En la primavera de 1836, Francisco J. McIntosh de San Luis mató a un policía e hirió a otro. Él podría haber recibido la pena de muerte en un tribunal de justicia. Sin embargo, una turba lo localizó en un retrete donde se escondía y lo llevó a la cárcel mientras otra multitud se reunía en torno al cadáver del policía. Enardecidos por ver cómo el policía se «revolcaba en su propia sangre», irrumpieron en la cárcel, sacaron a McIntosh a las afueras de la ciudad, lo encadenaron a un árbol, hicieron una hoguera a sus pies y poco a poco lo tostaron hasta causarle la muerte. Luego «una turba de muchachos» comenzó a lanzar piedras a su cabeza para ver quién podría romperla.
Un juez se negó a permitir que alguien fuera culpado por el linchamiento con el argumento de que McIntosh era una especie de terrorista y enemigo, justificando el comportamiento de la turba.
Elías P. Lovejoy, el editor del diario El Observador de St. Louis, disintió del resto de la prensa. Él creía que la misma Constitución y la Ley que ésta establecía, habían sido quemadas junto con McIntosh.
Lovejoy escribió: «Cuando surgen dudas entre la justicia administrada o la salvaje venganza de una turba entonces sólo hay un lado que el patriota y el cristiano puede apoyar». Lovejoy organizó una campaña contra la «turbalogía» No obstante, poco tiempo después, una turba descontenta con Lovejoy por su continuo y fuerte discurso contra ellos, lo persiguió hasta afuera de la ciudad. Él se instaló río arriba, pero sólo duró alrededor de un año antes de que una turba destruyera su imprenta y lo matara cuando intentaba defenderla. Unos meses más tarde, un preocupado Abraham Lincoln fue a dar un discurso en Springfield, Illinois. Él eligió el tema «La perpetuación de nuestras instituciones políticas». Y entonces planteó la pregunta: ¿Cuál es la mayor amenaza para la República? Expresó que no temía un ataque exterior sino aquello que vendría desde dentro: el desconocimiento de la ley y el favorecimiento de las turbas y sus linchamientos. «Si la destrucción es nuestra suerte, seremos sus autores y consumadores», dijo. «Como una nación de hombres libres, tenemos que vivir a través del tiempo o morir por suicidio».
Lincoln agregó: «Cada día, los informes de ultrajes cometidos por las turbas forman la noticia del momento». «Ellos han invadido el país, desde Nueva Inglaterra hasta Louisiana. No son característicos de las nieves eternas del primero ni de los soles ardientes del último… tampoco están confinados a los Estados esclavistas ni a aquellos no poseedores de esclavos».
Lincoln argumentó, así como Lovejoy, que el hecho de que McIntosh seguramente hubiese sido condenado a muerte, sólo hizo que su linchamiento fuese más ofensivo. Para Lincoln, el linchamiento era ilegal, y argumentó que tanto los que se entregaron a la ilegalidad como los que cayeron presa de ella, con el tiempo llegarían a considerar al Gobierno «como su pesadilla mortal… y rueguen por no otra cosa que su aniquilación total. «Era a este sentimiento de “alienación» en lugar de «unión» hacia las instituciones públicas a lo que Lincoln más temía del «espíritu turbocrático».
Donald Trump personifica el espíritu turbocrático; lo alimenta y se alimenta de él, aunque es dudoso que pueda controlarlo. Todos los elementos están ahí: la incesante escalada de violencia; el instinto de movilizar una turba para tomar la ley en sus propias manos; la afirmación de que grupos enteros son el enemigo; la creencia de que los que no están con la turba entonces pierden toda su protección y quedan expuestos a un ataque; la atribución de conspiraciones hostiles a actores independientes y pacíficos; el desprecio por la evidencia, como si la información exacta y la adjudicación honesta en las pretensiones fueran sucios trucos pensados para poner a la turba en desventaja; la difamación de la prensa como vándalos que merecen ser golpeados, si no muertos; una animosidad que abarca todo el gobierno y sus instituciones; en suma, una anarquía cada vez más intensa…
«El apoyo que ha recibido Trump refleja profundas cepas de pre-existentes privación de derechos, alienación y división. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que Trump da eco a estas pasiones y tiene un genio extraño para aprovecharlas y convertirlas en su motor, él no propone ninguna solución coherente, solamente fanfarronea: habrá sangre. Su éxito hasta el momento refleja un triunfo de un mundo al revés, en el que cada palabra y acción que podría destruir su candidatura sólo parecen fortalecerlo».
Pero el fenómeno Trump no ocurre sólo en EE.UU. Es un fenómeno global. Las tendencias fundamentales que han llevado a la cima a Trump en América, están sucediendo en todo el mundo, escribió Stratfor. Europa, especialmente Polonia, Francia y Hungría tienen actitudes similares sobre los inmigrantes entre las familias de clase media cuyo trabajo y su sustento se ven amenazados por la globalización. (Ver nuestra sesión informativa: El Fenómeno Trump no Ocurre Sólo en los Estados Unidos
«Perseguido por el fantasma de Francis McIntosh, y de manera sorprendente, Lincoln describió la llegada de un personaje como Donald Trump como algo inevitable: alguien con una ambición y talento singulares para el poder tanto que siente ‘sed y ardor por su distinción’ y persigue a cualquier costo. Advirtió: ‘Sería tonto no esperar que surja una persona así. Y cuando esto suceda sólo hay una solución: se requiere que la gente se una entre sí, con el gobierno y sus leyes, y sea inteligente en todo para poder frustrar con éxito sus diseños'».
Cuando las instituciones gubernamentales y los políticos hayan socavado la Constitución y la conviertan en una sombra de lo que fue, se sentarán las bases para el surgimiento del «espíritu turbocrático». Cuando los instrumentos del estado de derecho ya no se aplican a una sociedad, ésta se hundirá en el caos y la justicia en manos de la turba. Cuando esto ocurra, será fácil ver cómo los conservadores, llevados por un celo religioso, demandarán la reparación de sus quejas y frustraciones, a fin de que se cumpla la siguiente profecía:
«Por más que un decreto general haya fijado el tiempo en que los observadores de los mandamientos puedan ser muertos, sus enemigos, en algunos casos, se anticiparán al decreto y tratarán de quitarles la vida antes del tiempo fijado. Pero nadie puede atravesar el cordón de los poderosos guardianes colocados en torno de cada fiel. Algunos son atacados al huir de las ciudades y villas. Pero las espadas levantadas contra ellos se quiebran y caen como si fueran de paja. Otros son defendidos por ángeles en forma de guerreros”. El Conflicto de los Siglos, pág. 631.
El predicho aumento de la mentalidad que «una turba que puede tomar la justicia en sus manos» ya está aquí. Ya sea que Donald Trump se convierta en presidente o no, el «espíritu turbocrático» ya se ha hecho conocer y sólo aumentará. Su enfoque cambiará y una vez se halle bajo las riendas del gobierno, apuntará a los que obedecen todos los mandamientos de Dios. Fue una turba, obrando por fuera de la ley, la que vino para tomar a Jesús de noche en el Getsemaní. Fue el gobierno de las masas el que derrocó a la ley y el orden en Francia durante la Revolución y destruyó todo lo que era bueno y noble. Fueron turbas las que saquearon los negocios judíos en la noche durante el terror del gobierno nazi. ¿Deben los verdaderos seguidores de Cristo esperar menos que esto en la crisis final?
Larry E Allen Sr
07 de abril de 2016 at 13:48 01Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:48:59 +000059.I think this is better applied to Hillary Clinton. It is the protesters at Trump rallies who incite the violence. Often paid protesters. Paid for by Hillary backers.
07 de abril de 2016 at 14:30 02Thu, 07 Apr 2016 14:30:24 +000024.Point well taken. Pr. Mayer
A. Bryson
09 de abril de 2016 at 17:02 05Sat, 09 Apr 2016 17:02:25 +000025.It is amazing to me that Larry Allen Sr. can associate the above comments with Ms. Clinton without any proof and without any association to her people. Especially since Trump people has displayed such hate and bigotry in front of cameras and Trump himself has made so many hateful statements. People have a right in this country to protest. It is like blaming black marchers who protested segregation and justifying the use of dogs and water hoses on them because they protested. What a twisted rationale.
10 de abril de 2016 at 11:07 11Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:07:19 +000019.Let’s remember, this is about prophecy, not politics. Admin
16 de abril de 2016 at 19:25 07Sat, 16 Apr 2016 19:25:59 +000059.Even if it was true that people were paid – regardless of who paid them – to disturb the Trump rallies, does not give Trump the right to mistreat them.
Judas was PAID to betray Christ, would it have been better if he did it for free? No. Christ followers did not harass Judas and he deserved it.
I realize that we are not talking about true Christians here, but the article is correct for saying it is about Prophecy, not Politics.
We are so warped nowadays, people assess evil to be good and good to be evil. We have come to the time where we are demanding evil and absurdness as if it will «fix» what is wrong with society! Only Satan could deceive us into thinking that more SIN will correct existing SIN!
This should tell us how corrupt we are as a people and close to the 2nd Coming of Christ.
08 de abril de 2016 at 03:22 03Fri, 08 Apr 2016 03:22:53 +000053.Larry’s comment is right-on! Your ministry would be better served in staying out of politics & focus on Jesus & evangelism. Daniel is a perfect example of that. A very wise man to emulate.
08 de abril de 2016 at 07:04 07Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:04:51 +000051.Our ministry focus is on prophecy, which IS about Jesus ultimately. Political issues impinge on prophecy. Therefore it is impossible to stay entirely clear of politics. Though we are not perfect, we aim to review politics from a PROPHETIC point of view. The article on Lincoln was meant to examine the rise of the mob mentality, which is happening on both sides of the aisle, and which is profoundly prophetic. It just happened that this one was related to the GOP front runner. Some people seem to miss the point. Our Prophetic Intelligent Briefings are not meant to be individually definitive. They are not meant to be political statements about political issues. There is only space and time to address key issues related to one article at a time. I hope you gain a blessing from the totality of our message. Get ready, get ready, get ready. Thanks for your comment. Pr. Mayer
08 de abril de 2016 at 04:47 04Fri, 08 Apr 2016 04:47:43 +000043.Thank you very much for the insight, I do agree that Trump is the next USA predicted President and let us remember the promise of our LORD stated in the book of Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
This is a very sure promise from God, l would like to support that Trump is the next president using the scriptures and history.
But firstly i would like to put some principals in place lest some people are not so familiar with them. The first is found in 1 Corithians10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. So every the bible was written more for us at the end of the world than their own time.
Secondly in the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun, and as well Ecclesiates 3:15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.
So all these verses are a witness to each that there is nothing new under the sun based upon the principal that history repeats itself. l dont know how far you understand Daniel 11:40 but verse 40 has 2 parts A and B, Part A was fulfilled in 1798 the time of the end for the Millerites and part B was 1989 marking the beginning of the time of the for the us the last generation.
On the statue of Daniel 2 the statue represents the time from Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and then Rome both in its two phases Pagan and Papal Rome, and Medo-Persia being a two horned power just like USA today represented by Republicanism and Protestantism.
According to my understanding of Daniel 2 when history gets to Pagan Rome on the legs, then it repeats again from the top and the top being Babylon. So in repeat Papal Rome would be Babylon and the USA would be Medo-Persia and remember both are two horned power, and UN would be Greece the one world government, and finally Modern Rome would be Pagan Rome the last kingdom until Jesus we see in the clouds of Heaven.
Since we have seen that Medo-Persia is a type of USA the two horned power in the bible, lets zoom closer to see how many kings ruled in Medo-Persia so to establish the kings of the US today, remember the whole history of the bible was written for us at the end of the world and there is nothing new under the sun.
So the history of Medo-Persia in our history since Daniel 11:40 is in two part 1798 and 1989, we are going to place the beginning of the Medo-Persia history in 1989 the time of the end for us
Please go with me to the book of Daniel 11:2 And now will I show thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than [they] all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia.
Here Daniel is standing just at the beginning of the reign of Darius under the Medes and the Persians, which is 1989 for us, and God is saying there shall stand up yet three kings in PERSIA (USA) and the fourth shall be FAR RICHER than they ALL!!! BY HIS STRENGTH THROUGH HIS RICHES HE SHALL STIR UP ALL AGAINST THE REALM OF GRECIA (UN or NEW WORLD ORDER).
In Medo- Persia (1)Cambyses (2)False Smerdis (3) Darius, the fourth is the richest (4) ARTAXERXES the great.
In 1989 USA (1) Clinton (2) Bush the 2nd (3) Obama, and we dont have the fourth yet but we are given his description RICH, his STRENGTH and he stir ALL and led the world to GRECIA or ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Who the richest among the presidential candidates in the US today?
Who is against everyone and wild among them today?
This is the LORD’S doing brethren and sisters, God is now revealing his secrete to his people. Lets put our houses in order and prepare for His second coming.
This prophecy has been kept secrete from the foundation of the world only to made known now. May the LORD help us all to prepare for the Sunday Law that is soon to come.
Ruth deGraaff
09 de abril de 2016 at 01:40 01Sat, 09 Apr 2016 01:40:32 +000032.Gift, How do you aarive at the date 1989?
08 de abril de 2016 at 07:46 07Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:46:10 +000010.Admin did you happen to see my comment on this subject under discussion? l would like to hear other people’s comments so that we can edify one another as we are living just before the second coming of Christ.
l really do not think its possible to stay out of politics when dealing with bible prophecy, for instance the seals in Revelation deals with political side of the history whereas Churches deals with the same period covered by the seals but on religious side.
Thank you in advance for approving my comment, wanna hear your comment as well Admin.
08 de abril de 2016 at 13:47 01Fri, 08 Apr 2016 13:47:55 +000055.Our post was not so much about Donald Trump as it was about the mob mentality that is arising. And it is arising on both sides of the aisle. The mob mentality with all its demagoguery, fist pounding and dogmatism is profoundly prophetic as you may well know. Apparently our article was misunderstood by some. Sorry about that. We’re not perfect. I think I’ll have to publish something in the near future about the mob mentality on the left as well. And I agree that some of the mob behavior surrounding Trump is coming from the left in an effort to discredit him. But mob behavior on either side, is as reprehensible as it is prophetic.
There are good things about Trump and like most candidates, there would be some good that he will do for the country. However, our focus in our review of readily available news articles is not the merits of the candidate. Our focus is on the prophetic stuff that is happening in the world, which often impinges on politics. I could have perhaps addressed it a little differently. I’m neither left nor right. My passion is prophecy. Perhaps I should have put a disclaimer in the article to that effect.
It has been very interesting to see the reactions as I have worked on these prophetic briefings and our monthly messages over the years. When I exposed GW Bush and his abridgment of the US constitution after 9/11, I was slammed by the conservatives. When I exposed Obama for his abuse of the constitution, I was slammed by the liberals. Now we’re back to the conservatives again at least for the time being. To my mind, many people are not focused on prophecy, they are focused on their favorite political candidate and often miss the prophetic issue hiding in plain sight.
Trump has said he will give more power to the churches. That’s also prophetic, and from a prophetic point of view, it makes him a dangerous man from a completely different point of view than Hillary would be a dangerous POTUS. I think Trump is rude and crude, but fundamentally honest. He says what he means, and will carry out what he promises, so far as the political order will allow – and for that matter, as far as the heavenly intelligences will allow. That makes his statements about more power to the churches especially prescient. America in general has moved away from the rule of law, especially the Constitution. This opens the door for the mob mentality to develop on all fronts. When the inspired sources talk about legislature and government leaders bowing to the clamor of the masses of their citizens demanding a Sunday law, or the death decree (executive order), it is apparent that a mob element will engage in end time matters. Stay Tuned. Pastor Mayer
08 de abril de 2016 at 10:08 10Fri, 08 Apr 2016 10:08:54 +000054.Thanks Pastor Hal.
I met you at my church (Killeen,TX) again at the GC. Talked about the book I sent you too.
You are keeping those who crave truth digging and that is exactly what we need!
Please keep up the great work!
Time is short and now is time to prepare!
God bless you and yours, Sir!
08 de abril de 2016 at 18:40 06Fri, 08 Apr 2016 18:40:34 +000034.Hi, I did read all comments and I´d just like to say that I live in a country where the mob mentality has been the living style for the last ten years and is escalating day after day. The mob´s actions in the States are nothing compared to the ones over here.
10 de abril de 2016 at 13:41 01Sun, 10 Apr 2016 13:41:12 +000012.Mario, can we kow in what country do you are living? Thanks. God bless you.
IPL 2016
09 de abril de 2016 at 16:29 04Sat, 09 Apr 2016 16:29:23 +000023.Very nice write-up. I certainly love this site. Keep writing!
11 de abril de 2016 at 09:21 09Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:21:33 +000033.My Dear Brother from keep the faith ministries, Since Abe Lincoln was not a prophet nor ever claimed to be, there is no way he could have known about Donald Trump. Please show me in Abe Lincoln’s writings where he warned anyone about the rise of D. Trump. 2 Peter 2:1 says «there shall be false teachers among you….and bringing upon themselves swift destruction. I am willing to forgive you for your misleading comments. Now pray God that he will forgive you as well. Repent and God will forgive you.
11 de abril de 2016 at 14:04 02Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:04:10 +000010.Pastor Mayer did not make the statement. He is quoting a news article that said it, and which illustrates the rising mob mentality (which, incidentally, is rising on both sides of the political aisle), which is very prophetic. Abe Lincoln did not mention Donald Trump by name, and no one is claiming that he did. Abe Lincoln predicted the replacement of the US Constitution and the rule of law with the rule of the mob, which was the point of the article from a rather credible news source. Perhaps you should go back and read it again with that in mind. And please refrain from judgmental remarks on this website in future if you wish to see them posted. Admin.
12 de abril de 2016 at 11:57 11Tue, 12 Apr 2016 11:57:13 +000013.In reference to «Abe Lincoln Warned About the Rise of Donald Trump» as your lead title for your recycled non-original mobocratic article, I must add. At the Republican National Convention of June 1912 there were fist fights and mob activity that would make a Trump rally look like the Boys Scouts arguing over merit badges. Why not mention or reference the rise of mob activity over 100 years ago at the Republican National Convention and so many others before Trump? BPS.
12 de abril de 2016 at 14:17 02Tue, 12 Apr 2016 14:17:08 +000008.Thanks for your relevant comment. The mission of our Prophetic Intelligence Briefings is to summarize current news items and link them with prophecy. We are glad to include previous events as additional context when they are readily available. But we do not have time to do research for the short briefings. Research is reserved for our sermons, which often go into much historical depth. If Trump becomes president, we will certainly do an in depth and researched study on him and the relevant historical context. But that remains to be seen. If you are listening to our sermons, you’ll see what we mean.
Pr. Mayer
12 de abril de 2016 at 20:42 08Tue, 12 Apr 2016 20:42:03 +000003.Obama Administration is the one that has promoted mobbery, thuggery, riots and burning! This is the legacy of the democrats. Trump has said hateful things in response to hate … Not right but he has. Trump mrecognizes his supporters are just tired of being run over and stomped on! And in reviewing American History, we see this is how American Constitution came to be.
13 de abril de 2016 at 23:27 11Wed, 13 Apr 2016 23:27:52 +000052.In righting the wrongs, conservatives will go too far, according to prophecy.
Matt Thomas
12 de abril de 2016 at 23:04 11Tue, 12 Apr 2016 23:04:12 +000012.Hello.
Well, it would appear by the comments (& also by your admission) that your article has been «misunderstood by some». Not wanting to further fuel this apparent air of misunderstanding surrounding your article, I feel the need to ask the following question (before I make comment on the issue)…
Putting aside your views on Donald Trump & subsequently his supporters i.e. this apparent phenomenon called «Trumpism» (for the record, I’m Australian)… I am curious by your statement pertaining to «Trumpism» being «global», in particular the statement pertaining to European «middle class families» (i.e. «especially Poland, France and Hungary») having «similar attitudes about immigrants». Could you please clarify exactly what you are referring to in relation to the «attitudes» of these «middle class families» within Europe. Meaning i.e. what type of attitude & whom these «attitudes» are directed at (specifically). I did also read the cited article you referenced with this statement (i.e. «See our briefing: Trumpism is not Just and American Phenomenon»)… where words like «racist», «racism», «xenophobia» was cited. Yet wanted to hear more specific detail (i.e. your views) on this apparent («Trumpism») attitude within European «middle class families».
Thanks in advance.
13 de abril de 2016 at 23:26 11Wed, 13 Apr 2016 23:26:39 +000039.We report on articles in the news that address prophetic issues. Our views are not important. We do not wish to debate about our views or things that are political in nature. Keep the Faith is not a debating site, but a prophetic information site. We believe the original article was quite clear concerning the points made. God bless you. Admin
14 de abril de 2016 at 07:31 07Thu, 14 Apr 2016 07:31:45 +000045.Some interpret Daniel 11:40 to refer to the fall of communism, which began in 1989. I do not think this can be linked back to Daniel 11:2, which was fulfilled a long time ago. I think the comments by Gift on April 8th are pure speculation and should be seen as such
11 de agosto de 2020 at 02:43 02Tue, 11 Aug 2020 02:43:49 +000049.I bet you feel like an idiot now. The mobs are infiltrated socialists, burning down the country at the blessing of the Democrats who gave up rule of law to reclaim power: Trump supporters have not become what you predicted. They are defenders of the Constitution and the Gospel, while the liberals have made it clear that they will cancel Christians any way they can. Including burning Bibles and banning church services and the ability to sing. You were dead wrong.
16 de agosto de 2020 at 23:43 11Sun, 16 Aug 2020 23:43:29 +000029.Don’t think the GOP isn’t capable of sporting mobs. Every action draws an equal an opposite reaction. A quiescent conservative right, is no indication of their future behavior. What happened during the 2016 campaign was a subtle warning to God’s people of what to expect. In the events that have eventuated since, the fury of the religious right is building. And when it is unleashed, it will surprise many. It will also co-opt many, as the Antifa and BLM movement has done to the liberals. The religious forces have to take the high ground and preach the gospel that they understand to hold their credibility, which includes getting people back to God and in church. But the preaching of the gospel only keeps the anger at bay for a while. When it is unleashed, watch out. But in the end, according to Bible prophecy, liberals and conservatives will be joined in mob action against a few who have been demonized in the press for their religious views.
Melanie M Purvis
24 de septiembre de 2021 at 16:44 04Fri, 24 Sep 2021 16:44:19 +000019.Well, here we are 4yrs later and did Lincoln warn about the Biden administration? The Country is officially in the Toilet now?!!