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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
More on Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia
Mittwoch, der 27. Dezember 2017
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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Elder Clementine H.Collins
Mittwoch, der 27. Dezember 2017 at 08:59Pastor Mayer, I Praise GOD for you and the staff of KTFM. Thank You for keeping God’s people informed of the current events, as it relates to Last Day Prophecy!! As Christians, We are compelled to pray for the Jehovah Witnesses in Russia!! It could happen to Seventh Day Adventist Christians next in any country,including the USA.
Prayers and Blessings,
Elder Clementine H.Collins, R.N., Director
Dienstag, der 29. Januar 2019 at 14:11Thankyou for your nice comment. Daniel 11:40-43, Talks about the King of the North, verses the King of the South. Russia is clearly identified as the King of the North,. verse 44, talks about his attacks on innocent people, and then hearing of Gods judgement on him and 45 concludes with him ending his days facing the Almighty God and his son. When you attack Gods people , you will pay. Revenge is mine says Jehovah.
Mittwoch, der 27. Dezember 2017 at 10:01Spot on!
George Fulton
Donnerstag, der 28. Dezember 2017 at 08:23As Jesus said: “ You know not who you worship…“, being as it may, Freedom is what Jesus spoke about when He spoke to the woman at the well, when Jesus said: “ we know Who we worship…“. Point made!!! Freedom to all who worship the True & Living God, and no other!!!
Freitag, der 29. Dezember 2017 at 13:00Thank you for providing this information. No one else seems to care about them. They do not bear arms, and so should be considered one of the safest organizations to have in a country. If the Orthodox church cannot battle what they consider false doctrines with words, they should not use force of the state. That is a great mark of a false religion, meaning the Russian Orthodox Church
Sonntag, der 31. Dezember 2017 at 16:50Nor any other church or group of churches for that matter.
Queen Foster
Sonntag, der 7. Januar 2018 at 04:26Keep up the good work. we need to know this.