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UN Secretary General to Meet with Pope

For the second time in less than a year, Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations met with Pope Francis on Thursday, April 30. This is the first time they have discussed climate change as the main topic, though they discussed other issues as well.

“It is required that we take some global action, particularly on climate change,” said Ban.

Ban also spoke to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He said “climate change is the defining issue of our time,” and that it can affect poverty, migration and food development. He emphasized the need to promote sustainable development and to mitigate climate change.

Describing protection of the climate as a moral imperative, Ban called on the world faith groups to align with science and take a stand for the environment. “Science and religion are not at odds on climate change. Indeed, they are fully aligned,” he said to the Pontifical Academy. “We have a profound responsibility to the fragile web of life on this Earth, and to this generation and those that will follow. That is why it is so important that the world’s faith groups are clear on this issue – and in harmony with science.”

Emphasizing the need for a united global response, he said, “If ever there were an issue that requires unity of purpose, it is climate change… We need a global climate agreement that is universal, fair and ambitious… Our response has to be global, holistic and rooted in universal values.”

The UN is planning an international conference on climate change at the end of the year in Paris. The pope will release an encyclical on the environment in June or July.

The pope plans to meet Ban again in September when he visits the United States.

It is prophetically significant that the two key globalist entities, the UN and the Papacy, the one made of nation states, and the other made of religions and churches, are clearly collaborating together to coordinate their efforts on climate change. The Papacy, both a church and a state is the bridge to unite them together in action.

Ban knows that one powerful source of support is religious groups who believe in protecting creation. Uniting them together under the leadership of the Holy See to promote defense of creation through protection of the environment will bring them closer to Rome and to a one-world government. Climate change is a magnificent global issue designed to capture the imagination of faith groups and secular people alike. When the Papacy and the UN work together the world wonders after…

“And all the world wondered after the beast,” Revelation 13:3

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