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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Why Does the Catholic Church Support Illegal Immigration?
Freitag, der 7. Dezember 2018
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Will Flatt
Freitag, der 7. Dezember 2018 at 11:12The Catholic Church promotes illegal immigration because they know that the illegal aliens will support Democrats, and Democrats are dedicated to destroying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in particular.
As Ellen White once observed, the obliteration of the Constitution (Bill of Rights) is a necessary prerequisite to the imposition of a national Sunday law.
Freitag, der 7. Dezember 2018 at 12:10I’d like to share some information that I believe will help us to clearly see and understand the who and why behind the current chaos in this world. These events have been in the making for many, many years. Please consider:
Malachi Martin was a Jesuit priest and worked at the Vatican for Cardinal Bea during the time of Vatican II. Because of his assignment, he came into close association with Pope John Paul II. The fruit of this association is the book: The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev & The Capitalist West (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990, ISBN 0-671-69174-0).
Martin explains that the immigration crisis in our world has been orchestrated to eviscerate „the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted“ (KOTB, p. 15). The architects of the NWO intend to subject us to „the most profound and widespread modification of international, national and local life that the world has seen in a thousand years“ (p. 16).
I remember when others were encouraging people to read Martin’s book, The Keys of This Blood, and get a handle on what this world would look like if the process described in its pages came to fruition. However, it was really hard to get excited about a man-made construct that may or may not evolve according to the understanding of one writer. But now, looking at the world we see, Dr. Martin was right on the money.
Here are a just a few quotes from the first couple of pages that will help you better understand the „profound“ changes going on in our world today. Bear in mind as you read these comments that this book was published in 1990. Consider:
“Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition. Most of us are not competitors, however. We are the stakes. For the competition is about who will establish the first one-world system of government that has ever existed in the society of nations. It is about who will hold and wield the dual power of authority and control over each of us as individuals and over all of us together as a community; over the entire six billion people expected by demographers to inhabit the earth by early in the third millennium” (p. 15).
“The competition is all-out because, now that it has started, there is no way it can be reversed or called off” (p. 15).
“No holds barred because, once the competition has been decided, the world and all that’s in it–our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted–all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempt-ed from its effects. No sector of our lives will remain untouched” (p. 15).
“The competition began and continues as a three-way affair because that is the number of rivals with sufficient resources to establish and maintain a new world order. Nobody who is acquainted with the plans of these three rivals has any doubt but that only one of them can win. Each expects the other two to be overwhelmed and swallowed up in the coming maelstrom of change. This being the case, it would appear inescapable that their competition will end up as a confrontation” (p. 15).
[Note: Remember the USSR? There was „a confrontation“ between the USSR and the other two players–The Capitalist West and the Papacy. The USSR is no longer with us. The dissolution of the Soviet Union was formally enacted on December 26, 1991, close on the heels of the publishing of Martin’s book.
Details of the plan to overthrow the USSR are documented in a TIME Magazine article entitled: The Holy Alliance (it can be located by googling — Cover Story: The Holy Alliance – Time).
From the TIME magazine article:
“Only President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II were present in the Vatican Library on Monday, June 7, 1982. It was the first time the two had met, and they talked for 50 minutes … In that meeting, Reagan and the Pope agreed to undertake a clandestine cam-paign to hasten the dissolution of the communist empire. Declares Richard Allen, Reagan’s first National Security Adviser: ‘This was one of the great secret alliances of all time.’”]
Back to Martin’s book:
“As to the time factor involved, those of us who are under seventy will see at least the basic structures of the new world government installed. Those of us under forty will surely live under its legislative, executive and judiciary authority and control” (p. 16).
“What these competitors are talking about, then, is the most profound and widespread modification of international, national and local life that the world has seen in a thousand years … Ten years before this competition became manifest to the world at large, the man [John Paul II] who was destined to become the first, the most unexpected and, for some at least, the most unwelcome competitor of all in this millennium endgame spoke openly about what he saw down the road even then” (p. 16).
“Perhaps the world was still too immersed in the old system of nation-states, and in all the old international balance-of-power arrangements, to hear what Wojtyla [John Paul II] was saying” (p. 16).
Referring to John Paul II’s vision for the future, Martin continues:
“…he was himself the head of the most extensive and deeply experienced of the three glob-al powers that would, within a short time, set about ending the nation systems of the world politics that had defined human society for over a thousand years. It is not too much to say, in fact, that the chosen purpose of John Paul’s pontificate–the engine that drives his papal grand policy and that determines his day-to-day, year-by-year strategies–is to be the victor in that competition, now well under way.” (p. 17).
“Their aim is to foster increased cooperation on an international basis–and to do that by maintaining the peace, at the same time they accomplish what war has rarely achieved: the breakdown of all the old natural and artificial barriers between nations” (p. 18).
“There is one great similarity shared by all three of these globalist competitors. Each one has in mind a particular grand design for one world governance … Their geopolitical com-petition is about which of the three will form, dominate and run the world system that will replace the decaying nation system” (p. 18-19).
After his description of Papal and Soviet movements with regard to the struggle for world domination, Martin penned these words about the “Capitalist West”:
“The final contender in the competition for the new world order is not a single individual leader of a single institution or territory. It is a group of men who are united as one in power, mind and will for the purposes of achieving a single common goal: to be victorious in the competition for the new global hegemony” (p. 17).
Hegemony is an interesting word, so read this paragraph again and let Revelation 17:12-13 wash over your mind. Did Dr. Martin see the similarities in the language? Is this a coincidence? I think not. Martin continues:
“In the new world order of the Wise Men of the West–the most powerful of the Genuine Globalists–the rights and freedoms of the individual would be based on positive law: that is, on laws passed by a majority of those who will be entitled to vote on the various levels of the new rule, however, will be far removed from the ordinary individual [consider the structure of the European Union] … Similarities of public rhetoric, therefore, do more to mask than clarify the profound differences between the contenders, and the profoundly dif-ferent consequences for us all of the grand design each one proposes for the arrangement of our human affairs” (p. 19).
Does this not describe what is going on in our world today? As you can see from the quote above, Presidents Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama were not making unilateral decisions while in office. They have been following the directions of “the Wise Men of the West–the most powerful of the Genuine Globalists.” Clearly, what has been happening was orchestrated and implemented without the knowledge and understanding of the majority of the earth’s population. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is right there in front of us if we are willing to open our eyes and read!
Samstag, der 8. Dezember 2018 at 20:47https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chW0w9ZTbfc