A través del documento titulado «La ideología de Género Perjudica a los Niños», el Colegio Americano de Pediatría claramente presenta su posición y los hechos médicos y psicológicos relacionados con las personas transgénero, oponiéndose firmemente a la ideología que brinda énfasis a la fascinación moderna con el transgenerismo.
Estos son los ocho puntos presentados por el ACP [Colegio Americano de Pediatras]. El artículo original proporciona más detalles científicos y objetivos.
«El Colegio Americano de Pediatras insta a los educadores y legisladores a rechazar todas las políticas que condicionan a los niños a aceptar una vida de imitación química y quirúrgica del sexo opuesto como algo normal. Los hechos y no la ideología son quienes determinan la realidad.
«1. La sexualidad humana es un rasgo biológico binario característico: «XY» y «XX» son marcadores genéticos de la salud, y no marcadores genéticos de un trastorno…
«2. Nadie nace con un género. Todo el mundo nace con un sexo biológico. Género (ser consciente de sí mismo como hombre o mujer) es un concepto sociológico y psicológico; no un objetivo biológico…
«3. La creencia de una persona que él o ella es algo que no es, son en su mejor instancia un signo de confusión en el pensamiento…
«4. La pubertad no es una enfermedad y el bloqueo de las hormonas en la pubertad puede ser peligroso… e inhibe el crecimiento y fertilidad en un niño previamente saludable biológicamente…
«5. Según el DSM-V, un 98% de los varones que confunden su género y un 88% de las niñas que confunden su género, eventualmente aceptan su sexo biológico después de pasar por la pubertad, y lo hacen de una manera natural…
«6. Los niños que usan bloqueadores de la pubertad para imitar al sexo opuesto requerirán hormonas del sexo opuesto en la adolescencia tardía. Las hormonas sexuales (Cross-testosterona y estrógenos) están asociados con riesgos peligrosos para la salud, incluyendo pero no limitados a presión arterial alta, coágulos sanguíneos, accidentes cerebrovasculares y cáncer.
«7. Las tasas de suicidio son veinte veces mayores en los adultos que usan hormonas del sexo opuesto y se someten a cirugía de reasignación de sexo, incluso en Suecia, país que apoya y en el cual se encuentra la mayoría de los LGBTQ…
«8. Condicionar a los niños con la creencia de que una vida de suplantación química y quirúrgica del sexo opuesto es normal y saludable es un abuso infantil. Brindar apoyo a la discordancia de género y verlo como una forma normal a través de la educación pública y las políticas legales crea confusión en los niños y sus padres, lo que lleva a que más niños se presenten en las «clínicas de género», donde se les administrarán medicamentos que bloquean la pubertad. Esto a su vez, asegura virtualmente que van a «elegir» una vida de hormonas del sexo opuesto, las cuales son cancerígenas y de otra manera tóxicas, y probablemente consideren una mutilación quirúrgica innecesaria de sus partes del cuerpo sanas como adultos jóvenes».
«Y creó Dios al hombre a su [propia] imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó. «Génesis 1:27.
Esther Dangana
25 de mayo de 2016 at 06:28 06Wed, 25 May 2016 06:28:17 +000017.May God strengthen our faith in him by holding our hands so that we can not fall. God bless you pastor Hal Mayer.
Erin Fuller
26 de mayo de 2016 at 13:01 01Thu, 26 May 2016 13:01:23 +000023.Ah yeah the American College of Pediatrics is the sole medical establishment speaking out against Transition related care for Transgender people the American Medical Association The American Psychological Association are the leading medical authority so American College of Pediatrics word means nothing
26 de mayo de 2016 at 20:43 08Thu, 26 May 2016 20:43:05 +000005.At least they stated the issues clearly. Being politically correct is perhaps not the intention of the ACP.
Maria Orosco
26 de mayo de 2016 at 16:35 04Thu, 26 May 2016 16:35:17 +000017.Cheers for the American College of Pediatricians!!! Thank you for thinking in the health of our children and making things easy to understand. This has nothing to do with hate speech or any kind of manipulation. I will call it science with a lot of sense and scientific ground. Isn’t this written also in the Word of God? Why is it so difficult to admit it? I guess we are in a world where true science plays a great rol in preserving healthy mankind and if this is according to what the Word of God says how much more we should follow God’s principles for a healthy mind, body and spirit. Many of the scientists that made a difference in our world with their inventions in the past based their inventions in the principles of physics expressed in the Bible. This is not a mystery!! God bless America, America that grounded its principles in the Word of God!!!!
Jaime Pereira
26 de mayo de 2016 at 23:28 11Thu, 26 May 2016 23:28:40 +000040.Why are you Christians so gullible? This is hilarious. The American college of pediatricians is not a legitimate medical institution. It is a small, socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States with anywhere from 60-200 members. This organization was founded in 2002 by some nut job conservative doctors who were against the real legitimate medical organization of Pediatricians known as the American Academy of Pediatrics composed of over 60,000 members, an organization who understands the real scientific evidence regarding transgender individuals, in conjunction with every other medical organization in the world, including the 36,000 member American Psychiatric Association. This American College of Pediatrician’s sole reason for existing was to try to fight again the LGBTT community with falsehoods and half truths, and therefore has been designated as a «hate group» by the Southern Poverty Law Center, for their tactics of disinformation and propagating unsubstantiated and unscientific claims and demagoguery. People really should stop believing the first thing they see online and accepting them as the sole truth and continue spreading them forward. Just because something sounds appealing to our beliefs and preconceived ideas , doesn’t make it right or a fact.
27 de mayo de 2016 at 14:10 02Fri, 27 May 2016 14:10:33 +000033.True Christians believe the bible to be the foundation of their faith and the moral guide of their lives. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for the sort of things the American College of Pediatricians have stood against. Those who do not believe the bible as both an authoritative moral guide, and an accurate historical record will always see something wrong with the true Christian’s point of view. And those who do not have the bible as the foundation of their faith will never have a basis on which to talk with Christians using heavenly wisdom. While God loves all LGBTQ and Trans individuals, and so do true Christians, this does not change the nature of their orientation. This website is dedicated to linking current events to bible prophecy and therefore stays out of the political issues unless they directly related to prophecy. Consequently there is a higher issue that needs to be understood. The bible determines what is moral and what is not to the true Christian. An organization like the ACP or Southern Poverty are evaluated by scripture not by political issues.
Nako C Kgati
28 de mayo de 2016 at 14:47 02Sat, 28 May 2016 14:47:15 +000015.I’m sorry to say, but those who are pro LGBT keep on whipping people with empty «science». It’s now become a scare tactic to make those who disagree with them look naive
27 de mayo de 2016 at 07:09 07Fri, 27 May 2016 07:09:08 +000008.Thank God for the moral courage of the ACP. And, thank you Pastor Mayor for sharing! May God keep us all faithful.
Ty or loose
30 de mayo de 2016 at 13:41 01Mon, 30 May 2016 13:41:16 +000016.I would like to ask all persons who born with a sex to satisfy their desire with sex .
Those who were born with a gender to satisfy their desire with a gender .
Have your own children grow in your own urtherus and placenta , so they can be born genders .
What ever you desire to make or use …do not use anything that you see on this earth God created .
In other words create your own matter from gender .
Then let rate gender verses sex .
Children God's Gift
11 de junio de 2016 at 11:55 11Sat, 11 Jun 2016 11:55:12 +000012.The attempt to discredit the ACP by using the following argument: (1) it is a recent organization in comparison to the other organizations of a similar nature; (2) that it has a small membership compared to the other organizations of a similar nature; and (3) accusing the ACP of coming into existence for the purpose to fight the LGBT community with absolutely evidence. I would like to suggest, in an attempt to expose the biasness of the ACP, that evidence(s) should be provided that is contrary to their submission in their position paper entitled “Gender Ideology Harms Children”.