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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Pope Francis Asks Forgiveness of Waldensians for Persecution
Montag, der 29. Juni 2015
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Montag, der 29. Juni 2015 at 14:57„The Roman Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The papacy that Protestants are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty and slew the saints of the Most High.” Great Controversy, page 571
Montag, der 29. Juni 2015 at 15:50If possible all those martyrs are rolling over in their graves. They paid for principle and dedication to God with their lives and this decision on the part of their descendants trivializes their sacrifice. May God bring them to their senses!
Donnerstag, der 16. Juli 2015 at 13:23The Roman Church,has not changed any of her false teachings,one bet.Satan always transforms himself into a angel of light.don’t be taken in by him.I am a christain,i hold to no doctrine of the roman church,not ever her doctrine of the \trinity.Beware of this apostate church.
valda Walsh
Montag, der 29. Juni 2015 at 16:21In the books of Daniel 7, Revelations 13, 17 18 is plainly the fact that this antichrist power will fight against God to the end of time , so she will never change. These apologies are just to woo people on their side. Remember that this pope is a Jesuit , with the plan and aim to set up the pope as ruler of the world, and they pledge to let nothing stand in their way of accomplishing this.may God help not to allow this charmer of a man to woo us over.
margaret Robinson
Dienstag, der 30. Juni 2015 at 05:22O how dreadful is this latest compromise with the antichrist…and the whole world wandered after the beastHow close is the time of trouble..
Ester Compton
Dienstag, der 30. Juni 2015 at 22:32we should not be deceived just read Matthew 24 that even the very elect will still be deceived,God forbids.to all remnant brethren let us focus the author and finisher of our faith,no other only face to Jesus alone…
Freitag, der 3. Juli 2015 at 05:17>>>“And all the world wondered…” Revelation 13:3
Indeed brother.
Carbon is the element of ALL Organic life on Earth (Material Creation). It is #6 on the Periodic Table of Elements, and consists of only 3 components as do all the elements.
99% of Carbon Atoms have:
– 6 Protons
– 6 Neutrons
– 6 Electrons
…Carbon is 666, and ALL economic transactions are linked to a carbon transaction.
Is not Pope Francis now promoting that Carbon Credits and Derivatives be sold to offset the ‚destruction of the Earth‘ through C02 (a false prophecy? a false prophet? not moral sin but the sin of having been born with a carbon footprint?).
No Buying and Selling without an ID# that tracks an individuals Carbon Footprint will be enforced by the UN when the economy collapses late this year and next, and the Cashless society is implemented worldwide (happening now).
Pope Francis‘ namesake is Francis of Assisi, the grandson of the Doge of Venice, and in Catholic Hagiography, Francis is specifically known as the ‚Saint‘ of Environmentalism!!!
For more info on this, the 1986 Assisi Abomination of Desolation where a Buddha was placed on a Tabernacle and Altar in a consecrated Church, ALL major heads of Christian denominations were forced to watch without any protesting, and some background on a Rockefeller plan to rearrange global religion around Buddhism, please visit the following link:
Also, World Heritage Site#666, just happens to be Lumbini, Nepal, the Birthplace of Buddha, where a 5mile x 5mile White Lotus Flower Masonic city is being built using Rockefeller and Chinese Communist money, centered on Site#666.
Buddhism: Karma and Dharma is compatible with an Environmental Gaia Cult, whereas Abrahamic Religions are not.
Is this Pope a salesman for the House of Windsor and the City of London Derivatives prison. Protestantism + Catholicism, means a healed Beast as you said, and ALL are now false prophets recreating the Image of the Roman Empire as the United Nations.
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast (United Nations), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast (Carbon 666 Environmentalist Cult) should be killed.
edward hahu
Dienstag, der 14. Juli 2015 at 07:16i don1t believe this! This is unreal! What is happening to the Protestant churches- Do they read their history? This current Pope is marching into any church he feel like..with open arms the Protestants are crying and crawling to mother church..brothers and sisters, Catholicism never changes, it is the Protestants that are begging to be taken back into the arms of Catholicism. God help us!! 1Timothy 4:1- is taking place now!!
Dienstag, der 14. Juli 2015 at 11:36Believe it or not, it happened. But it was actually the Pope that was begging; begging forgiveness of the Waldenses, not the Waldenses begging forgiveness of the pope. That may come later, but for now, the papal charisma and popularity has the protestants googly-eyed and blinded. They are marching back to Rome, but Rome has opened her arms wide to bring everyone into her fold. They don’t have to do much begging, at least for now. The noose will tighten however. Pr. Mayer