’m also omnisexual. It’s nice to have somebody here who isn’t saying these are fake genders.
domingo, 11 de julho de 2021 at 23:43A gender isn’t your identity lmao it’s just whether you are boy or girl not anything else
terça, 23 de maio de 2017 at 14:32plz kys. plz
quarta, 17 de outubro de 2018 at 14:30Johnathan – why would you feel that such a thing is relevant in any way? How does the way others identify harm you at all, let alone enough for you to say something so hurtful?
quarta, 17 de outubro de 2018 at 22:30The aggressive gender identity activists are undermining the traditional, biblical understanding of binary gender on which our society is based. That affects everybody. It is also directly related to bible prophecy. Yes, the biblical sword cuts. But Jesus still loves the homosexual and wants to save him/her/whatever (not joking), not in the sin, but from the sin.
Jayda Wilson
sexta, 23 de junho de 2017 at 13:47A lot of these confuse me by only having a small difference from other genders, but I’m not one to doubt the complexity of a human’s personality and self-evaluation. As long as you are happy and not hurting others, then identify as you wish and I will be happy for you. God bless you.
Linda Lincoln
segunda, 28 de maio de 2018 at 20:49Thank you for your respect and empathy! I’m also kinda confused by the wide array of gender identities, but as you so wonderfully put it, “I’m not one to doubt the complexity of a human’s personality and self-evaluation”. Have a wonderful day!
segunda, 22 de janeiro de 2018 at 22:59Sodoma y Gomorra es retrograda ante tal aberración y abominación. Por eso no hay duda, estamos en los últimos tiempos. Prepárate, porque Cristo viene pronto.
quinta, 22 de fevereiro de 2018 at 15:01Hi, I eat babies
sábado, 17 de março de 2018 at 21:05It Exist the Biology Book
Gender | Cop Final
quarta, 6 de junho de 2018 at 23:54[…] Genders […]
quarta, 14 de novembro de 2018 at 11:42i hate people
terça, 22 de janeiro de 2019 at 10:58This post is ridiculous. Some of this text can be found on a Fandom Wiki page that anyone can create. These terms cannot be cross-referenced anywhere on the internet. Never read so much garbage passed off as truth before. Talk about misleading and fake news! There is ZERO credibility here.
sexta, 4 de setembro de 2020 at 20:29bruh
quinta, 8 de outubro de 2020 at 23:21Very informative. Thank you
segunda, 8 de março de 2021 at 15:00I am a demigirl and it really makes me sad to see how many *** genders there are. many of these are just downright disrespectful to people who actually experience dysphoria. ugh
segunda, 26 de abril de 2021 at 21:02Its good to forgive people regardless us as God’s children we have to love its not our place to judge anyone its God’s job to do that Jesus taught us to love people no matter what remember Jesus said “judge not and you will not be judged” so lets normalize praying for them instead of bashing them and putting them down
segunda, 5 de julho de 2021 at 18:57No entiendo lo que está mal. Gracias a esta lista pude descubrir que no soy cis y que soy juxera
How Many Genders Are There In 2021?
domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2022 at 11:16[…] Source: […]