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Study of theology no longer necessary

Have you ever wondered why many Evangelical pastors preach insipid, superficial sermons? Bible doctrines (often called theology) have been replaced with pop psychology and “feel good” messages.

Today, many pastors are trained in seminary for administration and in using practical and strategic organizational skills to manage the church rather than in how to preach the Bible. When they get into ministry they get so involved in administration that they have little time to study the word of God.

It goes back to the 1800s when “theology” (the study of God) no longer functioned as the “queen of the sciences.” Since the Reformation, the study of the Bible was for every field of study. But in the late 1800s theology was separated from other sciences and primarily reserved for those going into full time ministry. That created a cataclysmic and tragic change. Most Universities, like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, etc., removed theology as their centerpiece. They no longer viewed the study of nature (scientific study) as a complement and extension of theology, the “67th book of the Bible.” The Bible was no longer considered the unifier of all branches of study.

Today, each branch of study is considered separately and largely disconnected from the others. The result of this is that Christian people have been taught to think that theology (or doctrinal Bible study) is not very important or practical for the average Christian in the real world. It has also “led pastors to preach messages that show they spend more time studying behaviorism and sociology than the scriptures.” Scripture has become an appendage to self-help and positive thinking messages. “The days of a pastor preaching relevant doctrinal messages have now gone the way of the dinosaur!”

As for the church, the pastor and his authority are the focus, and the elders are often figureheads and functionaries that do the tasks he/she assigns them rather than fulfill the biblical role of leadership. Members become disengaged from their responsibilities and calling in evangelism, Bible work and other forms of soul-winning.

Though church pastors these days do not normally consider themselves theologians they do carry doctoral degrees and other seminary diplomas. As a result, many sermons are “a mile long and an inch deep.” Pastors are even hesitant to preach the tougher and more pointed messages of Paul or the other apostles for fear of being perceived as sexist or homophobic or something else politically incorrect. As a result, evangelical churches are becoming progressively doctrinally liberal, similar to mainline Protestant denominations. Pastors mostly preach strongly emotional sermons that are increasingly touchy-feely, but that are short on the “meat of the word.”

Some evangelicals have been “tainted by a Greek concept of rationalism” that elevates culture above scripture. Culture influences their thinking and preaching more than the Bible. This gradually changes the church so that it reduces its commitment to abide by scripture leading to cultural accommodation of unbiblical lifestyles and practices.

“The Bible is the only rule of faith and doctrine. And there is nothing more calculated to energize the mind, and strengthen the intellect, than the study of the word of God. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God’s word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose, that is rarely seen in these times. Thousands of men who minister in the pulpit are lacking in essential qualities of mind and character, because they do not apply themselves to the study of the Scriptures. They are content with a superficial knowledge of the truths that are full of rich depths of meaning; and they prefer to go on, losing much in every way, rather than to search diligently for the hidden treasure.” Fundamentals of Education, page 126

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6

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