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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Thomas Reese, S.J. Appointed as Chair of Religious Liberty Commission
Freitag, der 8. Juli 2016
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Evelyn Manalo
Freitag, der 8. Juli 2016 at 12:40Thanks for the info. at least we are being reminded and to get ready!
Montag, der 11. Juli 2016 at 03:35Thank you. Be ready Jesus is coming soon. Work while its day
Montag, der 11. Juli 2016 at 03:38Jesus is coming soon. This is one of the sign to shows us that things are shaping before They burst out.
Lee Toa
Montag, der 11. Juli 2016 at 06:21This world is coming close to the end. Thanks for the update.
Nellie Ochieng
Montag, der 11. Juli 2016 at 11:38Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready! The second counterfeit twin, Sunday observance as day of worship, about to be born, at the pronunciation of National Sunday law! Remember The first twin already here, Same sex marriage! Like the normal twins, these two won’t be far apart! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!
Odette Boily
Donnerstag, der 14. Juli 2016 at 04:09The true definition of religious liberty is Separation of Church and State.
The Second Papal Supremacy is taking place under our very eyes and when Sda wake up to sound the alarm it will be too late.
The RCC has made known throughout history how she controls conscience and nations. Her main purpose is to regain ascendancy over the civil power in order to rule over the whole world. She detests the first Amendment of the US Constitution and has no desire to uphold religious freedom. Read the Great Controversy chapter on Liberty of Conscience Threatened and her past history.lest we forget!
The Prophecy of Revelation 13 will soon come to pass with the Lamb which speaks like a dragon (USA) is giving her that opportunity.
The US Supreme Court has RCC and Jewish judges only and no longer any Protestants.
We are not ready for what is coming upon the world as an overwhelming surprise.
Odette Boily
Donnerstag, der 14. Juli 2016 at 04:16Before the second Coming let us remember the time of National and International Sunday Law which is the TEST for the Living before Christ leaves the Most Holy Place and man must live without a Mediator during the Time of Jacob’s trouble.
Many wish for the Second Coming without preparing for the time of overwhelming surprise of the Second Papal Supremacy.
Edith Cox
Montag, der 25. Juli 2016 at 19:36I agree totally with Odette Boily on her comments, they are biblical and Spirit of Prophecy quotes! time is short, get ready!
Sharon Dollansky
Dienstag, der 2. August 2016 at 14:30I believe that what this is hitting is just „the tip of the iceberg“ of that is really going on. They are only letting us know so much to keep our attention. Let us dig deeper into the Bible & ask for God to „open our eyes“ so we can truly see. If we do we may be ready to go with Him when He returns.
John Roberts
Montag, der 8. August 2016 at 19:44When are we going to realize the Jesuits are not our enemy but an ally in our continuing struggle against Islam, the real enemy of Christianity.