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Vatican Advisor says U.S. Declaration of Independence is Outmoded

Pope Francis will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights in the Declaration of Independence, says Jeffrey Sachs, a top advisor to the Vatican. Sachs is also a special advisor to the United Nations and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.

His remarks were published in the Jesuit Publication, America. He ridiculed the United States as “a society in thrall” to the outmoded idea of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He says Pope Francis will urge that “the path to happiness lies not solely or mainly through the defense of rights but through the exercise of virtues, most notably justice and charity.” Sachs and the Vatican are collaborating in a global campaign to increase the power of global organizations and movements.

Sachs knows that the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution stands in the way of what globalists want to achieve, a global society in which everyone lives according to international standards and development. He believes that “individual rights must be sacrificed for the greater good,” a typical Roman Catholic mantra. In reality, the U.S. Constitution, which embodies those rights in the first 10 amendments, stands in the way of the global new world order. No wonder it is under assault by men and women like Sachs.

Climate change is being used to justify sweeping removal of the principles that have made western nations free and prosperous. The Vatican is trying to find a way to promote its own agenda to establish itself as the moral voice to guide the nations and climate change is an ideal opportunity to assert itself. Pope Francis is certainly doing that with his soon-to-be-released encyclical on the climate and the poor. The Vatican itself is a globalist organization. Collaborating on climate change is a way to get secularists and atheists and well as religious people of all types to join with the Vatican in a global issue and promote its goals.

Sachs was a featured speaker at a Vatican summit April 28, 2015 on climate change. He said he was “thrilled” to be at the Vatican “discussing moral dimensions of climate change and sustainable development.” He plans to launch “Sustainable Development Goals,” as envisioned by an organization he runs called Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The Voice of the Family, a group representing pro-life and pro-family Catholic organizations from around the world says the network’s “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” contains “provisions that are radically antagonistic to the right to life from conception to natural death, to the rights and dignity of the family and to the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children.”

Sachs says that in September, the pope will call on the world at the United Nations to join the “crusade” for a New World Order. In July the UN will sponsor a “Financing for Development” conference to develop various tax proposals and in December a conference in Paris to complete a new climate change agreement. Note how rapidly this issue is moving under Vatican guidance and promotion.

“On Sept. 25,” Sachs wrote, “Pope Francis will speak to the world leaders—most likely the largest number of assembled heads of state and government in history—as these leaders deliberate to adopt new Sustainable Development Goals… that aims to harmonize the pursuit of economic prosperity with the commitments to social inclusion and environmental sustainability.”

That’s global-speak for world government that centralizes planning, removes individual rights and requires submission to globalist objectives. Notice that the Vatican has placed itself right at the center of it.

Sachs says that the Gospel teachings of humility, love, and justice, “like the teachings of Aristotle, Buddha and Confucius,” can take us on a “path to happiness through compassion” and “become our guideposts back to safety.”

In order to bring people from multiple religions together, Pope Francis and the Vatican will provide a religious face to help bring about world government in the name of climate change.

“And all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

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