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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
The vaccine gold rush and the damning ivermectin tape
Montag, der 6. Dezember 2021
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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„The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.“ more…
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Claudia Thompson
Montag, der 6. Dezember 2021 at 08:33You wouldn’t even believe some of th things that have been happening in my life. I am now living in the UK and I have never before become so painfully aware of the presence of the Jesuits that are all around us as I am now, I believe that God has personally shown me these things because a long time ago I had dreams where He commanded me to tell the World about His Commandments and to come out of Babylon and He even showed me the name of the Book that I was to wrte for Him.and He showed me that same day the exact phrase in Great Controversy. So I am putting up my Videos now on youtube because God has shown me it is now time for it.
I was diagnosed with ;’Cancer‘ and I believe it is a deception. I am on Benefits and they have been putting toxins into the air through the heating system into my house.A cuple of weeks ago the entire side of m house was steaming and amoking and even through the roof. I believe they had plans on eliminating me but that God stopped it.
I also believe that the only reason they falsely diagnosed me with cancer was because they wanted to give me an operation, a hysterctomy. They finally put in a new heating system but when they did the very next day when I turned on the radiator in my bedroom it had the strangest smell ever. A couple of days later I received a phone call of somone suppsedly conducting a survey, asking me questions. I looked up the phone number online and it turns out it was from the Sanger Institute. Margaret Sanger, the one wh0 wanted women to get abortions. It said Online when I looked up the number that they were conducting invistigations into Covid19. 7 Months after thism#, I have endd up like the other women wh had the vaccine and started bleeding even when over the age, and in menopause. And all the rest of th #e symptoms as if I had the vaccine, which I have not had. Then I discovered the hav#e aerisolized the vaccine for the military solders, thus I believe that is what they have been putting into my house. That’s my real problem, not cancer.
I believe the only reasn they wanted me to have an operation, which I have decided against, was because then I am forced to have a Covid19 test, and I discovered in the UK the tests from -I cant think of the name of it now, were all contaminated with Covid19.
This whole thing has been a nightmare for me and I seem to have no way out of it, I am on Government Benefits because of health problems. I believe that they wqant to eliminate me for more than one reason and that this is common practice.I have no friends and family and am completely n my own here. The Church wants nothing to do with me because I exposed something years ago that was going on. So they now want t pretend as though I don’t exist and also if you cannot go to Church they seem to want nothing to do with you..
Montoya, Richard
Montag, der 6. Dezember 2021 at 13:32Fauci is a ghoul, murderer, thief, coward, traitor, pedophile.
Montag, der 6. Dezember 2021 at 15:17Terribly sad news. Evil has gripped the hearts of men in prominent positions. Those who are doing good have been censored and those who practice infidelity and dishonesty are being praised in their wickedness. It seems to be directly from a horror movie script.