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Media Elite Rage against Moral Indifference they helped Create

“Who cares about Stormy Daniels? The media care. Indeed, they are obsessed with the story. They are also angry: they are angry that the public doesn’t care. Nor does the public care about the tapes that President Trump’s former lawyer has about Trump’s alleged sexual encounter with a former Playboy model.

Why is the public so nonchalant?

“The elite media… are much more liberal than most Americans” and they have little in common with the average American. This is particularly true of their perspective on sexual matters. So why were they so fixated on Stormy Daniels? They hate Mr. Trump, and they try to discredit him at every turn, hoping the public will buy into their perspective.

“It is not as though the American people don’t like a sexy story. After all, 22 million tuned in to see the “60 Minutes” interview with Stormy in early April. The problem for the media is that this issue never [got political traction]. Indeed, the show was more like a one-night stand.” In a recent poll 73 percent of Americans didn’t think it was an important issue. They weren’t interested.

“The media keep trying, but the results are the same. Its “a shot in the arm for voyeur-like entertainment, but the story still has no [political] legs.”

“Why the public yawn? Ironically, the very ones who are going ballistic over this story—the media elite—helped to create the culture that accounts for the public’s indifference.

“Beginning in the 1960s, many institutions embraced the tenets of moral relativism. The elementary and secondary schools adopted situation ethics. The colleges and universities promoted the moral equivalence ethos of multiculturalism—all cultures are equal. The mainline Protestant denominations abandoned traditional teachings on sexuality, and the Catholic Church let its guard down as well.

“Movies that once received an “R” rating for salacious fare now merit a PG or PG-13 score. Groping while dancing was never seen on Dick Clark’s “American Bandstand,” now it is boldly featured on MTV and BET.” And shows that once ridiculed homosexuality have been replaced with shows that promote it. “No one ever used foul language on TV—now it is commonplace.

Now, morality has been turned on its head. “A man who thinks he is a woman is seen as a hero, while those who think he’s nuts are branded bigots.

“If there was one cultural vehicle that softened up the public to accept what had only yesterday been seen as taboo, it was the Phil Donahue show. For more than a quarter century nationwide, beginning in 1970, he introduced America to one sexual deviant after another, always maintaining that his guests were very much like the rest of us. Those who objected were told how close-minded, moralistic, and judgmental they were. Over time, with the help of many other cultural elites, it seeped in.

“The result? The only moral judgment the dominant culture allows is when an act is nonconsensual. This amoral conception of liberty… is now part of our collective conscience, firmly rooted in the public’s mind. It explains our moral passivity.

“After working so hard to craft this culture of moral indifference, the media elite are now angry at the public for not sharing their angst over Stormy and Trump. They need to check their notes. Was Stormy a victim? No. End of story. Be careful what you wish for.

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:10.

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Matthew 24:12, 13.

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