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Vermont Democrats make Dubious History by Electing Transgender Candidate

Vermont Democrats certainly made history by nominating Christine Hallquist as the first transgender person to be a major party candidate for governor.

The general election matchup pits Hallquist, a former utility executive who has never held statewide elected office [against sitting governor Phil] Scott, a former construction company owner seeking a second term.

“I’m going to tell you why we’re going to win in November,” said Hallquist, “because nothing is impossible when you’re on the side of justice.”

Hallquist’s campaign platform is built on her 13 years as the CEO of Vermont Electric Cooperative, where she says she proved it’s possible to address climate change without raising costs. She has pitched a plan to connect every Vermont home and business with high-speed Internet access by relying on electric utilities to string fiber optic cable…

Her historic campaign has attracted nationwide attention and support, but Hallquist still faces a challenging path as she seeks to defeat a sitting Vermont governor for the first time in more than half a century.

Scott, a Republican, was first elected in 2016, pulling together a coalition of independent, Republican and Democratic voters in a year when Vermont overwhelmingly supported the Democratic presidential candidate.

“Likewise, also as it was in the days of Lot.” Luke 17:28.

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