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Society Beginning to Unravel as Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Toilet Paper

End Time Headlines, by Ricky Scaparo: As coronavirus fears and hysteria continue to spread around the globe, some panicked shoppers are now brawling in stores over supplies and essentials. In one such case in Farnborough, England, shoppers are seen on video swarming full pallets of rolls, with some buying it in such large quantities that it spilled out of their carts resulting in crowd control agents being dispatched to maintain order.

Meanwhile, in Australia an elderly woman attempted to strike another shopper and swipe her toilet paper, causing the disgusted younger woman to retreat in the process, while another store shows two women brawling, leading to yells and shrieks. Another shopper was seen tasered after fighting a shopper for cleanser and reaching for an officer’s firearm!

Our Comment:
The coronavirus outbreak is creating a lot of fear—something that the devil no doubt wants to happen. However, those who trust and abide under the shadow of the Almighty can be at peace even in these anxious times.

Prophetic Link:
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26.

Source References