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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Pope says Fundamentalism is a “Disease”
Dienstag, der 22. Dezember 2015
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Rosita Kirshman
Dienstag, der 22. Dezember 2015 at 10:43Clearly, Satan is using ISIS and Muslim extremism to get rid of all true protestants, Bible believers. It took us years to understand why gradually Islam was moving toward extremism. Now we understand, those poor souls are being used and sacrificed to rid the earth of God’s people. And Satan is working through the papacy, gaining control of the US government! Time is short!
Thomas A. E Ecker
Samstag, der 7. Juli 2018 at 20:06Amen, sir! But beware of Satan using the Backfire Effect!!!
Stanley N Oruta
Dienstag, der 22. Dezember 2015 at 15:04indeed this is the people need to wake up from their sleep and pray hard, because the antichrist is still at work. what happened in kenya when pope came here it’s really what shows that the prophecy of Revelation 13:,is being fulfilled very fast that way. Let’s pray for one another. We have no time to waste the is coming soon and sooner.
Dienstag, der 22. Dezember 2015 at 22:15He’s building another tower of Babel.The one that was destroyed by God Himself.
Dienstag, der 22. Dezember 2015 at 22:17Listen to what this guy says about Fundamentalism.
Patricia Casto
Mittwoch, der 23. Dezember 2015 at 02:44Soon the Bible will be a hate book and removed. Jesus come soon.
Steven Owen
Mittwoch, der 23. Dezember 2015 at 10:37I don’t know if I buy this…
Tina Smith
Mittwoch, der 20. Juli 2016 at 08:07Read the book of John; it proves the Lord Jesus as creator. Then read Romans; it show Paul as Lord Jesus personally selected apostle. Follow Paul as he followed the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Mittwoch, der 23. Dezember 2015 at 23:27For sure things are happening stealthily at a quick pace. Christ will be here soon. Fundamentalism is the backbone of our faith, and Satan knows that by standing on the word of God alone, we will be saved, so he want to erase the memories of God’s book from His people thru the beast. Truth is „they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony“. Come Lord Jesus. Amen
Donnerstag, der 24. Dezember 2015 at 09:08It is interesting that the papal definition of fundamentalism is different than the historical one. The pope applies it to violence and then says that all fundamentalism must be avoided because it leads to violence. But the historical definition is more bland and does not include violence. Of course, the papal definition will prevail.
Jason W
Donnerstag, der 24. Dezember 2015 at 00:52I have to admit that it is very amusing that the Pope states that idolatry is not good and that fundamentalism lacks God and is a tragedy. I would like to point out that without idolatry the Papacy would fade away because their beliefs are based extensively on just that, idolatry. They also change the Words of GOD to suit their needs quite blatantly. I will believe the Word of GOD as it written in the Bible. The Pope wants us to come together as one, God tells us to „be separate“. NO! I will not become ecumenical in any way. Ecumenism is a plague and should be avoided without exception. It is evil!
Brother Torben
Sonntag, der 31. Juli 2016 at 03:56If you reread the Sunday document Dies Domini from 1998 the whole plan fits. On one hand the Vatican play political in the talk on fundamentalism, on the other hand the spiritual game is getting the churches to unite in Sunday keeping and that is done by pressing on worship of the Holy Spirit, all churches are now involved here, and by that going straight into spiritualism
Are we sleeping , evenadventist GC prays now and lifts up the Holy Spirit, get ready
brother Torben
Silvina C. Benegas
Sonntag, der 30. April 2017 at 11:49Una vez pregunte al lider de la iglesia donde concurria que se expusiera con mayor detalle sobre el biblisismo o fundamentalismo biblico
me respondio con retos y ninguna argumenta
cion desde entonces comprendo que debemos
comenzar a pedir una nueva luz sobre nuestra
postura rigida en la interpretacion de las sagradas escrituras asi como los mismos israelitas cuna o raiz de la cultura cristiana acuden a la iluminacion de la mism a palabra por otros escritos no sagrados pero de bendicion digo Amen Santo Padre