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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Supreme Court ruling may create ‘unavoidable conflict’ between religious liberty, LGBT ideology, group warns
20 de diciembre de 2024
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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William Stroud
21 de diciembre de 2024 at 01:38 01Sat, 21 Dec 2024 01:38:02 +000002.So much to comment on in this article but I’ll keep it brief as much as possible. I can’t believe an issue like this has even come up before the Supreme Court. Logic, reason and common sense seems to have completely vanished from our society. So-called «trans» ideology is when a person «believes» they are a different gender than the one identified by doctors at birth, literally, male or female followed by the «belief» that one may achieve a complete «transition» from one gender to the other through surgical procedures that alter healthy normal body parts and by ingesting pharmaceuticals such as hormones dominant in the desired gender and chemicals that «block» puberty. No amount of surgery and/or drugs can accomplish this «transition» in reality. It is cosmetic at best…or worst depending on how you look at it. This is the «belief» of the «trans» ideology. A belief happens in the mind. That is where the issue lies and this is what needs treatment, not the genitalia or hormones. The supreme court thinks the decision of a minor should enable them to make these life changing decisions. That’s absurd and dangerous. People who present this ideology to children are inhuman and should be kept away from innocent vulnerable kids. Help the kids. Get them counselling, Talk to them. Reason with them. God says «Come, let us reason together». The children they say they want to protect are in need of psychological care, not surgical. To treat this condition with surgery is akin to performing lobotomies on the mentally ill. Perhaps this ideology is put forth by transhumanists in order to advance the progress of their notion of «live forever». What person in their right mind believes a male can become a female in reality. You may look female, act female and sound female but the fact that you are still male is unchangeable by anyone except God, and I don’t know of Him ever doing such a thing. If a «Christian» couple marry, they enter into a contract to love each other and live as a couple and one decides to be unfaithful, to divorce and to change their gender presentation, they have violated that contract. In business if you violate a legal contract, which is what marriage is, you lose your rights. This all is a sign that Jesus will be coming soon. We all need to tell His truth to everyone who will listen.