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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
WH Vows to Bring Pride Flag Back to US Embassies, Popular Conservative Calls It ‚Perverse‘
Dienstag, der 9. April 2024
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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William Stroud
Samstag, der 13. April 2024 at 01:04All Americans deserve the same rights, no matter your beliefs or life choices. All people deserve to be treated with due respect. All people deserve the same consideration for a job for example. Black, lbgt, communist or what ever. Personally, I would never hire anyone with lets say, gang affiliations evidenced by tattoos. I would not hire anyone who appears mentally unstable and someone with odd colored hair, multiple tattoos, piercings, someone who dresses provocatively. I would discourage that type of display and behavior in our society by not giving anyone a job, were I in the position to offer or deny it, to those I mentioned above. I believe they are entitled to choose that lifestyle and I will defend their right to choose but I will not support their choice. I also believe normal citizens have the right to not do business with those who choose to display their disturbed thoughts to the rest of us through the way they dress, look, act or talk. For the US government to support anyone who chooses to live an aberrant lifestyle like that is indicative of the pure unadulterated insanity pervading society, especially since the immediate post-covid era. To me it means only one thing, that Jesus is coming soon, very soon. Things are getting worse by the minute and He surely cannot tolerate this much longer. Therefore those of us entrusted with the truth from God’s Word, the 3 angels messages, must be about our Fathers business and share this message with anyone who will listen.