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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
Gender-fluid, the New Norm
Donnerstag, der 3. März 2016
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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„The most odious of all oppressions are those which mask as justice.“ more…
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kenny wood
Donnerstag, der 3. März 2016 at 20:36what a sad and misguided society we live in jesus please come soon
Kaeni Agiomea
Sonntag, der 6. März 2016 at 23:19Man has decided to spit right into God’s face and tell Him He made a mistake with his gender in the first place so what man is in effect doing by trying to change his gender is an attempt at trying to do better than God. Without realizing it, man is trying to take the place of God as the Creator. We have fallen for the devil’s deception just like Adam and Eve had done. Truly another sign of „as it was in the days of Noah and those of Lot.“
Hold Fast Till Jesus comes.
Donnerstag, der 17. März 2016 at 17:21As the devil can’t create life he robs man of it in whichever way he can. It doesn’t matter how as the outcome is the same; misery and self destruction. But God would have us choose life that we may have it more abundantly. Those who rebel against God pretend they are so happy and liberated but if you could peer beyond the garb of deceit you would see that every sinner who does not submit to God is most wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Just look around you with spiritually open eyes and it is clear to see. Misery loves company and the devil and his agents can’t bear to see anyone experience the joy that only God can give so they throw a blanket of darkness over unsuspecting goyim. More than ever before we need Jesus in our lives to protect us and especially our children. God bless.
Donnerstag, der 27. September 2018 at 18:23Don’t see how transgenders or non-binaries are causing depravation in society… on the contrary, it is people who ignore science such as insane christians. There is nothing wrong with being christian, but once one starts to lose sight of science’s evidence about how brains operate differently based upon chemical structure is when one loses their sanity.
Donnerstag, der 27. September 2018 at 18:24Look, comments even have to be approved because it’s impossible to speak freely here. How tragic that people can’t express themselves without being censored somehow.
Sonntag, der 14. Oktober 2018 at 11:50Any respectful comment is approved, even if it doesn’t agree with our perspective or point of view. We review before posting because sometimes people use foul, abusive and disrespectful language which we do not permit on our site.