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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
President Obama Calls for World Religion
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Patricia Harvey
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016 at 05:43Nothing new about this. The Bushes called for this and made it their platform for reform. The President who stands at the head of a government which enforces this is the one. These are just warnings.
Curt Green
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016 at 08:08Very good article, but unfortunately like Jesus Christ himself it will be despised and rejected of men! Truth marches forward, to God alone be the glory. Godspeed
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016 at 19:54One religion is important, the devil is using religion nowadays to cause grief to people and we must outsmart him order should be restored in worship.
Freitag, der 7. Oktober 2016 at 21:57Dig a little deeper to know what’s underlying all these bro
Freitag, der 7. Oktober 2016 at 23:09Our Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are reports on little news items cast in their prophetic context. They are not deep analysis.
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016 at 22:45Of course, I have known this all along. This is old news for some of us. It is a matter of time. That is all we have now. We have to patiently wait for Jesus to come. All prophecy will be fulfilled. We need to recognize it and trust in God. I have zero trust and faith in man. Only God will win in this final countdown. Man can wish and plan for peace all he wants, but it will do him no good. Things will get worse as man becomes more evil with the thought of saving himself. Only God can save. Trust in the Bible as it is God’s word and it will help guide us through these tough times. Satan will be working overtime to destroy all the people he can. Don’t let him. Pray for help and guidance through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Karen Silas
Donnerstag, der 6. Oktober 2016 at 23:07Its the same agenda that the Bushes were pushing because they all belong to the same Elite group and they are all trying to achieve the New World Order.HOWEVER, this is the first time in our history in America where it has come out so blatant though Obama. Last year was the first time the New World Order had been successfully established through the Paris Climate Change agreement. So although it is the same rhetoric like the Bush family, under our current President and current Pope this New World Order is in session. It is not a matter of if or when, the NWO is here and its in place.
Mereoni Maimanuku
Freitag, der 7. Oktober 2016 at 00:39Prophecy represents Protestantism as having lamblike horns,but speaking like a dragon.There is a satanic force propelling the Sunday movement,but it is concealed.Even the men who are engaged in the work,are themselves blinded to the results which will follow their movement.
Let not the commandment -keeping people of God be silent at this time,as though we gracefully accepted the situation.There is the prospect before us of waging a continuous war,at the risk of imprisonment,or losing property and even life itself,to defend the law of God,which is being made void by the laws of men.
[RH Jan.1,1889]
Freitag, der 7. Oktober 2016 at 15:29It’s the anti Christ spirit. Started with Bush senior.
Samstag, der 8. Oktober 2016 at 09:52Just remember even if we die we know where we are going and I can tell most of u are scared of death… Lots say I have thins to do here no ur scared cud no e of wheat he says will matter what’s Christ comes think about that…
Nick the Humanist
Dienstag, der 11. Oktober 2016 at 08:09My goodness what a sorry commentary on a totally different meaning. Drawing bible quotes is so pathetic to anyone with a rounded education and no longer child brainwashed. I feel pity and despair for blind folk who see life in folk tales and religious babble. Jesus would be mortified…
Aubrey L Duncan
Freitag, der 14. Oktober 2016 at 09:42And all the world wondered after the beast americainbibleprophecy.org