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Pastor Hal Mayer
Speaker / Director
After Paris, even the Pope Preaches about the End Times
Freitag, der 20. November 2015
Prophetic Intelligence Briefings are provided to show a link between current events and Bible prophecy only. The reposted articles, which are not intended as a commentary in support of or in opposition to the views of the authors, do not necessarily reflect the views of Pastor Mayer or of Keep the Faith other than to point out the prophetic link.
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margaret Robinson
Freitag, der 20. November 2015 at 06:14Of course the man of sin would know how to make the world wander after the beast
Sean Taylor
Freitag, der 20. November 2015 at 20:56If I was him, I would be more worried than anybody, about meeting God face to face!!
Taliyah Aviles
Montag, der 23. November 2015 at 03:26„Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly…“
Matthew 23:27-39; Luke 11:42-54 „Woe to you Pharisees…“ Reference: Desire of Ages, pg. 461-469.
Montag, der 23. November 2015 at 11:28And to think the Papacy and the Jesuits have infiltrated the governments by their Jesuit universities, and ALL the churches and still the People think it is somewhere in the future. Yet the very doctrines they teach are espoused such as Spiritual Formation, The Eucharist etc…. all these doctrines from the Papacy have come in and these wolves in sheeps clothing will not let the sheep talk about it. They use censorship.These Jesuits through the churches are telling people to accept abominations and the abomination that maketh desolate. We must study to show ourselves approved.
Nancy Bellman
Sonntag, der 29. November 2015 at 14:26Too bad he failed to mention that the Great Dark Day already happened May 19, 1780; the Moon apppeared to have turned to blood that same night; and the Great Star Shower already happened November 12-13, 1833. Lisbon quake occurred in 1755.
Thomas C. Brazie
Mittwoch, der 2. Dezember 2015 at 17:00Most important is to keep our faith in Jesus strong now in the days we are living in for if we wait until when things really get worse and probation closes it will be too late.
Carolyn Martinez
Mittwoch, der 23. März 2016 at 09:51God Be All Of Us True Faithful Christians World Wide. I like Keep The Faith News Reports Ministy
Carolyn Martinez
Mittwoch, der 23. März 2016 at 09:53All The World Shall Wider After The Beast.