«Incluso las personas que no conocen las profecías contenidas en la Palabra de Dios tienen la sensación de que algo está terriblemente mal», escribió Carl Gallups, “y que algo peligroso se está armando rápidamente. Este «sentido de urgencia» es el tema frecuente de conversación en todo el mundo. Y es esta la razón por la cual escribí mis dos últimos libros».
«Ciertamente parece que la élite sabe algo que el resto de nosotros no sabemos, ya que muchos están huyendo de las ciudades e incluso de sus países. Algunos están preparando refugios de emergencia y salas de pánico, todo en un momento en el que el favorito de los republicanos, Donald Trump y algunos economistas están prediciendo una inminente recesión».
Miles de millonarios, muchos de ellos judíos, han huido de las difíciles ciudades de Chicago y París. Cerca de 10.000 millonarios huyeron de Francia para escapar de las crecientes tensiones religiosas entre los musulmanes y los nativos franceses en las zonas urbanas.
Y muchos de los que se han quedado están tomando precauciones para construir habitaciones seguras, bunkers y puertas blindadas para que les sirva de protección contra la inestabilidad social. Los bunkers a menudo tienen piscinas, cines, bares y otros lujos.
Carl Gallups escribió un libro para los cristianos sobre cómo sobrevivir a la persecución, el caos y el desastre llamado «Estad preparados». Él insta a los cristianos a prestar atención a las advertencias de las personas poderosas que parecen creer que algo grande está por venir.
«Sin duda, esto nos dice que incluso estos vendedores de ‘bunkers de emergencia’ entienden que ‘millones de personas’ en todo el mundo creen que estamos a punto de pasar por momentos difíciles, quizás desastrosos», dijo Gallups. «Los cristianos no deben subestimar la importancia de la época en la que viven», dijo. «Se nos dice que “debemos conocer la época’ en la que vivimos».
«Según los informes, las cosas que más preocupan a las personas más ricas del mundo… son los disturbios civiles, las revueltas, el crimen desenfrenado y los desastres naturales», dijo Gallups. «Muchos de ellos creen que estas cosas pueden llegar a ser más peligrosas que nunca. El surgimiento del Estado Islámico y sus atrocidades, los movimientos masivos de refugiados, la tecnología de punta de las potencias nucleares, el malestar social como el de Ferguson, las continuas predicciones de colapsos económicos por parte de los principales medios y los posibles desastres naturales como la erupción de Yellowstone, todos estos son motivos suficientes como para no culparlos».
«Él respondiendo, les dijo: Os digo que si éstos callaran, las piedras clamarían. Y cuando llegó cerca, viendo la ciudad, lloró sobre ella». Lucas 19: 40-41.
«¡Fuera de las ciudades, fuera de las ciudades!—declaró ella—; éste es el mensaje que Dios me ha estado dando. Vendrán terremotos; vendrán inundaciones, y no hemos de establecernos en las ciudades malvadas, donde el enemigo es servido a todo paso, y donde Dios es a menudo olvidado. El Señor desea que tengamos una clara visión espiritual”. Notas Biográficas de Elena G. de White, pág. 449.
15 de agosto de 2016 at 03:55 03Mon, 15 Aug 2016 03:55:54 +000054.Who then shall do the Lord’s work in the Cities? There are souls still to be reached
15 de agosto de 2016 at 17:19 05Mon, 15 Aug 2016 17:19:57 +000057.God has a plan for that. We are to work the cities from outposts. That is very clear from the Spirit of Prophecy. Also the churches are to be in or near the cities.
15 de agosto de 2016 at 23:08 11Mon, 15 Aug 2016 23:08:35 +000035.Some chosen ones will remain to finish the work but God will choose them to stay and preach.
18 de agosto de 2016 at 05:39 05Thu, 18 Aug 2016 05:39:09 +000009.I’m working from my computer 🙂
Jackie Faust
17 de agosto de 2016 at 16:44 04Wed, 17 Aug 2016 16:44:43 +000043.Did you not know that EGW said Live in the country but there is a work to be done in the cities.. It really is best not to live in a city, a time will come when folks will want to leave and like Jerusalem of old, they will not be allowed to.
07 de septiembre de 2016 at 17:11 05Wed, 07 Sep 2016 17:11:26 +000026.We have a blueprint: we should be stationed right outside the citys. Read sister White
Jeff Woodman
15 de agosto de 2016 at 11:37 11Mon, 15 Aug 2016 11:37:19 +000019.Why aren’t Seventh day Adventists??? I cry every morning for God’s people. I hear sermons by elders who are in the process of building themselves bigger office buildings. I get rebuked often for sharing what Sister White tells us to share about warning God’s people. If we blow the trumpet today we will be disfellowshipped even more than ever. ALL sermons must be approved by the division leaders before anyone can speak from pulpits. When will God’s people come together in unity and love for each other???
15 de agosto de 2016 at 17:21 05Mon, 15 Aug 2016 17:21:00 +000000.Some of your statements would be considered inaccurate. Division leaders don’t approve all sermons for instance. We should only say that which we can document. Pastor Mayer
15 de agosto de 2016 at 19:54 07Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:54:25 +000025.Dear Jeff, you gave the warning. If the church members don’t listen to you, their blood will be in their own hands. If you get dis fellowship it means nothing. What matters is that your name is written on the Lamb’s Book of Life. Remember only 1 in 20 whose name are written in the church books will make it to heaven. There are many SDAs who have left the cities and plenty more who are doing what we were told to do for over 130 years. We are supposed to visit the cities to evangelize. The people screaming about staying in the cities, are they evangelizing? Or do they just go to church on Sabbath, hear a sermon, sing, pray, eat, chat a little, then go home and do the same thing next week? If the Lord has made an impression on you to leave the city, then you pray to Him, and ask him to guide you. No one in church or out of church is your boss. God made us free! There are many SDA members who went to the country, they became medical missionaries and are evangelizing. There is no SDA church near me that does missionary, medical missionary, or evangelism. So I stepped out and boy have my eyes been cleaned with eye salve. I have never prayed, studied God’s word, the Spirit of prophecy, witnessed, done missionary work as much as I have now. When I see the members of the church, they cover their ears at end times talk. Some frown and some have told me that Jesus can’t come now because they have so many goals. Even the Pastor is buying houses, flipping them, and selling them. Who would have thought that the true church is all about prosperity messages? I’m not saying leave the church or run for the hills. But what I’m saying is that this is preparation time. Character building, prophecy and bible study, you can buy and sell. You can plan your move. If you wait for the Sunday Law, forget planning or selling. You will run like Lott. If you can make it out of the city. Sister White said there will be so much chaos and confusion some won’t be able to make it out. And if you do, where will you go?
01 de septiembre de 2016 at 12:19 12Thu, 01 Sep 2016 12:19:10 +000010.So true Priscilla as a SDA why are so many confused? Daniel 12:10, Isaiah 9:16, Amos 3:7…most of SDA do not read or believe the SP. Which says the majority of SDA will not make it and God will hold every SDA pastor who is not preaching the 3 Angels Message accountable. Eso. 33 & Eso. 9
Brad Sexson
15 de agosto de 2016 at 16:30 04Mon, 15 Aug 2016 16:30:56 +000056.you walk a very fine rope….a few of my brothers are allowing their emotions to lead them instead of the Holy Spirit…your articles and others of the same ilk, just keep adding to the fire….your are adventist as I am …now imagine
you telling a young of 14 year old boy/girl this stuff and say «look its Isis, run and hide oh ww3 has started! » you actually mention jewish millionaires? really? have I asked to stop NO I am asking you to take that extra breathe and think of your young audience
16 de agosto de 2016 at 15:51 03Tue, 16 Aug 2016 15:51:31 +000031.While I’m not sure of your point, you may not be aware that in our Prophetic Intelligence Briefings, we summarize articles in the press and connect them to Bible prophecy. That’s all. We do not make a lot of comments about them or analyze them in depth as we do in our sermons. They are not intended to be a theological or doctrinal message. Children should be taught to understand that in Christ there is no fear. Blessings, pr. Mayer
15 de agosto de 2016 at 21:11 09Mon, 15 Aug 2016 21:11:38 +000038.My thoughts regarding the silence is that the ecumenical movement has certain rules and regulations in place to keep silent and ‘not panic’ people; which means when trouble breaks out, we’re all surprised and unprepared and wiped out.
17 de agosto de 2016 at 07:54 07Wed, 17 Aug 2016 07:54:34 +000034.Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. God’s people should be preparing for what is to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.
The «time of trouble, such as never was,» is soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess and which many are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that trouble is greater in anticipation than in reality; but this is not true of the crisis before us. The most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of the ordeal. In that time of trial, every soul must stand for himself before God. «Though Noah, Daniel, and Job» were in the land, «as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.» Ezekiel 14:20.
From Maranatha – Page 162
18 de agosto de 2016 at 05:37 05Thu, 18 Aug 2016 05:37:51 +000051.10000 millionaires fleeing France? Sources? Data?
Many of them Jewish is understandable. Probably all of them Jewish. Antisemitism is rising up everywhere.
18 de agosto de 2016 at 19:58 07Thu, 18 Aug 2016 19:58:28 +000028.We summarize articles and give the original reference. If you want to go further, drill into the original articles references.
Lorraine Reeves
18 de agosto de 2016 at 05:39 05Thu, 18 Aug 2016 05:39:37 +000037.Have the children of darkness become «wiser» than the children of «ligh»?
Frank King
18 de agosto de 2016 at 12:42 12Thu, 18 Aug 2016 12:42:06 +000006.You might be interested in my Facebook page, Leave the cities and move to the wilderness.
21 de agosto de 2016 at 22:59 10Sun, 21 Aug 2016 22:59:47 +000047.Where in the wilderness? When one is alone it isn’t easy to know what to do and how to get it accomplished. I live in the country but the garden area and having water isn’t conducive to being self sufficient. I’m not into Facebook so don’t direct me there.
Street Preacher
23 de agosto de 2016 at 16:47 04Tue, 23 Aug 2016 16:47:13 +000013.Brethren… All we can do is this…as we are preparing to move from where we are to the Country, we should be preparing ourselves (Spiritually). We should distrust-self and (trust-God). We need to (Humble-Ourselves) before God. And by (Obeying) the Lord, we will be (Purifying) our Souls in the process. By doing all of this, we will receive the (Heavenly Mould).
And Preparing for (The Seal of God) in our (For heads).
Let (Us All) look to Christ and by (Beholding) we will be changed.
Let UA (Try) to keep Gods Commandments, out of (Love) for Him; and to (Bear) His Holy Righteousness.
Like egwhite says ‘As wax takes the impression of the Seal, so the Soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the image of Christ. (Maranatha).
Let us not forget the Spiritual Preparation as well as the physical.
I Pray the Father that each person named on this forum, will find the (Straight & Narrow Gate) that Leads unto Eternal Life. I Pray that each Soul on this forum will take hold of Christ (Nail – pierced Carpenter hands) and hold them to the End, l Pray that one day, that you will all will eventually touch, collec, own and put on Your Personal (Crown & Robe). I Pray that your feet will be ordered by the lord each and everyday. That your left hand and Right hand will be Blessed with Gods Blessings.. And l lastly Pray that that your left foot and your right foot will ( Stand – Firmly) upon the (Sea of Glass) with Jesus Our Eternal Father l ask these precious things in the Precious Sweet Saving Name of Jesus Amen and Amen So let it be Done!
By Street Preacher.
Elizabeth Agard
25 de agosto de 2016 at 11:47 11Thu, 25 Aug 2016 11:47:26 +000026.I love every word you wrote Sister Priscilla, its the truth the Pastors are only preaching smoother messages for the folks and not waking them up to the pending doom that’s is about to come upon the world and the large cities. So sad, but we are to work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling. Now is the time to leave the big cities. Thank you, God bless.
Kenol Elysee JeanBaptiste
28 de agosto de 2016 at 22:00 10Sun, 28 Aug 2016 22:00:27 +000027.Hallelujah Sister Priscilla…