El Tribunal Quinto del Circuito de Apelaciones escuchó el testimonio de cuatro adultos, hijos de padres homosexuales, en el cual describen lo que ha sido su experiencia al crecer en un hogar homosexual. Ellos afirman que el matrimonio homosexual, aprobado por el gobierno puede conducir a muchos niños al desastre.
Katy Fausto, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein y Robert Oscar López fueron criados por padres homosexuales. -Cada uno de ellos dejó en escritos judiciales sus relatos de los recuerdos de la infancia en los cuales describen a sus padres como seres profundamente disfuncionales debido a sus apetitos sexuales y su subcultura homosexual radical. Todos aseguraron que la redefinición del matrimonio para incluir a parejas homosexuales probablemente dará lugar a «la explotación y el abuso de un sinnúmero de niños a fin de obtener beneficios políticos y personales”.
Los escritos describen cómo sus padres utilizaron la ideología homosexual como herramienta de represión, castigo y abuso mientras los utilizaban como «apoyo para mostrar públicamente que las familias homosexuales eran como las heterosexuales”.
«Aunque no creo que todos los homosexuales sean malos padres, durante mi vida he podido presenciar que la comunidad homosexual nunca pone a los niños en primer lugar sino que los utiliza como si fuesen una parte que les pertenece, un error del pasado o una herramienta política para adornar y lucir como espectáculo para impresionar a los bien intencionados», escribió Klein.
Klein además describió cómo fue presionada a prestar «homenaje y constante atención» a la identidad homosexual de sus padres mientras se le enseñaba que «algunos judíos y la mayoría de los cristianos eran estúpidos, que aborrecían a los homosexuales y que eran violentos». También le dijeron que los homosexuales eran «mucho más creativos y artísticos».
López expresó a la corte que a pesar de haber recibido en su niñez una educación con las «mejores condiciones posibles», la ausencia de una figura paterna combinada con una cultura homosexual radical lo dejó confundido acerca de su propia sexualidad y lo indujo a convertirse en un prostituto homosexual siendo tan solo un adolescente para «tratar de llenar su necesidad de aceptación y amor por parte de hombres mayores… aunque en ese momento difícilmente podía entender lo que estaba haciendo».
López también dijo que muchos adultos criados por homosexuales tienen historias similares pero tienen miedo de contradecir públicamente el consenso «de que no hay inconvenientes» por temor a ser blanco del acoso de los activistas homosexuales.
Faust dijo que los que hablan en contra del matrimonio homosexual son a menudo «amenazados con la humillación pública, la suspensión del trabajo o algo peor”. También afirmó que los padres homosexuales a menudo hacen que el matrimonio homosexual sea la «única insignia de lealtad» entre los amigos y familiares de los LGBT. «Yo he sido (y todavía estoy) agobiado por la acusación de que soy intolerante y anti-gay por mi creencia en el matrimonio natural… He llegado a darme cuenta de que mi silencio y el silencio de otros, ha permitido que el debate sea dominado por aquellos que afirman que sólo la hostilidad, ignorancia o adoctrinamiento puede conducir a la oposición a una ‘igualdad en el matrimonio’”. Faust expresó que todo niño tiene derecho a tener relación con una madre y un padre… Ahora se está volviendo normal tener una estructura familiar donde el niño estará siempre privado de la influencia diaria de uno de los sexos y la relación con al menos uno de sus padres biológicos».
«Como niños, no se nos permite expresar nuestro desacuerdo, dolor y confusión», escribió Stefanowicz. «La mayoría de los adultos criados por familias homosexuales no se sienten seguros o libres de expresar públicamente sus historias y los desafíos que tienen en su vida. Tienen temor de perder sus licencias profesionales, no poder obtener un empleo en su campo elegido, ser rechazado por algunos miembros de la familia o perder cualquier relación que tienen con su padre(s) homosexual(es). Algunos padres homosexuales han amenazado con dejar sin herencia a los hijos si no aceptan su compañero du jour [de turno]”.
Stefanowicz también explicó cómo «los llamados grupos de apoyo para niños [de matrimonios homosexuales] a veces actúan o funcionan más como frentes de un lado mucho más aterrador que silencia, intimida y amenaza a los niños que quieren compartir la verdad,’ haciendo que sólo una versión políticamente correcta de nuestra infancia pueda ser oída… Se ignora la terrible desigualdad, las pérdidas permanentes y el daño causado a los niños en nombre de los derechos sexuales de los adultos.
«Asimismo como sucedió en los días de Lot.» Lucas 17:28.
‘Quartet of Truth’: Adult children of gay parents testify against same-sex ‘marriage’ at 5th Circuit
- Nuevo informe: «los hijos de parejas gays o lesbianas están en desventaja» ante «los criados por padres biológicos»
13 de febrero de 2015 at 12:53 12Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:53:27 +000027.This is the most disgusting, disgraceful, disrespectful, and oppressive piece of **** I’ve ever read. I’m not familiar with this website but I assume it’s a Christian thing and I would love to point out the homophobia in this and state that according to your beliefs, you’re not supposed to judge others and treat them like ****. Aren’t you supposed to love everyone and god decides the rest. You people are repulsive hypocrites.
Pr. Mayer
14 de febrero de 2015 at 22:13 10Sat, 14 Feb 2015 22:13:30 +000030.Homophobia, in a practical sense, is defined as hatred or fear of homosexuals. We would categorically deny that. Our family has several close and personal homosexual friends that we enjoy associating with very much indeed, though we do not believe their behavior is right. They know that when they visit our home, they will be respected and treated very well, like they are our best friends. Likewise when we visit with them, they know that they don’t have to hide in the «proverbial closet,” though they know where we stand. One of them has gone through a lot of emotional and manipulative abuse by her partner, and when she is in crisis, where do you think she calls for advice? That’s right, she respects us so much that she calls us to help her to maturely think through her trials and pain. We do not moralize when we give her relational advise in how to deal with an abusive partner, which is not dissimilar to counsel we would give to heterosexual couples who have similar dysfunctional relationships. I don’t think you can rightly label us homophobic. We do not fear homosexual people. Nor do we hate them. We actually appreciate them and have worked with many over the years.
Though Christians may be repulsive to you, we nevertheless respect all people, even if they strongly disagree with us, including you, Chey. Our job is to alert people to the near return of Christ and the urgent need to prepare, not to judge anyone. We do not treat them unkindly. I respectfully approved your comments as written, except for the vulgar language (we reserve the right to remove such language), though I left the other unkind and judgmental words in your post out of respect to you and your feelings. However, we would have appreciated the same respect for us and our position with a kinder frame of reference which you appear to expect of us. Incidentally, hypocrisy is pretending to be something that one is not. I don’t believe you can credibly accuse us of that either, since we practice what we teach.
To oppose gay marriage on the basis of God’s word is not being judgmental. It is a frame of reference. God is the one who judges the heart. We did not accuse anyone of being wicked or sinful in our briefing, such as what Lot did when confronted with homosexuals in Sodom. We simply summarized the reports that were made to the court by the authors. They, therefore are ultimately the target of your angst, even though they simply reported to the judge and the court what they experienced as a result of growing up in homosexual households. It would seem that objectivity would be in order here. There may well be those who grew up in similar environments that did not experience the same things. But careful, objective research should be done concerning this, though perhaps in the present political and social environment that would be very politically incorrect. It is the same with evolutionary theory which obscures research that opposes it’s basic tenets and ideals. In an emotionally charged political environment objectivity is rare. But perhaps with a little dose of it, you would accept the hand of friendship. With respect and kindness, Pr. Mayer
16 de febrero de 2015 at 08:58 08Mon, 16 Feb 2015 08:58:05 +000005.Your definition of love seems to be just to leave people in their sins and don’t say anything or warn others of the dangers of sin. You assume that by pointing this out as a sin we’re taking a high horse, we too have sinned, maybe not the same sins others share but we all have sinned. The Bible clearly warns that the sins of the people before the flood and the sins practiced in Sodom would be prevalent in the end times, so not to warn against this would be reject the warnings of Christ. If you have such a big issue with this take it up with the Creator God then!
Carson Limbrick
17 de noviembre de 2015 at 00:18 12Tue, 17 Nov 2015 00:18:03 +000003.Excellent rebuttal pastor.
25 de febrero de 2015 at 09:47 09Wed, 25 Feb 2015 09:47:47 +000047.Dear Chey,
You clearly are irrationally mad at the wrong people. Those dear children speaking out are THE children of homosexual couples. They would know much more about what they are talking about than you. They are relating a real life experience. There words ring true to everything I have hear and learned about homosexual lifestyle and behavior. Save your anger for the homosexual community that foists these horrible situations and beliefs upon innocent children.
Sean Taylor
13 de febrero de 2015 at 22:57 10Fri, 13 Feb 2015 22:57:43 +000043.I praise the Lord, that some have the courage to stand up and say the right thing and speak the truth about this abnormal and perverted form of family.
I thought my life was hard growing up in a normal family! But, there is always someone worse off and I pray the Lord will be with these poor people in there adults lives and lead them in the way of right doing.
I hope that anybody receiving this message will join with me in taking the kingdom of God by force and be ready for Jesus when he arrives shortly!! A-men
Pr. Mayer
14 de febrero de 2015 at 22:14 10Sat, 14 Feb 2015 22:14:04 +000004.Matthew 11:12 is the only verse that talks about the kingdom of heaven and force, and it refers to wicked or the “violent» that forcefully abuse the righteous. Like John the Baptist, they are persecuted, and even beheaded for their faith and testimony. Here is what it says, «And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” We can never force anyone. And the kingdom of heaven already belongs to the righteous because of the sacrifice of Christ. Until Jesus comes, the violent will forcefully abuse those who stand on Bible truth. -Pr. Mayer
Alix Romanov
22 de febrero de 2015 at 21:06 09Sun, 22 Feb 2015 21:06:10 +000010.Y’all are forgetting that the comments made regarding gay couples are from children raised in households of gay couples, in a court of law. These aren’t your “dispicable, evil Christian making the comments, but children who in the same-sex situation with parents of this ilk. In making their decision on same-sex marriage, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals heard from four adult children of gay parents describing what it is like to grow up in the environment of gay marriage. They believe that government approved same-sex marriages could lead to disaster for many children.
24 de febrero de 2015 at 09:51 09Tue, 24 Feb 2015 09:51:39 +000039.My brother was killed by a drunk driver and his wife was drown. My niece was 5 months when her Dad was killed. and was 3 years old when her Mother drown. She was then adopted by her Uncle and Aunt and was treated badly. Then adopted by her other Aunt and was treated nice. When she graduated from high school went to Hawaii and 10years later had a baby girl and gave her baby up to two men that are married. My heart goes out to that little baby girl. Please pray for her. They are no longer on face book so I have lost tract of her.
04 de marzo de 2015 at 14:48 02Wed, 04 Mar 2015 14:48:18 +000018.None of these 4 people are «children of same-sex marriages.» They were all raised in the 1970s. 2 of the 4 were raised by single parents. None of these 4 individuals provide any proof or verification for any of their claims and in 3 out of 4 cases, the parents are deceased and are unable to challenge anything said. Now, Ms. Faust’s parents are alive and could rebut any falsehoods she might tell. And wouldn’t you know? She has nothing bad to say about her parents Her court submission lays out her political views on marriage but offers nothing from her own background relevant to the issue. So really, this is a group of 3 individuals, telling unverified stories of how they were raised by single parents 40 years ago.
04 de marzo de 2015 at 21:40 09Wed, 04 Mar 2015 21:40:27 +000027.We reported on the court briefings. Do you have documentation of the statements you have made? Pr. Mayer
margaret Robinson
10 de julio de 2015 at 08:59 08Fri, 10 Jul 2015 08:59:14 +000014.Gays are bigoted and dominating. Christians love the gays but hate their sin as the God of Heaven calls it an abomination. How dare they shove their brand of love down our throats and say they want legal marriage legally disbanded