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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Pope Francis Obamified?
Donnerstag, der 24. September 2015
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Warrine Harden
Donnerstag, der 24. September 2015 at 11:44Predicted long, long ago. Warrine
Donnerstag, der 24. September 2015 at 14:25I am ready to stand the test of faith. For my God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is strong, forgiving, loving, faithful and my God can cause the mountains to move, their is no other god that can do this only my God in heaven! Sound The Trumpets I ready to leave this evil world.
11th hour worker
Donnerstag, der 24. September 2015 at 17:48“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen”
Heb 11.1
The Pope is a man that we can all see. He is very physical, but I don`t believe in him. Even having the title of “Papa”, is no more noble
to me, than a poor humble servant of the Lord. Even wearing a white dress, clean as snow, the Pope is “just” a man.
Thanks for your articles, pastor Hal Mayor.
Keep the faith, and may God bless all that will follow the Lamb! Wherever He goes, I will go also!
Sean Taylor
Freitag, der 25. September 2015 at 03:46The only thing in this world that is true honest and reliable is the love of Jesus. He is a world leader that has no reason to apologize to cover up sins, or tell a single lie about anything to cover more sin. He doesn’t have to attack economic systems to enrich himself or his organization or manipulate the world so he can rule it. With Jesus there are no fake prayers, no fake sermons, fake acting and above all there is no fake religion!! I will have Jesus, because he is the only true leader and he has saved me. A-men
Mark McCleary
Freitag, der 25. September 2015 at 06:07Pastor Mayer, may God help you and anyone who agrees with the focus of your posted article. You read as another pejorative voice against my/our 44th President. After the Bush/Cheney administration left us in debt, you blame President Obama for our financial condition. I suggest you read Gen. 1 concerning „sacred“ or inalienable rights. You rightly infer that much of our conditions are due to colonialism, but write it as if President’s Obama’s voice and efforts are wrong to make things fair for all. As a preacher of the gospel, perhaps, I assume wrong, you know Jesus’s key note sermon (Luke 4:16) included mush about liberating the have nots. I guess when you thing you have something and forget it was by God’s grace, you determine you did it by your hand and refuse to share it with those you perceive are socialists or Marxists. Is that what „Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses means to you“–USA for me by me regardless of its inhumane history against people of color? I suggest you rewrite this article with God’s help and not include McAllister’s quote because global capitalism has fostered more wars rather than peaceful progress. „The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force“ (Matt.11:12). In closing, I am proud that my Christian President used the Biblical tenant of seeking forgiveness rather than throwing down the gauntlet. Conflict is solved by fire or vinegar, but by water and honey (Matt.5:23, 24; 1John 1:9-2:2). As a fellow pastor, this is my God-prompted help for you.
Freitag, der 25. September 2015 at 20:57Thank you for your point pastor. Neither capitalism or socialism is the solution. The bible’s solution is the best way. It is the wealthy Christian that is to help the worthy poor to develop themselves to be sustainable. Government handouts will never solve the problem. The trouble is that capitalism has indeed been abused. But so has socialism, if you know your history. The select few are enormously wealthy in either system. The church and the enlightened Christian should give of their excess to assist those who cannot sustain themselves, either by misfortune or station. Our focus is not political, but prophetic. We track the signs of the times. Under Bush, we addressed the prophetic issues of His presidency too. And the ultimate solution is the Second Coming to which we all should be preparing for.
Sonntag, der 27. September 2015 at 08:10Obama’s term is up – will prophesies be revised to fit the next president? Is it Obama who is of prophetic significance or is it the presidency?
Montag, der 28. September 2015 at 09:34The office of the POTUS has prophetic significance, and other offices and entities. The prophecies will remain the same. The next POTUS will also have prophetic significance just like the last one. At KTF we report on prophetic events, not politics or people, except as they intersect. Some are so obsessed with the politics that it is hard to see the prophetic significance in some of the things that the POTUS does.
Mark McCleary
Dienstag, der 29. September 2015 at 07:20Thanks for responding and receiving. I too am concerned about prophecy, but more about my anchor in Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. John 13;19 and 14:29 reminds me I cannot know with precision what will happen or who/what is fulfilling either side of the Great Controversy between good and evil. I conclude that the Pope (whoever occupying), the USA President (same as Pope), and we will play our part. Rom. 6:16 is key for determining my destiny and not the Pope or a political leader alone. Marantha!!
Dienstag, der 29. September 2015 at 09:55Yes, that is true. Prophecy points to Christ. We watch the signs of the times and look up, for our redemption draweth nigh. These things tell us that our beloved Lord is coming soon in the clouds of glory. We cannot separate Jesus from prophecy as some try to do. Without Christ one cannot understand prophecy correctly, and without prophecy, Christ cannot be understood correctly. Our little Prophetic Intelligence Briefings don’t give the big picture. That is in our monthly messages. Sometimes, people get that confused.