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KTF News Video – President Obama and Pope Francis Collaborate on Sustainable Development
Freitag, der 13. November 2015
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Prophetically Speaking…
„The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.“ more…
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Taliyah Aviles
Montag, der 23. November 2015 at 10:44The Book, „Great Controversy,“ by Ellen G. White says, that the united states will be foremost in clasping the hands of popery (papacy) across the continents: And that constitutional rights and beliefs as a Republic (We the people, by the people, for the people) would repudiate statutes, which our great country (USA) has held as a Christian nation. This truth was first prophesied hundreds of years ago in 1884 by Mrs. Ellen G. White, who in of herself, was a prophetess (She never once stated that she was, but remained humbled as she was seen as a messenger of God, since all she prophesied had and has come fruition. We are living her warnings, through Bible truths today! Read her books with a prayerful heart and you will understand). I might point out that the Bible defines what, why, how, and who a prophet or prophetess is. Deuteronomy 18:15-22, Jeremiah 28:5-14; False prophets – Ezekiel 13:1-23; 14: Jeremiah 28:15-17.
Let not the people of God forget that for every generation, God in His mercy blesses His people with a Prophet to warn His people of ensuing perils and catastrophes if they do not return to true worship and honor God, their Creator. He has done this for every generation, instead, we continue to kill, persecute, stifle, or not believe true messengers he sends to us. Why do we as a people of God continue to want to be disobedient and willful in choosing to follow the traditions of men? God has given His warnings.
What bugs me is, when calamity happens, people are always ready to ask God why or even blame Him for what has happened. REALLY! Read a King James Bible—If that has not been corrupted yet. Sidebar: ruppert murdock and a few other elites have purchased all the Bible publishing companies. Be mindful, that the purchases are through third party affiliations (Dig Deep In Your Research). You have to wonder why corrupt men/women such as they would be interested in Bible based companies, especially since they are satanist. (harper collins publishing also publishes satanic books-If you’ve read the rag, post newspaper, then you are familiar with what I mean. You could even ask, why the rockerfeller foundation is the one digitizing the „Dead Sea Scroll?“ These elites are the eluminati. Need I say more.
The wound is healed! Revelation 13. Where are we in the scheme of end times of the Book of the Bible?
Montag, der 23. November 2015 at 14:561884 was only 131 years ago, not “hundreds of years ago.” Also, you are ranting about a lot of conspiracy stuff (which may be true), but provide no documentation… To be credible it is important to provide credible documentation.