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United Methodist Church Trials Support Alternative Lifestyles

The United Methodist Church’s highest court has been conducting trials that involve church policy toward gays and lesbians. While they do not change church policy, the trials encourage support of gays and lesbians as same-sex couples.

In one case, the Judicial Council affirmed a resolution that celebrates those that “provide for the pastoral needs of same-sex couples within the United Methodist Church.” In another case, the court affirmed a California-Pacific Annual Conference resolution that essentially calls on the church to operate as if church law regarding homosexuality does not exist. The court also required a ruling within 60 days “on the merits” of a question about the eligibility of a lesbian clergy candidate.

In addition, the court also voided a resolution calling for a 24-hour suspension for bishops that ordain gays, which the church does not permit. Several other trials are likely soon against those who have violated church policy by solemnizing same-sex marriages.

While the judicial court deals with procedural matters, its recent actions move the church gradually toward recognition of same-sex marriages, ordination of openly gay/lesbian ministers, etc.

As society in Western nations rapidly adopts new laws and practices concerning same-sex marriage, churches based in these countries will follow, even though the Bible clearly condemns these practices.

“Likewise also, as it was in the days of Lot…” Luke 17:28

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