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The underground church represents a virtual reversal of the thinking and many of God's people about the church in general. And to a large extent it is a strange and foreign concept. We who live in free countries don't normally think about what we'll do in a time of persecution.
Protecting the Underground Church, Part 4
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Poll: Only 16% of Americans Support the Government Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency
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Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds: ‘Highly troubling’
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En un golpe a la libertad religiosa, la Corte Suprema de Rusia ha prohibido la actividad de los testigos de Jehová en cualquier parte del país. El alto tribunal aceptó una solicitud del ministerio de justicia que identificaba a la…
Members of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) group voted to «campaign to ensure a comprehensive age-appropriate content including promotion of LGBT+ matters for all schools from nursery throughout all phases of state education.» Education Ministers have already announced that…
La China y el Vaticano han llegado a un consenso sobre la designación de obispos, lo cual conducirá a la resolución de otros problemas pendientes, dijo el cardenal de Hong Kong, John Tong. «A partir de ahora, no habrá más…
La Confederación Europea de Sindicatos Independientes (CESI) se ha unido como miembro en apoyo a la Alianza Dominical Europea. CESI, fundada en 1990, cuenta con 38 organizaciones sindicales de 21 países europeos y 4 organizaciones sindicales europeas, con un total…
KEEP the FAITH brings you timely messages with in-depth spiritual analysis of current events in light of Bible prophecy so you can prepare for the coming of Jesus. Listen to what the news won't tell you. Important messages for our times.