Franklin Graham, hijo del evangelista bautista Billy Graham, y Presidente y Director de la Asociación Evangelista Billy Graham, dijo que fue la “mano de Dios” y no los hackers rusos quienes determinaron los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre.
“Creo que quizás ha sido Dios quien le ha permitido ganar a Donald Trump para proteger a esta nación por los próximos años al darnos la oportunidad de quizás tener algunos buenos jueces”, dijo Graham.
Graham será uno de los seis clérigos que ofrecerá la invocación, bendición y lectura en la ceremonia de juramento de Donald Trump el próximo 20 de enero. Graham dice que más allá de los factores humanos, la misteriosa mano de la divina providencia hizo su trabajo en las elecciones.
“Todo lo que sé es que se suponía que Donald Trump iba a perder las elecciones” de acuerdo a las encuestas, dijo. “Pero creo que la forma en la cual estos estados actuaron, en mi opinión, ha sido la mano de Dios”. “No fue la piratería informática [hacking], ni la filtración de información [wiki-leaks] o cosa parecida. Pienso que fue Dios y creo que Su mano obró para darles a los cristianos una oportunidad”.
¿Una oportunidad para qué? Si bien los evangélicos ciertamente ejercerán su influencia con Donald Trump y el congreso republicano para hacer algunas cosas de gran valor, los liberales han llevado a Estados Unidos tan lejos en la izquierda que será para estos evangélicos muy difícil resistirse a ir más allá del equilibro y alejarse yendo en la dirección opuesta imponiendo leyes que podrían restringir la libertad religiosa de las religiones minoritarias.
Graham nunca apoyó a Trump pero fue un agudo crítico de la administración Obama y un oponente vocal de Hillary Clinton, especialmente por su intransigente apoyo al aborto a solicitud.
Poco antes del día de las elecciones, Graham declaró que no era “difícil saber cuál es la mejor opción para presidente si usted es cristiano”.
Graham dijo algunas semanas atrás: “Yo creo que Donald Trump ha cambiado. Pienso que Dios está trabajando en su corazón y en su vida. No obstante, cada uno debe formar su propia opinión”.
“Nuestro sistema político está mal y se requiere un liderazgo fuerte y duro para empezar a componer una parte de él”, dijo Graham antes de ser elegido para participar en la ceremonia de inauguración.
“Y se le permitió infundir aliento a la imagen de la bestia, para que la imagen hablase e hiciese matar a todo el que no la adorase”. Apocalipsis 13:15.
04 de enero de 2017 at 08:59 08Wed, 04 Jan 2017 08:59:41 +000041.This is non sense did GOD also put Hitler into power? GOD gave men free will to choose life or death. So if men choose death GOD well not intervene but respect that choice as sad as it may be. If you choose to kill steal commit adultery GOD will not stop you. These Grams far away from GOD making such claims is ridiculous.
04 de enero de 2017 at 10:06 10Wed, 04 Jan 2017 10:06:13 +000013.God said that He set up Nebuchadnezzar, though he was not a righteous man. So there is some ground for Graham to say this. But the fact is that Graham is aiming for ends that are prophetically designated. The result will be similar to the way Nebuchadnezzar treated the three hebrews who refused to bow down to his image.
Andrew Large
04 de enero de 2017 at 19:18 07Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:18:49 +000049.It is clear from scripture that God works to a prophetic timetable, examples of which are the great flood, beginning and cutting off of the ministry of Christ and the 2300 prophetic days which terminated in 1844. There are a few prophetic events yet to unfold and the divine timeline still holds true. The final events will not occur haphazardly but rather on time, God’s time which will have a real, corresponding point in this worlds calendar of events. It is very likely that DT has been divinely “appointed” and HRC was not as more liberalism will not bring things to a head prophetically until a conservative backlash occurs. How can USA do the Papacy’s bidding when it is overwhelmingly secular and liberal, notwithstanding that some significant ground work has been laid with the Papacy during the Obama years. With DT about to become President it is clear to me that conservative Christian America and the Papacy will have an increasing role in the new government. DT has made overtures to the evangelicals and them to him while he has also publically stated his appreciation and goodwill towards US Catholics. The evangelicals have also had much dialogue with the Papacy over the last two years; it’s all become one big circle of goodwill. Unfortunately, it’s not the type of goodwill God desires as that unity that Christ prayed for was complete unity under him and his truth, all of it, Genesis through to Revelation. The world’s churches are fallen due to pride and stubbiness over doctrine and pagan practices. How can that kind of unity be acceptable to God? Hence his call to the endtime generation to come (get) out. I believe that the Lord is yearning to have this worlds events wrapped up and in order to do this he must ensure that certain events occur while still maintaining the free will principle. Satan of course is much less anxious and I suspect would be happy for continued liberalism and globalism under the liberal agenda, he knows what is instore for him although he will try and change that outcome. Although the evangelicals might like to think that DT has been divinely set up to bring the nation back to God, this is not a biblically sustainable belief with respect to America in prophecy, which is unfortunately ignored by most as they look to literal Israel prophetic manifestations. Just in closing, regarding being divinely appointed, if God wants to divinely appoint us, we still have free choice. DT wasn’t forced to put his name forward…by God at least. With free choice it is possible to “walk into” an unconditional prophecy (one that God will not change under any circumstances) through pride and selfishness thus the prophecy is fulfilled but eternal life may be put in peril if we become an enemy of God.
06 de enero de 2017 at 00:21 12Fri, 06 Jan 2017 00:21:54 +000054.Daniel 2:21says: «And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding…»
07 de enero de 2017 at 17:18 05Sat, 07 Jan 2017 17:18:05 +000005.Yes, there is overwhelming evidence of the love, respect, and hope among Evangelicals for unbridled evil, considered «strength». Even some SDA’s and SDA Ministers no less find it hard to contain their joy over the results of this election singing his praises in their sermons! They say, «We can expect GREAT things»!
I do not speak of hearsay, but I personally witnessed this in my local SDA church.
Apparently it is easy to justify and claim «conversion» of someone who says he NEVER asks God for forgiveness, and even go as far to say God did this when there is an underlying bias and COMPLETE deception.
Then to sweeten the «deal» the Pres. Elect has promised to give the Evangelicals and I quote «whatever they want»! So here we have a «heads up» on the direct fulfillment of prophecy! We can not resist Satan’s charms.
God does ALLOW evil to rule at times, but this is NOT His will no more than He wants us to listen and obey Satan. He allows this to show us our folly and REPENT.
These self righteous «church folk» are quick to point to the degradation of the Obama Administration, but most of it comes from an position of pure HATE and prejudice. I don’t know of ANYONE who received a notice from the U.S. Gov. stating that they HAD to become a homosexual, but we will receive one to receive the mark of the beast. Homosexuality is WRONG – but God has his own way of addressing it, ask the Sodomities. Lot was not required to try to influence by LAWS or any other method to get them to change. It was time to «come out of her», just like it is time for us to, see Rev. 14.
To illustrate what just happened – the 2016 election, picture this: We – America – have just jumped out of an airplane and are exuberant of the wind wafting about us. At some point we will try to engage the parachute when some find no string or string and no parachute!
Where the parachute should have been was just a bundle of FAKE news. Then an urgent call is made «ah, Mr. President your highness, our parachutes did not deploy, what can we,…. Mr. Pres. «I’ll get back to you on that NEXT WEEK».
We destroyed one of the twin institutions – marriage – under the «liberal» Administration, now will destroy the other – the Sabbath – under the «conservative Administration.
This was SATAN’s intention all along. There is NO guess work here, only a few seconds left to find the «ark of safety».