Se espera que el Papa Francisco visite St. Andrews, Escocia, para firmar una carta contra el extremismo en septiembre de 2016. Líderes de diferentes religiones, líderes comunitarios y diplomáticos se reunirán para firmar una declaración de 10 puntos en la cual se pide a todas las religiones unirse contra el radicalismo.
Aunque el Vaticano todavía tiene que confirmar si el Papa asistirá al evento, se ha dicho que el viaje está siendo considerado. Se trataría de una visita corta de un día y sin pasar la noche. El Papa Francisco podría volar a Escocia y regresar a Roma el mismo día. La visita podría realizarse a título privado para asistir a un evento académico y exponer ante el movimiento contra el extremismo. No sería una visita pastoral.
Mario Aguilar, profesor de religión y política en St. Andrews y biógrafo papal, invitó al Papa a participar en la sensibilización de la carta contra el extremismo. «Mi opinión es que el Papa Francisco está interesado y ha puesto el evento en su agenda de actividades. Se me ha indicado que se está considerando su visita».
«Todo el mundo se maravilló en pos de…» Apocalipsis 13: 3.
Source Reference
22 de febrero de 2016 at 13:33 01Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:33:27 +000027.What stands out is the terminology: charter against extremism. What does a Catholic Pope consider extreme a heretic? The Pope considers those that have the STANDARD heretics, because they go by the Bible and the Bible only.
«When Rome at one time determined to exterminate the hated sect, a bull was issued by the pope condemning them as heretics, and delivering them to slaughter. They were not accused as idlers, or dishonest, or disorderly; but it was declared that they had an appearance of piety and sanctity that seduced “the sheep of the true fold.” Therefore the pope ordered “that the malicious and abominable sect of malignants,” if they refuse to abjure, “be crushed like venomous snakes.” Did this haughty potentate expect to meet those words again? Did he know that they were registered in the books of Heaven, to confront him at the Judgment? “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,” said Jesus, “ye have done it unto me.” [Matthew 25:40
This bull invited all Catholics to take up the cross against the heretics. In order to stimulate them in this cruel work, it absolved them from all ecclesiastical pains and penalties, it released all who joined the crusade from any oaths they might have taken; it legalized their title to any property which they might have illegally acquired, and promised remission of all their sins to such as should kill any heretic.» 4SP pg 83.